Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lu ideological and moral education version of the seventh grade unit on the fourth book (1) Case Studies

 The fourth unit of life, tell yourself > 2.4 develop a self-confident attitude to life, establish for the people, the lofty aspirations for social services, understand the meaning of self-improvement. A 1.6 understand the importance of self-evaluation, objective understanding, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses to form a clearer overall self-image. a 1.4 objective analysis of the setbacks and adversity, to find effective remedies, to develop the courage to overcome difficulties and forge ahead in good quality. a 1.5 active exercise individual psychological quality, sharpen the will, strive to create a good study, work habits and lifestyles. c 1.2 correctly deal with academic pressure, overcome test anxiety, develop the correct concept of learning, further education and career choices to do the mental preparation.
c 1.3 a correct understanding of the difficulties and adversities in life, improve psychological endurance and maintain a positive spirit state education goals

【emotions, attitudes, values】
1. to develop self-esteem, confidence, self-reliant attitude, experience self-improvement in learning, life and the meaning of success in the to cultivate the spirit of self-reliance.
2. a correct understanding of the significance of self-esteem and self-value advantage, believe in yourself and establish a correct self-esteem and confidence.
3. to self-esteem, self-reliance, self-confidence, self-improvement attitude towards life the difficulties and overcome psychological dependence, and strive to make themselves strong.
4. calmly deal with setbacks and adversity, take the initiative to exercise individual psychological quality, sharpen the will, strive to create a good learning, work habits and lifestyles.
5. to develop the courage to overcome difficulties and forge ahead of the good quality of life in the face of difficulties and adversity, to maintain a proactive state of mind.
ability】 【
1. initially learn to overcome low self-esteem, build self-confidence by way of the right of self-evaluation based on the shape of a self-confident of the difficulties, learn to solve on their own strength, and gradually develop the independent ability to overcome difficulties.
3. enhance self-regulation to withstand setbacks, the ability to adapt to the environment. the face of learning and the frustrations of life and adversity, to calmly, take active measures through > 5. to improve observation, analyze and solve problems, to initially grasp the collection, processing, use of social information, methods and skills, can think independently, ask questions and to reflect.
knowledge】 【
1 . understanding self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, self-importance, understanding the relationship between self-esteem and self-confidence, self-reliance can only know how to self-reliance of the truth.
2. to understand a person in a basic way to build self-esteem and methods that overcome setbacks , will sharpen the basic method of self-reliance onto the road to understand what aspects should work hard.
3. know that life will inevitably be setbacks, frustration is inevitable truth; understanding of the dialectical point of view of frustration positive and negative ; understand the ability to withstand setbacks different results to differ.
4. to a deeper understanding of the strong will is a prerequisite for success, understanding the strong will to learn, live, the importance of the work.
Lesson self-confident people do
teaching focus: This course focuses on the teaching of (3) The experience of teaching methods.
in teaching methods, student participation in teaching activities mainly to explain the secondary, focusing on guidance. ability to use various means and forms of teaching, from the multi- angles present course content to stimulate students interest in learning, lead students to think.
hours arrangements: Project completed in 2 hours
granted first class (total 19 hours)
teaching: Teaching the first box mm the process of teaching a man to be proud
(a) into the new lessons 1, into language: (see the introductory materials)
Thus, self-esteem, self-confidence of a person important. Therefore, we must do self-confident person.
2, writing on the blackboard issue: The seventh class of people to do self-esteem
(b) teach a new lesson:
writing on the blackboard: one, a man to be proud
1, self-esteem is priceless
At home, parents often tell their children to have self-esteem; at school, teachers often teach students to self-esteem, self-love; in life, we often hear people talk, that someone was too proud and so forth. visible , self-esteem is a very common psychological phenomenon. So, what is the self-esteem do?
activity one: read, proposed a meeting (see page textbook P77 material)
Proposed a discussion: ① they have been similar experiences and feelings you?
② describe their situations in which there is a strong self-esteem?
Teacher Summary:
self-esteem is a healthy state of mind. self-esteem self-respect first joint performance of care; self-esteem also includes requirements for others, respect for collective and social expectations of their own.
think about: What are the performance of self-esteem?
(① performance together for self-respect self-care; ② requirements of others, collective and community of their own respect for the expectations.)
self-esteem than we realize, until the concrete manifestation of self-esteem. So what self-esteem of a people, what significance does it!
2, with the importance of self-esteem
(1) positive self-esteem of people two
activities: read, proposed a meeting (Textbook P78 pages of material - 1)
proposed a discussion: Xu diligent study of the motivation come from?
