Wednesday, February 16, 2011

North has beauty, masterpiece and independent, who smile the city dump, dumping people laugh and then the country, regardless of the country and dump dump ...

 Chapter 1, I, Chen Gillian, daughter of Princess Han Guantao.
Childhood, I know they are beautiful, elegant glossy black hair I have, I like snow blowing shells or broken skin. Some people have used indigo to describe the woman's crescent, how can distant green and my eyebrows in the graceful, others have used to describe the woman's beautiful eyes xingmou can be comparable to the stars how can I Smart eyes water.
stunning Di looks, noble status, I Chen Gillian, a well-deserved for the days Jiaonv.
When I was fourteen years old, my beauty will pass it the capital, came to propose marriage to cross the river of kings as the carp, but bunch of mortals, how worthy of my honored their identity, fairy looks, I was out of the Phoenix, to suit me, only that someone's long ah!
Finally one day, the opportunity finally arrived, as the Queen's aunt, as I entered the palace of a polymer, in the Queen's Palace, I saw him, as the Prince of Liu Che, the wide forehead, his nose is very very pretty, flashing eyes Ruju Wisdom of the light, he stood tall, like an idol only, Hidetake extraordinary, even if not for us to introduce her aunt, and I know who he is, only he, the most distinguished men under the sun in order to disseminate out of this momentum, the only man, the god-like men like to Jiaonv worthy of my days Yeah!
Angela I kneel, I have learned to use the most ladylike manners worship He, Han future monarch, and his fiery eyes of the general stay on me, though I head down, you can still feel the heat of his eyes.
aunt laughed, more and more beautiful, and, to the Aijia this and let Ai Jia a good look! to knelt at her side, her charming look.
Tao is really lucky, had such a good daughter. slowly came to me, even if not close to me, I have felt an invisible momentum approaching, I was almost out of breath, feel his burning eyes of the injection, I have the courage to lift the eyelids , look to him, the Han dynasty most distinguished man, his eyes are firmly fixed on me, of me, as if to verify carefully the words of his queen mother.
I am familiar with their own beauty, It was the pride of my pride, so I charming smile, I know I must be beautiful at the moment, my wavefront spread stare brilliance, seems to be a thousand words, there is paused, My smile will spring to March, impressive.
I really do, because I saw the pride of man, and he did for my absence, and his eyes, I see all the men mm when the eyes look at my surprise! Although only a short moment, but I really see.
wise aunt, quickly perceptible to the stormy between us, she smiled and pulled Liu Che's hand and said: I would like to establish Crown Princess? I was secretly delighted, but nervous, him? he would say? my heart with a heart of hope, quietly waiting for his answer.
Toru first without a word, like what the thinking, then he took a big step back, knees to the Queen said: children involved affair, hope his mother sake. let the tears out of my eyes.
Queen apparently did not expect Liu Che would say, that the match his or her biological son or not, she can not avoid strong, but on the other hand, I'm afraid of the side of embarrassing her, So room into silence, quiet we can hear each other breathing.
to break this silence is that I am.
stand up, Qingyilianbu, Liu Che, I slowly walked around, and he knelt down side by side, I relaxed and staring eyes like the Queen, with the most elegant voice said: Wei May, Gillian thank Goddess of good intentions, but unfortunately Gillian Fu Bo, Gao Pan can not afford today than to have never said that when the empress, Gillian never heard of it! got up to leave, never ever look at him, no one can trample on my pride, even if he is the world's most distinguished men.
Chapter 2 way home, I am blissful silence, cry not laugh, just locked in his room, his mother was scared, desperately knocking at my door, asking me what is happening, I did not answer, because they do not know what to say, sitting quietly in the house, sitting before the mirror staring at the beautiful and proud of my face, I do not know what I'm thinking, do not know the thinking, my mind went blank.
the third day, when my family was apprehensive, I do not know the occasion of the measures, I suddenly opened the door, walked with firm steps, I walked out, my beautiful and loving mother rushed over, and she knew it from the Queen that matter, to fall asleep me, she whine said: Then the next it is said: sprinkle it gently on my bare shoulders, drops of water dripping in my white shoulders, appearing brilliant light.
day, I soaked in water for almost half a day, water was hot, hot, cold in the dense gas in the water, I like the jade statue, stared blankly in front will never know.
bath, I put on white robes, this servant to light the brazier, hands When will my clothes at the palace, wearing jewelry thrown into the fire, and flames engulfed a beautiful satin, gorgeous jewelry, jade-like fire stains my skin and lovely looking. I stood before the fire a long time in silence, in flames, I lift my noble head again, regain my pride.
