Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Seven thunders themselves (a)

 Seven thunders themselves (a)
1. God created man, what is the meaning?
2. Why did God make three steps to workmanship? Three steps to achieve each step in the work of the fruit of that? To God What is the ultimate goal of work?
3. you want to be God sake of it? What kind of people who are God sake? by God to reach people played in the fruit of what?
4. God requires we change the foundation of life, we do not believe in God when life is the foundation of what? you willing to change the foundation of your life? Why God wants us to do to change the foundation of survival?
5. Why do you believe in God in the end? your God have a good understanding of salvation? I willing to obey God, you suffer for God?
6. In the letter, the path of God, you know how the letter is the letter after God own heart?
7. you can talk to you by trance What hardships? how it affected you, how to meet God?
8. How do you experience God lovely, how aware of their shortcomings, how is the complement 的?
9 . a person who believed in God can not see God's cute, he can willingly go to Cupid? a man he can not see God's lovely to have a real understanding of God do?
10. God is lovely What? How do you see God's lovely?
11. nature of God, how all knowledge among all his temperament What is included?
12. from his disposition of his being you really know it? his temperament results in you really effective you?
13. you are willing to live under the power of Satan? Or is willing to live in among the leadership of God? If you are willing to live in God's guidance of in, then you are willing to meet your life to love God God is God sake do?
14. What is the compelling love? how to make in order to truly love God, a true love of God that he has hurt his mind Love God? What is the essence of Eros?
15. you know you have intentionally wrong? Are you wrong to deliberately out of you when you are willing to change?
16. Now you know what is in the end believe in God yet? actually believe in God today, the real meaning of what?
17. What kind of letter is the letter of religious people, religious people believe what the performance?
18. Do you believe in the purpose of What is it? Why does God work in the country do not show signs?
19. great tribulation, and the true meaning of that? you know what the actual reality of God?
20. What kind of believe in God is the sandy soil foundation, what kind of faith in God is the foundation on the rock bar?
21. God save you the work of human knowledge? What kind of talent is truly God who was with?
22. Your heart is now turned to God, and still come back to Satan it? How did you turn to God?
23. Do you believe in God is to know God's mind, the pursuit to meet God, and the more wisdom and faith in God you?
24. you have the Word of God under the effort aiming at it? in the day a few hours of your heart before God is real, how many a day to God for how much flesh?
25. Why that corrupt people can not speak for God? Do you believe in God is to obey God you
26. that you experience when obedience to God among many? obedient to their own time and how many do?
27. you and relationship with God again? How did you normal relationship with God's?
1. God created man, what is the meaning?
A: The can be: What is the role of people? This can lead to heart God created man. God created man first, that is, the middle of things he witnessed the glory. people can reveal him, honor him, as his representative image. because people have his image and style, who can represent him, and can manage everything for God, the management world. (with the image of God in true righteousness and holiness, God's style is gentle and humble. His image is all his temperament was published, his style is what he is all the reveal.) So we can live in true righteousness and holiness, to live a gentle and humble, recognizing the full nature of God to live out his are all able to satisfy him fulfill the meaning of God made man.
2. God be three steps workmanship Why? three steps to achieve each step in the work of the fruit of that? God, what is the ultimate goal of workmanship?
A: Because were Satan corrupted, God created man is to man to manifest his glory, he represented his words would be defeated. God wants to regain his testimony, to defeat Satan, we have to save humanity. in the rescue of people in the process, according to people's needs, according to Satan corrupts the extent of corruption against Satan's tricks, published his character, giving him the all. so made under the person's ability to accept the work of three steps, three steps follow the work step by step, by step higher than the step, step by step to complete the sake of the plan to save humanity, and completed the purpose of defeating Satan.