Teacher Summary: < br> Xu is a person with strong self-esteem, in order to safeguard the dignity of the motherland and the people he studied hard and made impressive achievements.
this material tells us: positive self-esteem of people. is to promote self-esteem of people struggling ahead of the psychological factors that can make a tremendous spiritual force. a person with strong self-esteem in order to maintain their dignity, will be hard work, continue to enrich our own development, proactive, step by step to success.
(2 ) self-esteem of the people to win the respect of others
. If a person does not respect even their own, it would not respect others, but will not get the respect of others. So, to say: to win the respect of others to respect it?
people who are not self-esteem, do not even respect themselves, to not be bound by their words and deeds, to protect their image, will not respect others; the same time, a non-self-esteem of the people, but also do not recognize the importance of self-esteem for the people , will not respect others, respect for others and not that man can not win the respect of others.
read, proposed a meeting (see page P78 teaching materials)
discuss the answer: why Oakland did not blame Briant, but praised: l Good question! r praise.)
(3) self-esteem of people bred, self-love
activities about three: read, think about (see page textbook P79 material)
think about: Do you feel sorry for the Sun-day Shuai up ?
teachers about:
materials used Sun-day Henan Shuai workers face the mercy of corporate foreign boss, refused to kneel down, angrily moving away from the plant as a leading example. In this case, the face of foreign enterprises the abusive boss, and some workers knelt down, and Sun days, but would rather lose their jobs Shuai not kneel,
This is in sharp contrast, self-esteem and self-esteem who are not able to uphold their dignity at a glance. This case tells us : self-esteem of people have a strong concept of honor, to understand self-love, self-improvement, can always use the right words and actions to protect their own dignity and image. On the contrary, no self-esteem, even if others are insulting their own words and deeds, not in the correct actions to safeguard their dignity. pages of material)
① qing's actions illustrate what?
(qing their lives do not do things detrimental to character and national character. so-called Protection of personality and the state and national dignity of the case? say pass on to you.
teachers about: (See textbook page P79 material)
2, the development of self, respect for
won five events: read, proposedwe must strive to improve themselves, improve self.)
② to actually win the respect of others on their own, their going to do? (discussion after reading 2 answers)
(through his persistent pursuit, study diligently, efforts in all aspects to improve themselves and improve themselves.)
3, respect for others, be respected
activity six: Picture stories and think about (see textbook pages of material P80 3)
think about:
① they will win the respect of other people do?
② What do you think can win the respect of others do? (respect for others, What are the requirements?)
(to win the respect of others, we must first respect others. is to respect other people's personality, respect the work of others, polite, self-esteem do not do harm to others; to appreciate others, be kind to others, from the heart to accept others.)
(c) Class Summary
self-esteem is a healthy state of mind. self-expression self-love for self-respect together. positive self-esteem of people; self-esteem of the people to win the respect of others. How can we win the esteem it? self-esteem we need to win with actions. This requires us to do to: maintenance of personality, without prejudice to national status; the development of self, win respect; respect for others, be respected.
(d) classroom exercises
1, What is the significance with self-esteem? (see Materials P78m79 page three. )
2, what do you think can win the respect of others? (see the last paragraph of page material P80.)
3, Judgement and Choice (see 5 items)
second class (total 20 hours)
teaching: Teaching the second box mm 1, into language:
famous English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare said: must have self-confidence.
2, writing on the blackboard frame questions: (a) success requires self-confidence
(b) teach a new lesson:
one, self-confidence is a cornerstone of our success
activities: Do not look down upon themselves, believe they can do it (see page textbook material P81)
① material facts show girls what success? (enables people to brave)
② why brave career success.)
1, enables people to brave
Links: (See textbook page material P81)
think about: What is the reason of this material shows?
(UK female Franklin scientists because they do not miss the great self-confidence and examples of scientific discoveries, from the negative description of the importance of self-confidence.)
2, self-confidence can make a person has the courage to overcome difficulties, self-improvement activities
II: The face of difficulties Hua
Proposed a discussion: ① difficulty is how to do it in front of Hua's?
② When you encounter difficulties, how treated?
3, self-confidence can make people play to their potential
Three activities: experience the joy of victory Yang
think: Yang Yang's success in addition to its own has the strength, also benefited from what?
(everyone has a considerable potential. How can the best out of themselves? believes in himself, confident, must have the prerequisite. Confidence is hidden in the heart of the proverb, is that a person's performance will never exceed his own valuation, is also speaking the same reason.)