August 15 that day, the emperor banquet ministers, Justice Being the Desire monarch with the music, You Yu and Tianlun family at the table. Mother and I, too, are being invited to the ranks.
mother stood behind me, worried at me and said quietly: explained to the emperor you sick hh not had it! I do not go, inverted image that I can not see straight people like ugly! long hair, I am already very beautiful, set off in the dress under the blossoming Your face in the mirror blinding that people could not open eyes, wavefront spread, looking at himself in the mirror, I am satisfied smile.
That evening, the palace walls of the hall a golden glory in the calling of the sound, dressed in purple, elegant ease into my house with his mother, Lianbuqingyi, even without the wind, soft but also with my purple yarn The move gentle rocking, Chen De mistake I are like fairy under the moon mortal, yet also seemed ready to go back like wind, I heard the ministers of wonder was, and saw the brilliant name of my daily Zengyin propose marriage to me but I have not seen the eyes of the king Sun Gongzai stunning upset, of course, to see him, Liu Che, the only thing that makes my heart tells me indifferent man.
Prince Edward, dressed in clothes colored python, high beam Fabin, end Fu Huang sat on his left side, is still so powerful, so cruel, He took bottles, a light discretion, disregard all look stunning, placid, his pale eyes looking at me.
if nothing had happened and I looked at him, heart faint sneer, I am even more mad! Johnson, come, come here and sit down to Aijia! is on, he will do nothing.
my stiff bulging my back, trying to make slender neck and my shoulders are perfectly thin arc, always noble and peaceful smile never left my haze, even though I has been dull, feel ill at ease, I can still maintain the sitting posture in which thousands of majestic beauty.
dinner, everybody was very happy, aside cumbersome ceremonial monarch and his subjects, frequently to the emperor, the queen and Prince toast, I along with everyone, lift handless winecup. weird, I do not drink on weekdays, today it is also surprisingly good drinker, a row did not feel there are actually drunk a few glasses, in fact, I am at this time, even nectar before me, I am afraid I was insipid out.
emperor also very pleased that we playfulness riding is strong, the proposal put controlling the garden, like the night is strong in the autumn full moon flowers in the wine tasting .
people have to be and, under the leadership of the emperor, we came to the Imperial Garden, a pedestrian, etc., Although the fall, but the Imperial Garden is still flowers in bloom, the air came a vague aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus, evil is good news.
such moments of beauty, and everyone is really extremely good mood, the mood of a good, talkative naturally opened, it was Tangulunjin, some poems do the right, the atmosphere extremely good. < br> I am still the focus of light, a cool breeze blowing, setting off a tipsy feeling my lovely crimson pan on my cheeks, my delicate my weak hand supporting the Zhenshou some dizziness, dim eyes staring at me and I sat talking young son, who they are, I do not know what they say, I did not hear, but I laugh, laugh Huazhiluanchan, flatter laugh Mei moving.
those who apparently also flattered, actually did not expect his words to Bo beautiful smile, the more fear and trepidation, and I was careful to please.
I feel better, such as the silver bell-like smiles tenderly forward, leaning on the table, my shaky feet, through a bit tipsy feeling, I came into flowers, Qingshu long-sleeved, smooth as satin song escaping from my lips, my side song Edge Dance, completely forgotten the existence of others around them and forget that this is in the Emperor's Royal banquet, the dance long sleeve, I spin, dancing, jumping, singing, in the backdrop of pale purple, and I are like in mid- fairies, flowers wizard.
everyone stunned, and everyone looked at me journeying to a clever response to the musicians first came over, he transferred tunes, and my song shall be, so a Time Sound of Music, Laying in a panic, as if heaven and earth.
a dancing, I could not help Jiao blow, exacerbated by the rotation late before my drunk, my head is more dizzy, staggered pace, and my mother came quickly, grab me, and I told her indifferent smile, shaking his head, indicating I'm fine, gently pushing her, I stumbled forward walking.