three steps include the law era, the age of grace, the kingdom age. The first step to achieve the work of the law so that the fruit one can understand the food and clothing, survival rules, know the LORD made heaven and earth is the Lord, and worship him that way and act in the principle of man, know what sin is, how one committed a crime to heart after God, to the commandments , decrees and laws to lead man on the earth life. The second step to achieve the grace of the fruit of work is this: When people are living, and know justice and fair basis, with godly model. but people were Satan occupies the flesh live in the power of Satan, and my heart is not willing to make good out of evil heart, hand, made out of hate, one living in death, serious fall down, feel the weight of the law and are under the law died in. God saw Satan to afflict humans (also recognized the evil nature of Satan and his tricks on the soul of the poison), so to die for the sins of all mankind to play, so he made himself the body destroy the enmity between man and God, who made a sin offering and a sacrifice of atonement, salvation of people who can accept his seven-seventh Montana forgiveness, forgiveness is the lifetime, people do not mind live in torment among the living being released, that is not subject to charges of conscience; and then all sorts of signs and wonders, and the grace of the infinite blessings to the care of people, people live in happiness, freedom of the world, and leave suitable stature of contemporary people live the way out, people crucified the way to go, from the corruption of the flesh, to endure the sufferings of grievances, some simple, Chuqian the implementation of, and lead to people power, sincerity and completely out of Satan and the desire for the Saviour's coming, who lives in this hope that today. The third step of the way the kingdom of the era complete with the discourse of human aspiration, achievement of the entire business plan to save humanity. divine gives endless mercy, the abundance of grace, infinite forgiveness. part of the desire for truth is more god of love, and desire for the redemption of the body, live in the holy world, if part of the conscience of the weak people were more indulgence, greed, luxury, living in sin roll, crime, pleaded guilty today, tomorrow, because the efficacy of permanent sin offering compassion and loving nature of Jesus as fancy as the sheep committed, people are more serious degenerate. So for the people of God and Satan corrupted the essence of the toxins poisoning the human soul began the trial, the penalty work. with the trial to expose people to use punishment to discipline people, people with dignity to burn with fury to curse people. in order to destroy Satan, the corruption of the human soul of camp, know people make a deep physical nature and human nature, the substance of the rebellion against God. God does not meet with God, try them to reveal some of Ren and try them on people in public his request, he dignitaries meet Chen realm; with trials to trieth love of God and to humiliate Satan, in order to achieve the conquest of man, mars, thereby defeating the fruit of Satan, ended his rescue plan, the holy people into good forever the destination among the rest of God and man began to live, bundled with Satan.
God workmanship accomplished his ultimate goal of making people's wishes, the destruction of Satan, the construction of the country, the achievements of the tabernacle of God among men promise, and God can make the same life.
3. you want to be God sake of it? What kind of people who are God's sake? sake of the people by God to reach the fruit of what?
A : Sure. Venus is willing to suffer for God, people are willing to implement the truth of who God is fulfilled. A man by God sake, can live the ecstasy of all, intellectual, knowledgeable, whether suffered by the disaster can meet God, and extremely willing to love God, obedient to death, loyalty goes.
4. God requires us to change the foundation of life, we do not believe in God when the survival of the foundation of what? you willing to change the foundation of your life? Why God want us to change the foundation of the survival of what?
A: The foundation is the reason that people are willing to live the ideals and beliefs, the lives of general principles to guide and encourage people to run around the power was removed lifetimes. I do not believe in the existence of God is the foundation of all time carnal goals for the future and destiny for fame, for glory, for the children to contribute labor, the pursuit, run around. I am willing to change the foundation of my life, because everything is for the intention of own selfish, full of temptation of Satan , soaked Satan's toxins, toxic over Satan, ultimately, can not stand before God, can not have light, freedom and happiness, full of satanic torture, people living in the intrigues, and politics, you scramble, to kill one another world, if engaged in self-destruction. God wants man to change the main foundation of the survival of people living in the world the love of God, the living lost in selfless love, no cannibalism, human phenomenon of pressure on people, things other people can stand position and angle to consider issues in order to love their heart to love that man forever to reach.
5. Why do you believe in God in the end? you have a good understanding of God's salvation? I willing to obey God as God suffer?
