Monday, February 14, 2011

Model Collection illusory and the real world

 Model Collection: illusory and the real world?
, Especially ocean / with text and graph model
growing collection of players, many prices have been completely transformed rare model. According to collectors spider introduced before and after 2004 Model of the U.S. Department of the heyday of manufacturers McFarlane, the dummy model produced a very large potential for appreciation. such as the heyday McFarlane representative works of leading one of the important process, commonly known as Spawn, 12-inch dolls mandolin but just 300 yuan when the market a few years ago the price had risen to 1,000 yuan. Mandolin 6-inch dolls because of the number of rare black version, and now may have a breakthrough price of 1500 dollars. The 11th generation of Spawn breakthrough styling of the Blizzard side, commonly known as Peng Lei has been the lead singer tin toy collection, this 12-inch dolls and model has always been a part of the collection. (preferably further explanation, did not seem to know) about the price changes are now toy collections, and he felt much more helpless, ; the first tens of dollars a tin toys, absolutely civilians, but received more and more people have been pushed up to now some toy for a few hundred dollars. collection of the rise of the current mainstream model
doll collection can be broadly divided into Japanese, the U.S. Department of categories, including Japanese models into the Chinese market earlier. Japanese model of relatively soft lines, and the U.S. Department of the tough atmosphere. Early people Japanese popular culture more contact with various Japanese cartoons, TV series are always limited continuous playback on TV channels, rivers and mountains .1993,1994 exclusive Japanese model, the spider can buy almost all Japanese models. At that time the U.S. Department of model only see Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Batman.
rise of the U.S. Department of the model until 1999. go for a purely American style and detailed introduction to the U.S. style of animation culture, there will lead to many fans; a Chinese magazine contributed to the emergence of Fantasy the main European and American popular culture, the concept design. because the preferences of American cartoonist perspective especially science and human anatomy, so the style is very realistic, the U.S. Department of muscle movement and comic emphasized the beauty of the human body is not as prominent as the Japanese manga cartoon style. Fantasy played a positive catalyst.
In addition, before 1999, some domestic popularity of science fiction magazines for the arrival of new trends have laid a sound foundation, such as early as 1993, Boris. Valais about work. is the rise of the network played a role in fueling the nation's largest model of the early players BBS These people now have become a veteran of the circle doll collection. spiders and Buddha is one of them wins battle of the two. this period, the United States, music, illustrations and other pop culture into China, but also cultivate a group of time series model of the United States players. when the in China, however, is a Japanese manga comic book market is still dominated culture is closely related with the dummy model of the dark themes of American comics, even the works of masters such Clive Barker, but also because the translation is imperfect, and are Japanese comic books from childhood brainwashing reasons, so the U.S. Department of dark subject matter of ordinary readers of comics is always close to the other. Meanwhile the U.S. publishing phenomenon of the fight against piracy, but also makes this part of the U.S. Department of comic book distribution channels is extremely limited. intentioned, but as part of the lovers, who aspire to the kind of feminine is different from the Japanese comic style of the U.S. Department of gorgeous super realistic feeling of the muscle burst to form resource sharing, exchange of information, small group, the U.S. Department of anime in recent years, several first-tier cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai , Guangzhou, young people have gradually become popular in the market. Meanwhile, comic-style preferences, will be reflected in the music preferences, the preference for popular music, softer music more acceptable to young people is often a simple Japanese style comic books, The older ones, tend to prefer heavy music, the choice of the comics for the U.S. Department of comic books. It's also the early 90s wave of heavy metal music gradually faded in recent years, the upward trend of consumer culture on.
model market Although the country has emerged in China
a very professional model of player groups, but foreign companies in China's model seems to collection of the market is not very sensitive, or that not enough emphasis, most of the models in the domestic market circulation of goods which are mostly non- official channels such as smuggling or ask your friend to bring into China.
even officially released in China, the model has begun to focus on major brands of the market is also young, the students seem to locate the model of their consumer groups, such as large shopping malls in China to see a large U.S. firm Hasbro Transformers in China is still pushing the main series, the Japanese maker Bandai (BANDAI) Waking the main push of the Ottoman family. And Hasbro, the most famous series of 12-inch military man - self- popular in the United States after World War II, the load of soldiers at the time the boys dream of, but has not yet been officially released in China.
actually dummy model in the toy industry overseas has become an important branch of the adult audience makes the consumer significant increase in capacity to produce more sophisticated models requires considerable capital cost to be purchased. Foreign manufacturers produce models for different audiences will be introduced to consider different versions, such as the European version, U.S. version, etc., some of the best selling model even out to seven or eight edition, in which characters of different clothes, accessories and different .. because other factors are sometimes different from the version introduced, such as the model for the nation's largest manufacturer of McFarland for the popular film of a model, because the film is black and white, so in addition to the doll dressed in normal clothing colors, the company also launched a number of the same dark colors black and white Sin City-based dummy model. At the same time manufacturers will often limited corners of the speculation caused by the seller and buyers, resulting in a doubled up the price of money model and make a profit.
Cao Bin, the model is very good reputation circle of toy store operators, as early as 2003 he began set up shop in Taobao for the sale of toy models, while shopping the upstairs in the search show the store also has 3 years of operating history, the current model of the type sold relatively better still extremely popular series, because the yield is high, prices are also more neighbor. For more collectible store a limited edition model, to the store people are always asking more, buy less.