Princess Ai Jia Palace sent to the rest. quiet, seems to have been very far away from the crowd.
burst of cool wind, so I called shock, stomach like a badly general, a terrible open two ladies, I quickly ran to a muzzled tree next to the spit up, constant stomach crunch, I did not eat at night has nothing to spit, I'm clutching his chest pain, feeling strong to suppress retching, I am powerless against the tree .
see Jinpa master mm Liu Che, he stood proudly in front of me, like a statue, it is ironic that the cold will do a statue but not commensurate with it, he will tender his move mm of Jinpa I handed it.
just as vomiting, relieve a lot of my drunk, I took the handkerchief? Yes, I took over, and perhaps take over all not the same, but, when I There is no exposure to the temperature of his eyes, I abruptly gave up the idea earlier.
Cangbaizhelian, I straightened my body, looked up, wiped his lips with the sleeve of filth, I looked at him coldly, with a cold voice more than he said, stressing each syllable crystal clear: still waiting for the Imperial Garden in the Prince Edward, Prince of waste workers dare Gillian heart, you still please return it! looked at me, eyes like a sword so I do not Haner Lisu, silent for a moment, waved his big sleeves, turned away and left me, bulging pride back, standing in the cold wind into .
Chapter 3 because of drinking and blowing the cold air return to Queen's palace, after I fell ill, and who fits and starts, people drowsy, the physician said to be feeling the cold, telling me must have a good rest, the queen and the mother for the sake of my body, I am determined to stay in the palace to recuperate.
my body though fragile, but fell non-fragile, three days later, I gradually getting better, but still feeling remained depressed, people have lost a great circle, but also become more pale face up.
three days, I did not see Liu Che's figure, nor even heard any news of him, I think he must is sick of me, after all day I brush his good intentions, for a Prince is undoubtedly a loss of face thing.
I try to tell myself not to care too much about him, not to think of him, because After all, his first bad shame on me, but I can not, a woman's heart, once fixed, just like Bird, also uncontrollable management.
I want to thank my aunt, She is a merciful and kind, as a woman, her every move, smiles, all reflect a mother of the country should have a distinguished identity. This day, she accompanied me day and night, good care of me, even Queen of the statue throwing cheer me laughing, I know she is guilty I wanted to come to me instead of compensation for his son.
poor parents the world, even the most distinguished of the royal family, family is still thicker than water I let the mother I could not bear for my trouble, so I try daily lives and living, is very well-behaved serve the aunt, or give me hours of interesting her about her laugh, or sing to her Fuqin Yi Solutions depressed her heart, a few days off, we get along so well is the harmony, the more I love aunt on, she will always love the touch my head and said: well-behaved daughter! after the sixth day, aunt took me, saying that today's clear and crisp, it is a good time to enjoy the scenery, the palace I also bored a few days, want to go out get some fresh air, the way we laugh, but also happy .
much came to the Imperial Garden, the first thing that catches your eyes is the garden and gorgeous Autumn day I got drunk, have not been carefully watching the scenery here, today it seems, it really was a paradise on earth.
Although I was your princess, but also the home for my garden flowers, after all, can not be compared with the palace, I delight ran out into the beautiful flowers, like white jade with my fingertips touch the soft petals, as if the touch is newborn infants.
faint clank of the collision came the sound of weapons to disturb this quiet, I am confused look in the direction the sound came, I do not know who has the guts dare to get shot in the Imperial Garden in the dance bars . Queen doubt like to see me, or, take my hand, smiled and stepped forward, said: br> I subconsciously trying to avoid, but can not find a ground for disqualification, but a more intense inner voice said to me: different sat his first two, this time he was just wearing a white Lian Gongfu, due to hot, skirts slightly open, showing his strong chest, this time he was fighting with three warriors, although based on a Third enemy, he still Shenqingziruo, one by one and are vigorous and effective, ruthless, and soon, it will be his three warriors to fight the Diukuiqijia, it really embarrassed.
then when the contest of strength with the king, will be best to pay, or take your head of the king. come.
live deeply attracted by him.
add a lot of fun for the Mother. Sound: looked to him.
he was really nice, and now his lips are slightly raised up, outlining a gentle smile, I have never seen him with such a smile on me, that moment, I was very confused, I would like to raise Yubi even with my slender fingers to touch his face, but when his eyes on me, I suddenly fell through the ice as being, and the eyes, contains a joke, disdain , and a hint of cold.
I suddenly cold hands and feet, the amount of sweat to sprout, the intuition, I think back, can be rooted to the ground as his legs could not move it like.