A: The first time when faith in God is to see the dark world, people live in hell on earth among human relationships is a naked money relationship. people's choice purely for personal interests, not wanting in attention to family, moral , who lives full of hurt, full of deceit, full of robbery, embezzlement. I therefore mental pressure, mental illness tortured and living in under the weight, in order to seek the light, the soul rescues and the God of the outer asylum and believed on Jesus. In an interview with many of God's workmanship, the tasted of the grace of God, Raphael, sweet love of God, body tasted the power of the love of God, faith in God's point of view has been sublimated, willing to know God and believe in God, for the passage of the will of God and believe in God. through to today, I save some knowledge of God, true God is willing to submit to God to suffer.
6. In the letter, the path of God is the letter you know how to co- God mind the letter?
A: In the letter, the path of God by God's request, instructed the letter is the letter after God own heart, how to say how do we obey God, how to guide how to follow, how to be with how such Letter to the heart after God.
7. you can talk about ecstasy by what you bitter? That is how you be, how to meet God?
A: God let me be the implementation of truth bitter. This is the incarnation of God suffered, the Lord Jesus as we paved the Way of the Cross, God left us the actual implementation of accurate, with all the specified words, this is his real intention to play all human suffering . God let us be bitter and bitter due to being corrupt is a difference, people suffered because of corruption hit, discipline, repair, deal, broken charge that will refine, and that this is one of the subject's the only people affected by the implementation of the bitter truth, suffered persecution, humiliation, rejected, misunderstood, defamatory, cold, discrimination, cast aside, assault, slander and so is the meaning of the credentials of people, the true performance of the love of God. In Grace Time to see the followers of Jesus washing the meaning of unknown, the substance of communion within the meaning of unknown, died in Ziju among the rules in the fall, was confused by the letter and form, blocking the Holy Spirit work, and left to Satan the opportunity to devour the soul. So Bong sent the Holy Spirit, will clarify the law and grace to the believers, strong word of truth, the hearts of believers, in order to prevent those elders, and honor people confuse the faithful with the status and temptations, so that ignorance of the status of believers from the temptation to go and the local Three-Self church some elders, pastors were guarding the truth of the traffic, the name attracted a heresy, many places suffered the curse of human ignorance and slander. into the kingdom age, claiming to be God's great to see sinners sitting in the house of God claiming to be God, Christ, Longkou water instead of spit out the release of secretly into houses, prisoners of foolish women, and with many false signs and wonders, with rape and deceit to many so-called believers throughout every corner of the house of God, from small to lead to big lead, to go from church to preach the gospel, from the match to the clerk, one by one, such as the mouth of the locusts of Joel, a dog with a big sinner the principle of evil in charge of feces expelled righteousness, and devour the soul of man, Satan revealed the nature of one man, lost their original life. such persons by the acts, and conversation like a stream of clouds of thick smoke, the list of these factions creature Bianbu Qing true and false, can not distinguish right and wrong, to his beloved, struggling to abandon the hope of the Lord Jesus outside the time delay of God, for Satan win linger Revenge of the opportunity, voters in an attempt to revenge of God, but God's wisdom built on top of Satan's tricks, God's will for him to use this effect, the achievements of the fact that the seven thunders loud, and then extend the gospel to the whole buildings. When we find a big sinner and Christ is imperious and oppressive reality of voters, tempted heart of indignation and suffering for Christ suffered the heartache, letters blame the sinner, and exposed him to the bad things, and finally went to Beijing to Chen religious authority to find the truth of Jesus being beaten letter sent to the Government accepted the legal sanctions, it is irrefutable evidence, but also persecuted God's truth, the whole picture of God kings documentary force. Our heart to God and grievances of the suffering endured, no sadness, no complaints, there to die to satisfy God's aspirations, was so blessed by God, forcing up the witness of God, may the witness touching the hearts of people can play Cupid. understand that God is that wide and long and profound love, never betray love, eternal love, that fell down to God, glory to God, Amen!
8. How do you experience God's lovely , how aware of their shortcomings, how is complementary?
A: I was due to meet God, meet God, God in ignorance of the beatings by the turn and after the cute to know God, In God's work (ie positive guidance) and try them to realize that their own shortcomings, and then required by God to do the complementary.