With the Transformers movie the hit, led to the collection of Transformers tide model, The difference is that generations of the main push in overseas markets as high (GUNDAM) series, is also entrusted with the Transformers cartoon was born in the peripheral products, although the mainland did not play any relevant cartoons, but because of the popularity of Internet downloads, but also makes up the domestic production of a number of loyal followers of the model. In addition a number of games based on popular models produced also attracted to the game itself, players, classic games such as Warcraft Blizzard model, and now the market is relatively common SOTA toy company produced and distributed, and had several groups of early Toy Blizzard by game publishers to produce their own side, but the puppet of the process quality was disgraced by many players, so the line was reduced only concentrate on operating their own familiar online game development, and production rights to dolls to a professional toy company to let go SOTA.
fighting fat, according to a senior Tibetan Buddhism and the spider family judge, the current model of collection of the market has not reached the fire level, at the period of rise, especially in the film series. because the market there is a lot of room before reaching saturation, such as a fan of China's unique culture, which is established on the basis of a large number of DVD movie-viewing public has long been a group of people based the critical perspective, then the film surrounding the market should be like? As mentioned above Starchaser fans want to meet or have desire to develop the heroes of the dummy model is clearly a way out, but the build number long ago with the movie model introduced for Millet fine workmanship and are not enough in the collection to be favorable, the event is not only a direct reflection of poor producers of craftsmanship, but also reflection of the developers of such consumer model is not enough emphasis.
as the network security of transactions and the convenience of a substantial increase in the previous nest in the country, can only entertain, narcissistic players have a platform, so the cattle from various quarters of the entire get together online , with the exchange, which has been exchanged, so the online trading fire. And as the country joined the WTO, more and more able to buy a large mall in the formal parallel imports can not buy toys, can be considered for the benefit of the public. current model of market for the formation of industry in China also, and model large-scale collection of countries each year or the annual fair, such as Japan wonder festival, the San Diego Comic for players, toys, works of communication and display manufacturers.
from The first 1993 model bought so far, spiders (web name) family have been erected more than 300 companies produce dolls McFarlane model, the four large shelves, Spawn, sex, predator lined up to stand, face realistic, lifelike. spiders, the doll is a model of the circle collection of the earliest recognized players, still maintains a collection of weekly frequency.
currently as editor of a website and illustrator, a stable source of income so that spiders can 1000-2000 per month out of the budget as a collection, like McFarland was the reason most of the toys are bright, positive role, only the kind of partial to the dark McFarlane figure, the image as a hero to creation, and now the model of non-McFarlane Spider will buy, as long as the style has in common: dark temperament.
. In addition to refined models of the collection, as the overseas player as a senior, had not satisfied the spider collected only others can also buy models from different channels, so he began to attempt to make - the purchase of materials, study of character, turning model, color, clothing, packaging hh engaged in the work of hand-made model can be described as very difficult, not because No previous experience is worth drawing, only the player through the network exchange with overseas materials, technical experience, slowly but surely realizing their dreams. and overseas experienced players in the communication form is more abundant, not only organizations regularly organize large open exhibition, there are many different models of the spontaneous collection of club members organized a small gathering of players at the party to bring their works to attract viewers through physical display and share experience, which the present stage in China is difficult to achieve. In addition, the spider, said the United States in fact the origin of model making and GROUNGE popular music, first popular in the United States everyone has a garage, but also because English is such a statue model garage kit.
spider under horror movie make every detail is first shape to achieve the level of film props, while the spider on his art skills and mastery of the body structure of a great help, but in small part on their utmost to achieve, in order to add luster to the work, such as triangular head the law on the distribution of the convex cylindrical objects, it takes great patience are carved out of one. Two years ago, he made a hand puppet model had to over 200 U.S. dollars in the EBAY price is an American model collectors take away, the model proved to be overseas collectors recognized the event also greatly encouraged the confidence of handmade spider model. right now, he is busy with the first original style br> Buddha
battle won in the dummy model of the player, 1 / 6 can be moving even the most popular in the country is relatively a class of models, the so-called 1 / 6 can be moving even that toy manufacturers in order to live the standard height 180cm, according to a / 6 miniature scale, will be moving generally provides for a high degree of shape about 30cm.
1 / 6 to form the attraction of moving that particular simulation, clothes are the real deal with real fabric, with the human form is large, so toy manufacturers need to invest a lot of manpower and resources to ensure toy humanoid face, as much as possible and film actor I like, otherwise the fans a look at your face like an actor with the film, will not buy it. so each head is carved find a professional sculptor to create, called works of art. expensive, toy prices are high, so each one thousand dollars. But nothing can match, put a bunch of your favorite Hollywood stars dolls at home and more things to satisfy fans.
has become 1 / 6 can be moving even experienced collectors, wins the battle Buddha (screen name) so that the first model introduced collection of his motivation: dial began to collect toys, family conditions should all be good, favorite toy is before the impact by the cartoons, playing something like Transformers, be regarded as a plaything of childhood, but increased with age and experience, I can not Always read only access to childhood cartoons, animated collection of those around the toy. grew and began to watch movies, especially like the science fiction genre, and this type of chip of the old nature is Hollywood, people from the Every influential sci-fi blockbuster big release, there are a number of related products for film fans around the choice of my first collection is the protagonist of the film LUXE dolls. purchase behavior of the model becomes out of control, the desire comes to collections, the battle that wins the Buddha said: doll movie or band, in fact, really like is that the movie role or a band member, or have to send the soul of the complex. the history of the earliest dolls, said the role of religious homage, refers to the soul of parasites in the dolls , who is pinned emotions about another person. Starchaser received dolls complex mapping is the hope that these stars can be accounted for as their own, even if they look like dolls. nothing can play at home about to realize their The manipulative. model of people recommended to introduce the newest dolls. For this reason, his column became the site of several traffic to the highest one-line model information platform.

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