Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A sensible one

 A sensible
a family health worker, Dongcheng District, Beijing quiz questions excerpts
1. Good exercise program, requiring at least a week, several sports?
(1) 3 to 4 times (2) 1 2.65 to 2 times the need to quit smoking after the age of you?
(1) no need to quit smoking can increase the life expectancy of smokers.
(2) the need to quit smoking can increase the life expectancy of smokers < br> 3. consistent with the principles of diet therapy in patients with diabetes is?
(1) control total calories to maintain normal body weight
(2) can not eat, try to lose weight
4. prevention of stroke, do it right ?
(1) through the spring and autumn through blood transfusion.
(2) control of hypertension, dyslipidemia and other risk factors.
5. coma patients, relatives, which of the following practices reasonable?
(1) unlock the collar of patients, remove the dentures. (to prevent airway obstruction glossocoma)
(2) mat good pillow, dressed, waiting for the ambulance.
6. Adult How many grams of food per person per day to meet the new dietary pagoda cereal requirements?
(1) 250 至 400 grams (2) 150-250 g 7. usually the time after stopping smoking, nicotine-induced adverse reactions will disappear?
(1) 1 days after the
(2) 2 days after
8. medium amount of exercise heart rate during exercise in general how many times per minute?
(1) 100 至 140 (2) 60 to 100 times 9. diabetic patients can be treated by Liu Wei Di Huang Wan do?
(1), the LDB can assist treatment of diabetes.
(2) whether it applies only to appear yin the use of virtual symptoms
10. good exercise program, required to maintain the movement of time is not long nor short, the exercise time should be?
(1) 20 minutes to 60 minutes
(2) 10 minutes 20 minutes
11. measuring blood pressure, the patient should be in what position the upper arm?
(1) and heart flush.
(2) flush with the shoulder.
12. per person per day How many grams of milk to eat meals to meet the new requirements of the pagoda?
(1) 200 克 至 400 grams (2) 100-200 grams 13. When blood sugar is lower than the number of mmol / l, known as low blood sugar?
(1) less than 2.8
(2) less than 4.0
14. the right speed to lose weight by how much per week?
(1) 1 至 2 pounds (2) 3 to 4 pounds 15. The following That fits with the characteristics of moderate physical activity is?
(1) the movement can not complete a word
(2) movement to complete words
16. on the treatment of hypertension is correct is that?
( 1) after normal blood pressure control not treated.
(2) the need for lifelong treatment
17. The following meet the psychological characteristics of patients with chronic diseases are?
(1) often feel stress, anxiety, terror.
(1) in the chest or front chest, can radiate to left arm, back, etc.
(2) under the right costal or the right lower abdomen, may radiate to the right arm, right shoulder Ministry
20. optimal exercise time should be chosen at what time?
(1) 5 am to 7 pm.
(2) 7 am to 9 am or 4 pm to 5 points .
starred as the correct answer

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