9. a person who believed in God can not see God's lovely He can willingly go to Cupid? a man he can not see God's lovely to have a real understanding of God do?
Answer: no. Supplementary
10. God, what is cute? How do you to God's lovely?
A: God's words and deeds, done that thing about God. I was experiencing God's work among God's lovely to see. In real life into God mars, from his handling of the attitude, the face of difficulties and setbacks, psychological, and his tolerance for the ignorant person and see his cute.
11. nature of God, how all knowledge of his whole nature What is included?
A: The God of all nature are included in the God of all years, was revealed in his words, actions, published in the workmanship of his six years, met for his six years of workers, living out the requirements of his six years, will be able to understand all of God's nature. His whole nature is the human being contains no micro-not, everything, everything in love. blessings is to allow those who love him more for his Trust, revealed His faithfulness; curse people know him is to hate evil heart; mercy, mercy is for people to know him tolerance, forgiveness and endless grace; trial is to awaken the human spirit, the penalty is to deal with people falling into the inside of: greed enjoy comfort, luxury desire to indulge the flesh; Wei Yan Xianming his righteousness, there is no emotion; wrath not revealed who his offense; burning revealed traces his crimes, the complete destruction of Inferiority, He revealed all this to rest until it had no human determination and Yi Zhi.
12. from his temperament among you really know him? He's disposition results in you really effective you?
A: . from his temperament into his workmanship I know the actual normal, recognizing him as the extraordinary immeasurable, know his footsteps in the unpredictable, the counsel of his vast knowledge, wisdom FULL. because of his character revealed Satan made me out of power, to understand his people's mind.
13. you are willing to live under the power of Satan? Or is willing to live in among the leadership of God? If you are willing to live in God's guidance of in, then you are willing to meet your life to love God God is God sake do?
A: I would like to live among the leadership of God. are willing to meet the God of life by God to love God sake. add
14. What is the compelling love? how to be truly the love of God, a true love of God who would hurt his heart that he loves God? Eros What is the essence?
A: When the person is not clean before God, the love of God, people are forced to love. because the love of deliberately mixed with the individual, hope, condition before God, all in exchange for deeds done. In other words, where the love of God The cupboard love is forced to love.
man after God's work when, temperament changes, can carry out the truth, to live all of the trance, when people can achieve true love God, then love is the single, pure, heart, people want nothing at this time, what the soul to heaven, the flesh that peace, live a full rich, many children, happiness does not matter, and the ground one day, highlight God one day and do the duty day of the creature. at any time will not hurt the God of love in his heart, what physical concepts, future, destiny, personal interests, their loved ones rejected, forcing him and will not damage normal relations of God, will not hinder his love of God, the love of God is love real truth, the truth is the real implementation of Eros.
15. you know you have intentionally wrong? Are you wrong deliberately out of you when you are willing to change?
A: Yes. I am willing to change. people are not clean before the people believe in God Ye Hao, living among us behave both mean plot for their own interests, This is Satan nature revealed, is the devil's performance live, everything is built on the between man and God, between people are talking about conditions, map request, all of which are poisonous snakes live temptation, fell into the curse of God. After practice today, the Word of God revealed in the light to see their ugly, not to betray the intention of their own, according to the requirements of God, live, live in God s care among conservative, is recycled back into Eden, living among the blessings of God, but also the glory of God is living among.
16. Now that you know in the end what is believed in God yet? actually believe in God today, the real meaning of what?
A: I realized today through the recognition God is the ruler of heaven and earth all things, watching his six years as the rescue of people in all, the follow through of his workmanship and cooperation, understand his mind, by the end of his life is out of all of such a process is the belief in God. Today, the true God, the actual meaning of the letter is in real life being reached at his request how he said how we make, how he asked how we met.