Related links: from the confidence of sailing
1, found that self-advantage, to find the fulcrum of confidence in the l d r
activities: enjoy yourself (see pages of material P83) (teachers, students summarize the discussion)
teachers about: < br> Each person is unique and will have their own advantages.'re not made to be useful, to put it is the truth. found that these advantages can be found confidence of the Do not focus so much on their own shortcomings and weaknesses, so as to enhance self-confidence.
read: (see textbook page material P84)
Dumas since so impoverished youth from a famous French writer grow , is that he has found its own advantages, and to enlarge their advantage a little bit to build self-confidence. not had the confidence, there is no famous French writer Alexandre Dumas later.
2, try the joy of success
If a person's experience is a failure all the records, this one is not confident. one more chance to succeed, the more they can gain confidence.
activity five: Success and self-confidence (see Materials P84 pages of material)
① 2 m 3 times to find their own life experiences of success.
② successful in helping them build self-confidence and what is their relationship?
(P85 pages by teaching about)
3, address the lack of weak to strong
a person the confidence to find their own strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings are precisely the impact of the establishment of self-confidence, and therefore their own shortcomings and deficiencies to be addressed, and try to be compensated, so that changes weak to strong, to establish real confidence.
activities of six; read, think about it (see page P85 teaching materials)
Alex Wang confidence from where?
teachers about: < br> School WANG stuttering speech from childhood illnesses, affecting their self-confidence. When awareness of this issue, it was decided to change it by strengthening exercises. In the help of students, he did not miss any can improve the oral opportunities for expression, especially through the success of speech contest stuttering problems to overcome, so that greatly increased his confidence.
the contrary, if the deficiencies of their stop at the level of understanding rather than add to make up for it, only make themselves more self-esteem, loss of self-confidence.
4, to overcome the inferiority complex inferiority
have people who do not believe in yourself, look down on themselves, this does not always feel that it is not good, over time, they form a vicious cycle, the more self-esteem more likely to fail, the more failures and diminishing confidence. foster self-confidence to overcome low self-esteem.
How do we overcome the inferiority complex it?
Related links: ways to overcome the inferiority complex
(e) Homework
1, complete the on the themselves, Methods:
course in teaching methods used: (1)
first class (total 21 hours)
teaching: Teaching the first box mm After the introduction of teachers into the teaching of this lesson)
1, import the language:
in the life of each person before them two roads for you to choose, This two different way of life brought about by the different results. a look is the most comfortable way of life, but in the end nothing; the other is long and rugged road, the road thorny, there are numerous rapids rapids, usher it is bright. should be clear which way. Our young people in the new century the way, the competition is fierce, full of challenges, to choose the road can only be self-reliance.
2, writing on the blackboard frame questions: The first box to go self improve road
(b) teach new courses
one thing their own
1, juvenile to be self-
(1) What is a self
activities: reading comics, think about:
① comic Several students doing? This shows what? (that they do their own thing.)
② life you can do your own thing own it? Please give examples.
teachers about: caricature just to us through what is self-perception.
self is his own thing.
talk about: How do you know when Independence it? (to guide students to discuss answers)
(Independence means to independently organize their lives; means to leave their parents and teachers asylum independently dealing with learning problems encountered in life; means to rely on their own hands to start their own business, and create colorful life.)
you days, by the ancestors, are not true man. hero.)
What is the significance of our independence it?
(2) the significance of self-
first: the process of self-reliance and improve our life skills training course, and improve our mental and moral training the quality of the process.
read: explains what?
(this change, the image illustrates the self-reliance to improve the quality of life skills and psychological effect. students to answer after the teacher summarized the discussion.)
teachers about: (see the second paragraph on page teaching textbook P87 . (named student reading materials, other students think)
proposed a discussion: the growth of their own self how to play the role?
teachers about: He Xiaoxian process of growing up is his way from the self to the process of self-reliance. visible, self-reliance in order to self-reliance.
think: Why can go self-reliance? (student teachers to discuss answers are summarized.)
Teacher Summary:
① only themselves, to overcome psychological dependence, cultivating self-reliance the spirit of choice to improve road;
② hh order to meet the requirements of self-sustaining community, and constantly enhance their skills, and constantly improve themselves and to become a strong.
Three activities: The role of self-experience (guide students to fill in after the exchange.)
more than we know what is the meaning of self-reliance and independence and function. Then we have to solve the problem of how to go independent, as independence and dependence is the opposite , so to move towards self-reliance, we must bid farewell to rely on.