Unfortunately, this aunt times did not find strange between us, she was pleased that gentle smile can Liu Che to me, so she said softly: a good walk in the park about it! is good, I'm proud of patience can not be back, I had to face expressionless, as the contrast of the cold.
silent for a long time to be around people who have run away, when I think I almost fainted when he spoke, the words like a sharp sword severely weak tie into my heart: Princess stronger than the identity of many of the. distinguished identity, actually humble in his eyes as the ants.
I clenched his fists, nails deep into the meat, the flow of blood to come, but I do not feel pain, because my heart hurts more, I used white teeth bite my fingers tightly, try not to shiver, I can not cry, but a cry, I lost all my pride.
I opened my mouth to say something, but the words to the mouth , has become a sad experience of laughter, is ah, I laughed, and laughter can not be myself, my laughter spread throughout the Imperial Garden.
Zhoujinmeitou, with powerful hands clamping my shoulders, he shook me desperately, as if to shake me.
I still laugh, smile has some breath, he was angry, forced me away, approached him, very brave and very courageous approached him, looked up, I looked at him journeying cold, handsome face, with one of the most lovely sounding voice said: mighty good yo, you were so lofty, so Hidetake extraordinary, but why in such a proud soul, below, there is a dark and ugly so lonely soul but it?
he froze, looking at me gloomy , a moment I suspect that you will be strangled him, but he did not do, do not you kill me? that good! me once again of his charming smile: Johnson took leave! smile hanging in my pale haze, I'm glad I once again proud to defend the use of my dignity.
eyes tightly together behind her watching me, has been never to leave.
Chapter 4 to the palace, her aunt had to wait a long time, just a step into the door, she stepped forward to take my physique, softly asked: Looking at her aunt's eyes full of ardent desire, despite years of cruelty in her left eye traces of polish, but still not diminished her amazing beauty, the kind of rubbing and a mature woman and the sanctity of motherhood very great beauty. < br> Strong Yizhu sad heart, with a heart of reverence very heart, I look at her pale smile to my lips floating tip, the greatest desire of all parents, than to let their children have an emotional The best destination, right? But, aunt, I'm sorry, you expect that person, not me.
slowly helped her to sit down, I knelt beside her, his head buried in her warm arms, learn from her maternal fragrance, I use a soft voice as the southern spring-like and said to her: parents on the grounds, eager to leave the palace, even though all sorts for the Queen to stay, but I insisted to go, the wise mother seems to understand many, parting, she took my soft without bone Yubi, I will be brush into his arms, choked, said: sound, are like an old and sad love song. off drapes, my last one getting away from the deep gaze of the palace, that has pinned most of my teenage dream come true but to the ruthless destruction, overcast gray, gray not see the distance, the air flew a Lone Wild Goose, looking sad and crying separated partner, down Julian, I am unable to close my eyes and heart are like a withered flower, a piece of wilted , falling, lost in the tall and majestic palace on the sacred.
hooves broke my heavy grief, moving the carriage suddenly still down. before the drapes, I take it lightly and asked, surprised when the words suddenly come in to see gone, Liu Che, the noble and arrogant man, at the moment is sitting on top of the Ferghana BMW, proudly standing tall in front of me because the light behind her see his face, black cloak flying in the wind, and he fell from the sky like a god.
what he do? Did he humiliate me enough for insulting enough? or he changed his mind, I want to pursue the crime to offend him yesterday? I looked at him Lengran, without a word.
Suddenly, under his strong body tilting, strong hands grabbed my big arms weak in others the screams, he put me in right away, yet the pressure of cross God in everyone, he has Cemayangbian, torn away as the black whirlwind.
horse run very fast, desolate wind calls calendar call from my delicate face blowing, scraping raw so feel suffocated, in order not to fall off horses, I had the powerful clinging to the waist, to indulge in his arms, I do not know whether it intends to He gently wrapped me with a cloak.
this is the first time I rely on him so close, his head resting on his broad chest, listening to his mighty heart, calm breathing, feeling the strong body man named atmosphere, only in this moment, I am happy unparalleled, as if the world is only the two of us, all things have turned into virtual, I met ditan heard, eyes closed, enjoying a rare quiet moments, I told the sky all sorts of prayer for all the gods, even in front of Avici, I would also like drunk in this independence is not long awake.
do not know how long run, do not know how far away, the promise is to the end of the world, the horse stopped down, he dismounted, as if the face of the world's most precious treasures, he hold me down gently.
