Sunday, February 20, 2011

The only consensus Copenhagen human end soon

 Above: Noah's Ark
imaginary problem: the Copenhagen consensus: human really has to end soon!
World leaders gathered in Copenhagen, what kind of consensus can be achieved? If so, perhaps the national leader believe that the trend of global climate warming if it continues to deteriorate, humanity really was finished.
next question: can survive?
two years ago, Wen said: never let a second Minqin a Lop Nur (Xinhua News Agency reported in October 2007).
I can not say that such lying capital; even if there still is no optimistic mood says. In my opinion, Minqin into the fate of Lop Nur, in fact, the second is doomed.
two years later, more than 100 heads of state gathered in Copenhagen, in order to come, we can not have reduced carbon emissions point?
several large number of countries committed to emission reduction policy makers to argue over many years. this period, the island country of Maldives in fact no longer immune to eliminate the possibility. Maldives located in the Indian Ocean, only 1.5 meters above sea level, it is completely erased by the sea has entered the countdown. If they have enough money to buy land in other countries made other countries, have their fortune; if other countries agree only to accept them these environmental refugees do not agree with their reservations, at sea? Maldives, there are a loser mm Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, which faces the tragic fate of the forced migration of the whole country. Earth has already lost almost deprived of a lot of people are unable to survive (by the way, this is as it should include to resist violence by self-immolation as the demolition of the Tang Fuzhen are).
few days ago, and Tour hundreds of millions of people, there are several people concerned about the rapidly shrinking glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau mm Yangtze River to end soon?
in my opinion, can be displayed in Copenhagen only value is that most countries now have a This > Even some big countries have the so-called unity of action, I think the new push Hollywood blockbuster are only with the power to interpret the history the United States, a well-known boxing manager Don King as the prototype rogue) is a character design ingenuity, this round with a 10 billion euros in exchange for a Noah's Ark of the ticket guy, although the owners of private aircraft, although the time and am able to to the top-secret location (a shipbuilding base in Tibet), but in the end because the scene is too crowded, did not board the China's screen (except for U.S. president himself to himself is December 8, 1994, 288 died in flowers of the motherland, :
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one can not see the end of the Recommendation: China faces a huge crisis and . as eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. Adam lived 930 years, countless children he and Eve, their descendants continue the family line, more and more, gradually spread throughout the land. Since then, Cain punish brother, exposing open the curtain of human kill each other. human imprint the name of original sin, God cursed the land, people had to pay hard work to feed their families, thus increasing resentment and malice. People endlessly fight each other, fighting, looting, the human world violence and crime simply to be added to the point.
God saw all this, he made the people very much regret, sins against humanity committed was so sad. God says: and insects, and birds of the air elimination from the earth. In the sinful people, only Noah found favor in the eyes of God. He thinks he is a righteous man, a very dutiful; his three sons following in his father's strict education has not led astray. Noah also often warned the people around, it should be up to stop evil, full of sin from the life out of it. But people did not agree with his words and continue to go its own way, indulge in evil pleasures.
a God selected Noah: Noah's wife, three sons and daughter-go, as the seeds of a new generation of human beings preserved. God will tell them after seven days of the implementation of great destruction, asking them to use the song ark, minutes of a one-making, wipe inside and outside on the pitch. only the Ark to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, 30 cubits high. Ark left light above the windows to the side to open a door. shalt thou make in the next three. they immediately do so.
see the ark of God was finished, said: covenant with you, your wife, son and daughter will enter the ark. every clean beast thou shalt take seven males and seven female; not
clean beast thou shalt take a male and female; birds of the air have seven males and seven female. These are to keep seed on the ground in future reproduction. ; the windows of heaven are opened, the rain around the clock, down a full 40 days. the water nowhere to flow, quickly rising up the mountain to be higher than 15 cubits. who breathe in the dry land by animals that lung are dead, leaving only the seed of Ark Azeri and animals safe. Ark carrying the hopes of God's drifting in the boundless ocean of God cares for the
Noah and the ark of animals, we ordered the only hing rain wind wind and the water, and the waters subsided. Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat in the side of dock. It took dozens of days, Noah opened the window of the ark, and released a raven to snooping news, but the bird never came back. Enoch Asia again put out a dove to the floor it to see if the water had subsided. As the earth is water, dove could find no landing place, and fly back to the ark. After seven days, Noah released a dove out again , dusk, pigeons flew back, olive leaf in his mouth, it is clear pecking down from the tree. another 7 days, Noah sent out a dove, the dove will not come back. Noah was 601 years old In the January 1, ground water is back dry. Noah opened the door waiting to see a net withdrawal of water on the earth. to February 27, did all the earth. Then God said to Noah: wife, daughter to the boat. You put in the boat with you in all bird, animal and bring out all the crawling creatures, so they multiply in the earth grow it. all other creatures, are according to type out. future generations of people to use the dove and olive branch symbolizes peace.
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