2, say goodbye to dependence, to independence
independent reading, understanding, methods; (4) analysis and comparison of teaching methods.
in teaching methods, student participation in teaching activities mainly to explain the secondary, focusing on guidance. the use of various means conducive to teaching and with Learning Plan to:
① experience from Hao Ding, understand what reason? (Hao Ding, experience has taught us: we must overcome the dependence of self-truth.)
② why the self-dependence must overcome it? ( Teacher tells students to discuss answers.)
teachers about: (first paragraph on page textbook P89.)
(2) independently and make decisions
read: (name of students reading materials, other students thinking.)
think about: Material selected dragons grow up a few side shows the growth process dragons what?
(that independent thinking, self-importance and necessity to make decisions . In the real case, dragons from childhood habit of independent thinking and learn to make decisions independently of its future development has played an important role.)
think: why should we and independent decision choice. Can make decisions independently, is whether a person did an important sign of independence., independently make decisions, does not mean do not listen to the views of others, insists on the contrary, the views of others is our own decision an important reference.)
activity five: just give him ideas. (to guide students to discuss answers.)
(3) positive exercise, improve self-reliance
towards a person to truly independent, in addition to have awareness of self-reliance, self-reliance is very important. If the lack of the ability of self-reliance, even if there is not dependent on others, to self-consciousness, can only be enhance the capacity of self-important way towards independence. self does come from the ability?
activity six: What are the ways to get?
(can only be an active part in practice and training in life again.)
Related Links: (see textbook page P90 material. named student reading materials, other students answer the discussion.)
think: ; small driver, Summary of main points of this lesson.)
(d) classroom exercises
The goals and plans
second class (total 22 hours)
teaching: Teaching the second box mm Self-described life to illustrate the significance of self-reliance)
activity one: (See textbook page P91) (named students to read material)
① Lai Chenguang walk in the road of life, always adhere to a What kind of attitude?
(self-improvement and positive attitude towards life.)
② if he did not fall, who can beat you no, this spirit of contribution to the success Ning do? < br> (overcome difficulties and setbacks; the future with hope and vision continue to set new goals for yourself and motivate yourself to achieve the aggressive goals; even in along the way met with great resistance and difficulties and obstacles, but also With a strong will can overcome, and do not give up.)
③ their aggressive goals? when faced with resistance on the road ahead, when, how to overcome?
(students to discuss answers , the collective read the text this paragraph.)
① What are the performance of those self?
② the important role of self-reliance spirit of what?
Activity II: girl Su Mingjuan
(named student reading materials, other students think.)
① Su Mingjuan what action reflects a spirit? (spirit of self.)
② himself with Su Mingjuan this spirit? what their role to play?
(2) self-improvement of the Chinese nation for thousands of years when the melt into the national spirit (the spirit of national self-reliance, the role of the nation)
(students to read materials second paragraph on page P92.)
one needs the spirit of self-reliance, a country, a nation also needs self-improvement of the national spirit. self-improvement to cast the Chinese nation for thousands of years into the national spirit. It is this spirit, so that the Chinese does not weaken national vicissitudes, the more times by the suffering, the heroic self-reliance among the nations in the world.
Related Links: self-improvement in the mental development of the Chinese nation has a great significance.
2, take the road of self-
(1) establish the correct goal in life, and constantly strive for three
activities: Great Wall note)
teachers about:
right ahead goal in life is the spiritual pillar of the people and power. a man who wants a career, will encounter all sorts of difficulties and setbacks. With the right goals, will find in the right direction, difficulties and setbacks can not stop him from moving forward. to self-improvement, we must first establish a correct goal in life. Zhao Ruirui is set the right goals in life, determined to block the world's best hand, China's ; online Great Wall It is a common feature of all those self.
(2) victory over self, beyond self
activity four: the story of Winston Churchill (named students to read material)
think about: From Churchill's success in you get What is Enlightenment?
teachers about:
material about Churchill to overcome their weaknesses, strenuous exercise, a well-known orator of the case. This story tells us that this reasoning mm always have this or that weakness, self- who is not without weaknesses, but the courage to overcome their weaknesses and be good people; to self, must overcome the self, beyond self.
(students read textbooks)
① they have have overcome their weaknesses do get examples of progress?
② What was his body weaknesses still exist? going to do to do?
teachers about:
old saying: are strong. ; have any experience of enlightenment?
a person to self-reliance of the process is to continually sharpen their process. constantly tempered, we have the storm, see the world, to self-reliance. We should start small, active constrained own behavior, to exercise their own in life.
three summary
four classroom, classroom exercises
, 4.
my observation:
5, the students look around, whether to do their own thing? please give examples.
my experience and insights: 6,7,
I identification and analysis: 8
my understanding and knowledge: 9,10.

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