Monday, February 28, 2011

Ningxia appliance

 Recently, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Chamber of Commerce issued to the five Municipal Bureau of Commerce invitation to bid notice, as required by City 2-3 companies selected to participate in the appliance trade has recently started the second batch recycling, sales enterprises invited to bid.

According to reports, invited bidder must be registered in the territory of our region, with the flow of legitimate home appliance enterprises with business qualifications. Invited to mark more than people in the county has more than 10 cities to be recycled or sales outlets; a corresponding sales service and distribution capabilities, have the best home appliance delivery, installation, commissioning, maintenance and other after-sales service system, and in line with national household appliances Warranty provisions; should have the appropriate scale of operation, sales of professional home appliance chain enterprises with annual sales of 1 billion yuan and sales outlets should cover the whole area of business more than 60% of the city, county, region; integrated home appliance retailers million yuan in 3000 sales to be.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lu ideological and moral education version of the seventh grade unit on the fourth book (1) Case Studies

 The fourth unit of life, tell yourself > 2.4 develop a self-confident attitude to life, establish for the people, the lofty aspirations for social services, understand the meaning of self-improvement. A 1.6 understand the importance of self-evaluation, objective understanding, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses to form a clearer overall self-image. a 1.4 objective analysis of the setbacks and adversity, to find effective remedies, to develop the courage to overcome difficulties and forge ahead in good quality. a 1.5 active exercise individual psychological quality, sharpen the will, strive to create a good study, work habits and lifestyles. c 1.2 correctly deal with academic pressure, overcome test anxiety, develop the correct concept of learning, further education and career choices to do the mental preparation.
c 1.3 a correct understanding of the difficulties and adversities in life, improve psychological endurance and maintain a positive spirit state education goals