17. What kind of people believed to be religious letter, the performance of religious people believe what?
A: only the pursuit of a blessing, for good, but not willing to suffer for the truth of the letter is the letter of religious people. They only pay attention to the written code, form, focus only on the myth appearance, the line made according to the words of truth, the reality of being against God's work, and that myth in the heart of the show, and according to their preferences, ideas, and experience to implement, actions are against God, and finally fall on the power of Satan, an angel made a long, standing high, rule over people, attack another person with the myth, do things wrong and lying, out of touch with reality, no normal human, humiliation of God, blasphemy.
18. you What is the purpose that God? Why is the kingdom of God does not show signs and do the work?
A: I believe God is at first light and love to seek, from Satan to afflict the human. Now the purpose of belief in God is to understand the truth, know God. kingdom work is the work of discourse, to use words to behave towards God, life, life in the real lives of actual supply, he does not want to suppress the signs that people, to force people, is to use words to admire people, miracles will interrupt his actual words, so he did not show signs.
19. great tribulation, and the true meaning of that? you know what the actual reality of God?
A: The great tribulation including all the cleansing of God documentary. from conquest to fulfill, to the fury from the curse of the trial, in order to fight back the idea of people, broken people's hopes, which the intention of dealing with people, teach people disobedient, for the people of the old nature Satan human nature, the concept of the minds of thinking, a series of blows, and will refine and complete man fell down in front of the myth, the myth can be obedient, faithful to God goes, obedient to death, Eros extreme, can practice is a process to meet the God of all the great tribulation that is his real meaning. the actual reality of God is all his workmanship and his all human requirements. from law to grace that country today, he made a lot of rescue work, revealed a lot as a man watching his picture, to know all of his temperament, to understand his mind, know that his human needs. understand how one can he ever wanted. law, how the times when people know how to serve him, and how to behave in life, basic necessities of life. grace of times people go cross the road, and gave himself the road is to require people patience, humility, tolerance, forgiveness. the kingdom of the times people obey all his talk, the vision set forth by him to believe him, as the path specified to meet him, whether his trial no matter how the penalty no matter how trials no matter how acceptable, and ultimately based on his Words to live so that he would be human life, the road, as people live by the truth, the foundation.
20. What kind of faith that God is the foundation of sand, what kind of faith in God is the bar in the rock foundation?
A: All that God established on the basis of the interests in the flesh, according to personal preferences believe in God, believe in God according to their own ideas to the future and destiny, fate of the transaction of faith in God is the foundation of sand and, ultimately, in front of God's work can not be Cunli. This point of view if not faith in God changes the person will be eliminated. who in pursuit of the truth, the truth of the heart have the letter of God's people that believe in God is bar in the rock foundation, such a letter praised God, so that God may be with people.
21. you save humanity in God's work of it? what kind of talent is truly God was with the人?
A: There are understanding. God save the human race made a three-step work: the work of God led the people in the law of life on earth, and tell people the Lord is the ruler of heaven and earth all things, people should worship him, serve him, He gives the set the survival principle. grace work with people he did the sin sacrifice of atonement, people from Satan's charges. kingdom conquest era, played in the work of the corruption of his people understand their own nature, to the people, all public with his holiness, with words to a human life makes a clean break with the power of Satan, was salvation.
willing to implement changes in their own corrupt nature of truth who is truly God who was with.
22. Your heart is now turned to God, and still come back to Satan it? How did you come back to God?
A: I now turn to God the heart is. The real heart and turn to God is the meaning of people to the heart of God for the heart, everything to satisfy God's heart to make. eating and drinking myth is to meet God, is to understand God's mind, he found the implementation of the road, to understand their own lack; prayer is to meet God, is to seek God's guidance help, God of light, open, so that their deeds can be commended by God and confirmed; singing, dancing is to meet God, to express their praise to God, to make my heart So do not hold, dancing is to enhance the feelings between people, people living in harmony, unity, love the atmosphere; to implement the myth is to meet God, to live the ecstasy of all, highlighting the image of God, glorify God. turn to the real Satan is not the intention of their own to meet, eat and drink the myth is to reveal himself above others, in order to give the sermon, as he taught; prayer is to reveal his godliness, eloquence, posturing; choir to show off, show off; In order to show their dancing, to meet the physical desire; the implementation of the myth for their own interests, future, all this outpouring of psychological disposition is Satan.
practice so I turned to God from the heart, and everything to go for the love of God , both parties act in traffic or human life in the hearts of all love to meet God. spiritual Ye Hao, Ye Hao brothers and sisters to support, can the truth as the basis, in order to get the truth as the prerequisite for power, behavior while are to do the duty of the creature.