straightened body, I look up to him, was full of surprise to his height, I only petite and his chin. Now I had just to see his face, angular face, handsome features the extraordinary, regardless of when and where he always has a domineering monarchs of the sky, but just to grow the Green chin miserable stubble, slightly tired eyes, showing him awake all night last night.
his deep gaze with me a long time in silence, for when I thought we would be turned into stone, when suddenly He forced his hands around, hug me tightly into his arms, rubbed into the body seems to me the general, his powerful arms as tightly as the hoop clamp my slim body.
that moment, the awareness of all all fly out of my body, my mind went blank, the blood is about to freezing up.
finally, he will head buried in the side of my neck smooth and delicate, and I heard his slightly hoarse voice in my ear side whisper: When I opened my eyes again, when was full of surprise crystal tears fall Xiangsai
we already love, crazy like love, love, earth shattering, love can not be themselves. During the day, we rode rush , indulge landscape into the evening, we stay forever, always focussed on drawing near. During the day, we have long-term perspective, among the towering majestic Castle, listen to him talk about his talents Wineur vision, night, in pouring like silver moonlight, he will speak for me, full of conspiracy and told him the sad childhood, but at this time, I will use my boneless the hand gently stroking his face, send me the bright spring-like smile, because I know The proud man will not need anyone's pity, and he also grabbed my arms, with his chin pointed at my forehead tight low whisper said:
the days of the later, these days, me and him crazy, laugh together, cry together, trouble to do together to make this one of the most crazy things.
day, I thoroughly as usual like sitting in the clear lake, he says, speaking as a child how to make fun of his mischievous cunning Prince domineering brother, let him fall into the story of the lake, we became a group laugh, I laugh to his naughty laugh of his trivial, then, he suddenly took my physique, I was staring deep and full of laughter Hongxia the tender and beautiful face, suddenly, he Fuseshita first, the gentle kiss on my soft, lightly lip, and then he lovingly said to me: Elephant on a red ripe persimmon, suppression could not thrown lips smile. Cezhe Tou, I pretend that I thought, Stern said: take my hand can not help but be loose, then I burst into silvery laughter, turned Piantao, Toru This reaction came I was making fun of him, several stride he stepped over, one caught me , laughter asked: ; I'm doing just fine now Princess, previously you did insult to me, if you marry, should I not called the day, entry to nowhere? I Look mmmmmm shift Limbo, he walked a few steps away from the place, to ensure the security, I laughed: parents mentioned to me was very gracious, and then such as hh a certain distance, the soft skin hit his iron chest, Sheng Teng, tightly hugged me and said nothing Bu Songshou, angry and overbearing, said: big hand gently stroked my face and meticulous, he gently graceful fingers touch my eyebrow, pupil of the eye such as water, very pretty nose, and finally, his fingers on my soft lips, gently describe my perfect shame type, he di tan said: , imitating his tone Jiaoqiao also whispered sighs: lips, long time, he looked up, staring at the clear water, my eyes, solemn promise: extra winter came early, Hsiao Sa wind ruthless invasion of the ancient capital, Toru's father emperor because Ougan cold, actually terminal one, and ultimately in the cold winter, let go away.
emperor after the death, Toru throne ascended the throne, known as Emperor.
the second year of spring, Toru mourning full hundred days, I was officially closed, the White Orient House.
wedding day I dressed in red wedding dress, head Daifeng Guan Xia Pei, look in the mirror before I myself, when everyone said when the bride is a woman most beautiful moments in life, and I Chen Gillian, it is the most beautiful bride bride.
bright eyes gaze good, Qiao Xiao sweet, it is fascinating and charming between gestures, drag in the red dress, a more brilliant light lining of my people, absolute beauty.
worship from the people I slowly toward the sound of my her husband, at the moment he is above the high-stand, looking down at me smiling, so proud, so proud, so arrogant.
real estate broker when I will make in his hand, he squeezed my the physique, his good warm palm, as spring slowly turning into my heart, we stared at each other, v. unclear thousand words, Tao Chi unknown love love, and then, holding his arms, laughing declared to the crowd and said: Suddenly I found driving in the direction Royal thrust, not the ancient home of the Weiyang Queen.
; his light I Jiaoqiao nose, laughed softly: under it! overawed by the scene before, a brilliant golden palace wall stood in front of me, the golden glass in the sun shining bright light, jade puzzle stone pillars carved with exquisite patterns, hanging shelf made of three yellow and more building The characters: long, doors, house!
I opened the door, gorgeous ...

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