【emotions, attitudes, values】
1. to develop self-esteem, confidence, self-reliant attitude, experience self-improvement in learning, life and the meaning of success in the to cultivate the spirit of self-reliance.
2. a correct understanding of the significance of self-esteem and self-value advantage, believe in yourself and establish a correct self-esteem and confidence.
3. to self-esteem, self-reliance, self-confidence, self-improvement attitude towards life the difficulties and overcome psychological dependence, and strive to make themselves strong.
4. calmly deal with setbacks and adversity, take the initiative to exercise individual psychological quality, sharpen the will, strive to create a good learning, work habits and lifestyles.
5. to develop the courage to overcome difficulties and forge ahead of the good quality of life in the face of difficulties and adversity, to maintain a proactive state of mind.
ability】 【
1. initially learn to overcome low self-esteem, build self-confidence by way of the right of self-evaluation based on the shape of a self-confident of the difficulties, learn to solve on their own strength, and gradually develop the independent ability to overcome difficulties.
3. enhance self-regulation to withstand setbacks, the ability to adapt to the environment. the face of learning and the frustrations of life and adversity, to calmly, take active measures through > 5. to improve observation, analyze and solve problems, to initially grasp the collection, processing, use of social information, methods and skills, can think independently, ask questions and to reflect.
knowledge】 【
1 . understanding self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, self-importance, understanding the relationship between self-esteem and self-confidence, self-reliance can only know how to self-reliance of the truth.
2. to understand a person in a basic way to build self-esteem and methods that overcome setbacks , will sharpen the basic method of self-reliance onto the road to understand what aspects should work hard.
3. know that life will inevitably be setbacks, frustration is inevitable truth; understanding of the dialectical point of view of frustration positive and negative ; understand the ability to withstand setbacks different results to differ.
4. to a deeper understanding of the strong will is a prerequisite for success, understanding the strong will to learn, live, the importance of the work.
Lesson self-confident people do
teaching focus: This course focuses on the teaching of (3) The experience of teaching methods.
in teaching methods, student participation in teaching activities mainly to explain the secondary, focusing on guidance. ability to use various means and forms of teaching, from the multi- angles present course content to stimulate students interest in learning, lead students to think.
hours arrangements: Project completed in 2 hours
granted first class (total 19 hours)
teaching: Teaching the first box mm the process of teaching a man to be proud
(a) into the new lessons 1, into language: (see the introductory materials)
Thus, self-esteem, self-confidence of a person important. Therefore, we must do self-confident person.
2, writing on the blackboard issue: The seventh class of people to do self-esteem
(b) teach a new lesson:
writing on the blackboard: one, a man to be proud
1, self-esteem is priceless
At home, parents often tell their children to have self-esteem; at school, teachers often teach students to self-esteem, self-love; in life, we often hear people talk, that someone was too proud and so forth. visible , self-esteem is a very common psychological phenomenon. So, what is the self-esteem do?
activity one: read, proposed a meeting (see page textbook P77 material)
Proposed a discussion: ① they have been similar experiences and feelings you?
② describe their situations in which there is a strong self-esteem?
Teacher Summary:
self-esteem is a healthy state of mind. self-esteem self-respect first joint performance of care; self-esteem also includes requirements for others, respect for collective and social expectations of their own.
think about: What are the performance of self-esteem?
(① performance together for self-respect self-care; ② requirements of others, collective and community of their own respect for the expectations.)
self-esteem than we realize, until the concrete manifestation of self-esteem. So what self-esteem of a people, what significance does it!
2, with the importance of self-esteem
(1) positive self-esteem of people two
activities: read, proposed a meeting (Textbook P78 pages of material - 1)
proposed a discussion: Xu diligent study of the motivation come from?
Teacher Summary: < br> Xu is a person with strong self-esteem, in order to safeguard the dignity of the motherland and the people he studied hard and made impressive achievements.
this material tells us: positive self-esteem of people. is to promote self-esteem of people struggling ahead of the psychological factors that can make a tremendous spiritual force. a person with strong self-esteem in order to maintain their dignity, will be hard work, continue to enrich our own development, proactive, step by step to success.
(2 ) self-esteem of the people to win the respect of others
. If a person does not respect even their own, it would not respect others, but will not get the respect of others. So, to say: to win the respect of others to respect it?
people who are not self-esteem, do not even respect themselves, to not be bound by their words and deeds, to protect their image, will not respect others; the same time, a non-self-esteem of the people, but also do not recognize the importance of self-esteem for the people , will not respect others, respect for others and not that man can not win the respect of others.
read, proposed a meeting (see page P78 teaching materials)
discuss the answer: why Oakland did not blame Briant, but praised: l Good question! r praise.)
(3) self-esteem of people bred, self-love
activities about three: read, think about (see page textbook P79 material)
think about: Do you feel sorry for the Sun-day Shuai up ?
teachers about:
materials used Sun-day Henan Shuai workers face the mercy of corporate foreign boss, refused to kneel down, angrily moving away from the plant as a leading example. In this case, the face of foreign enterprises the abusive boss, and some workers knelt down, and Sun days, but would rather lose their jobs Shuai not kneel,
This is in sharp contrast, self-esteem and self-esteem who are not able to uphold their dignity at a glance. This case tells us : self-esteem of people have a strong concept of honor, to understand self-love, self-improvement, can always use the right words and actions to protect their own dignity and image. On the contrary, no self-esteem, even if others are insulting their own words and deeds, not in the correct actions to safeguard their dignity. pages of material)
① qing's actions illustrate what?
(qing their lives do not do things detrimental to character and national character. so-called Protection of personality and the state and national dignity of the case? say pass on to you.
teachers about: (See textbook page P79 material)
2, the development of self, respect for
won five events: read, proposedwe must strive to improve themselves, improve self.)
② to actually win the respect of others on their own, their going to do? (discussion after reading 2 answers)
(through his persistent pursuit, study diligently, efforts in all aspects to improve themselves and improve themselves.)
3, respect for others, be respected
activity six: Picture stories and think about (see textbook pages of material P80 3)
think about:
① they will win the respect of other people do?