23. Do you believe in God is to know God's mind, the pursuit to meet God, and the more wisdom you believe in God?
A: It is. impure believe in God before the point of view, there are many doping, the love of God is not a single, no awareness of the valuable wisdom of God, the pursuit of the soul to heaven, the flesh that peace can not be as long as the wisdom of God without fear of suffered by the disaster, after God's sake, put down the status of a blessing, truly understand that God's heart to know God, seek to meet God, to get the more wisdom and joy that God is God, praise God .
24. you are aiming at in the words of God, under the effort you have? in the day a few hours of your heart before God is real, how many a day to God for how much flesh?
A: over the next . In the day my heart is all to God, are in the presence of God, little demand for the body of the. In the words of God, efforts aiming at the real requirements of God is to eat and drink according to myth, to implement myth, in order to understand the true meaning of the myth to try to figure out, to pray, to seek, to transport, then know to do, to live out, in order to implement God's truth does not fear persecution, and to betray the body, even the loss of truth in order to implement their own interests are also willing, this is the myth of efforts aiming at the performance. heart true to God, is both the spiritual life, or to behave in all of God's interests, not for physical benefits plans. In all this practice, the human body life is normal, but not go in for the flesh. really means for the body believed God deliberately in order to meet their own to meet their own desires, the implementation of the myth to satisfy their own vanity, living among the The line to their own interests first, whether the implementation of such a ministry or daily life are for the body, do not praise God, inviting God Yanzeng.
25. Why is that corrupt people can not represent God? your letter God is to obey God do?
A: God created man in mind at first is for people to live out of him, and highlight him, as his image of a representative of management for God all things, management of the world, but people corrupted by Satan, to act man to their own interests as the center, people were selfish possession, the intention of satisfying their own desires, revealing the nature of Satan, the live tree of good and evil are poison, and he can not meet God's mind, not to God's interests, it can not withstand the power, and can not be God's representatives.
I believe in God is to obey God. because of obedience to God was a human can be God.
26. do you experience being in the When the number of obedience to God? obedient to their own time and how many do?
A: After I opened the Holy Spirit into me, let me know his mind, let me know the intention of my own, so I re- hard it is willing to do according to God's mind, I will never meet my own interests. So when I submit to your little, because I believe in God is to see God's holiness, righteousness and faith in God, and not to request to God. I believe in God's purpose is to get the truth, and live out the truth, so the truth is my wish to implement, because the truth will allow me to live a meaningful life is valuable, he could get rid of my things are not clean inside so my mind is not dirty injury, suffered damage from Satan, but allow me to distinguish between good and evil, all as seen through Satan, who submit to your desire is obedience to Satan, because Satan is to satisfy people's selfish desire to People live in hatred of the fray, the greater the person's selfish desire to ruin him inside more, and finally destroy Satan's not a little man love, are the use of each other, full of deceit, and only the word of God to make me out of Satan control, off Satan's disposition, living in the arms of the love of God, a religious people, if not see the light of truth, holiness and faith in God, not to have the truth and believe in God, such people have a difficult truth. because such people are less than true love Mitac, obedient to their own reason is that the truth did not produce a true love. You have a real love of the truth yet? you are willing to live for the truth, obedience to the Lord of all words do?
27. your relationship with God again? How did you normal relationship with God's?
A: I normal relationship with God. normal relationship with God, first of all is the thirst for God, then eat and drink the Word of God, understand God's mind, according to God's requirements completely to be willing to sub-God mind off things, the relationship between brothers and sisters matter sorted out properly, can afford the things of God, emergency God needs, and would like to think of God, to God's burden to bear, so just like normal relationship with God.

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