② What do you think can win the respect of others do? (respect for others, What are the requirements?)
(to win the respect of others, we must first respect others. is to respect other people's personality, respect the work of others, polite, self-esteem do not do harm to others; to appreciate others, be kind to others, from the heart to accept others.)
(c) Class Summary
self-esteem is a healthy state of mind. self-expression self-love for self-respect together. positive self-esteem of people; self-esteem of the people to win the respect of others. How can we win the esteem it? self-esteem we need to win with actions. This requires us to do to: maintenance of personality, without prejudice to national status; the development of self, win respect; respect for others, be respected.
(d) classroom exercises
1, What is the significance with self-esteem? (see Materials P78m79 page three. )
2, what do you think can win the respect of others? (see the last paragraph of page material P80.)
3, Judgement and Choice (see 5 items)
second class (total 20 hours)
teaching: Teaching the second box mm 1, into language:
famous English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare said: must have self-confidence.
2, writing on the blackboard frame questions: (a) success requires self-confidence
(b) teach a new lesson:
one, self-confidence is a cornerstone of our success
activities: Do not look down upon themselves, believe they can do it (see page textbook material P81)
① material facts show girls what success? (enables people to brave)
② why brave career success.)
1, enables people to brave
Links: (See textbook page material P81)
think about: What is the reason of this material shows?
(UK female Franklin scientists because they do not miss the great self-confidence and examples of scientific discoveries, from the negative description of the importance of self-confidence.)
2, self-confidence can make a person has the courage to overcome difficulties, self-improvement activities
II: The face of difficulties Hua
Proposed a discussion: ① difficulty is how to do it in front of Hua's?
② When you encounter difficulties, how treated?
3, self-confidence can make people play to their potential
Three activities: experience the joy of victory Yang
think: Yang Yang's success in addition to its own has the strength, also benefited from what?
(everyone has a considerable potential. How can the best out of themselves? believes in himself, confident, must have the prerequisite. Confidence is hidden in the heart of the proverb, is that a person's performance will never exceed his own valuation, is also speaking the same reason.)
Related links: from the confidence of sailing
1, found that self-advantage, to find the fulcrum of confidence in the l d r
activities: enjoy yourself (see pages of material P83) (teachers, students summarize the discussion)
teachers about: < br> Each person is unique and will have their own advantages.'re not made to be useful, to put it is the truth. found that these advantages can be found confidence of the Do not focus so much on their own shortcomings and weaknesses, so as to enhance self-confidence.
read: (see textbook page material P84)
Dumas since so impoverished youth from a famous French writer grow , is that he has found its own advantages, and to enlarge their advantage a little bit to build self-confidence. not had the confidence, there is no famous French writer Alexandre Dumas later.
2, try the joy of success
If a person's experience is a failure all the records, this one is not confident. one more chance to succeed, the more they can gain confidence.
activity five: Success and self-confidence (see Materials P84 pages of material)
① 2 m 3 times to find their own life experiences of success.
② successful in helping them build self-confidence and what is their relationship?
(P85 pages by teaching about)
3, address the lack of weak to strong
a person the confidence to find their own strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings are precisely the impact of the establishment of self-confidence, and therefore their own shortcomings and deficiencies to be addressed, and try to be compensated, so that changes weak to strong, to establish real confidence.
activities of six; read, think about it (see page P85 teaching materials)
Alex Wang confidence from where?
teachers about: < br> School WANG stuttering speech from childhood illnesses, affecting their self-confidence. When awareness of this issue, it was decided to change it by strengthening exercises. In the help of students, he did not miss any can improve the oral opportunities for expression, especially through the success of speech contest stuttering problems to overcome, so that greatly increased his confidence.
the contrary, if the deficiencies of their stop at the level of understanding rather than add to make up for it, only make themselves more self-esteem, loss of self-confidence.
4, to overcome the inferiority complex inferiority
have people who do not believe in yourself, look down on themselves, this does not always feel that it is not good, over time, they form a vicious cycle, the more self-esteem more likely to fail, the more failures and diminishing confidence. foster self-confidence to overcome low self-esteem.
How do we overcome the inferiority complex it?
Related links: ways to overcome the inferiority complex
(e) Homework
1, complete the on the themselves, Methods:
course in teaching methods used: (1)
first class (total 21 hours)
teaching: Teaching the first box mm After the introduction of teachers into the teaching of this lesson)
1, import the language:
in the life of each person before them two roads for you to choose, This two different way of life brought about by the different results. a look is the most comfortable way of life, but in the end nothing; the other is long and rugged road, the road thorny, there are numerous rapids rapids, usher it is bright. should be clear which way. Our young people in the new century the way, the competition is fierce, full of challenges, to choose the road can only be self-reliance.
2, writing on the blackboard frame questions: The first box to go self improve road
(b) teach new courses
one thing their own
1, juvenile to be self-
(1) What is a self
activities: reading comics, think about:
① comic Several students doing? This shows what? (that they do their own thing.)
② life you can do your own thing own it? Please give examples.
teachers about: caricature just to us through what is self-perception.
self is his own thing.
talk about: How do you know when Independence it? (to guide students to discuss answers)
(Independence means to independently organize their lives; means to leave their parents and teachers asylum independently dealing with learning problems encountered in life; means to rely on their own hands to start their own business, and create colorful life.)
you days, by the ancestors, are not true man. hero.)
What is the significance of our independence it?
(2) the significance of self-
first: the process of self-reliance and improve our life skills training course, and improve our mental and moral training the quality of the process.
read: explains what?
(this change, the image illustrates the self-reliance to improve the quality of life skills and psychological effect. students to answer after the teacher summarized the discussion.)
teachers about: (see the second paragraph on page teaching textbook P87 . (named student reading materials, other students think)
proposed a discussion: the growth of their own self how to play the role?
teachers about: He Xiaoxian process of growing up is his way from the self to the process of self-reliance. visible, self-reliance in order to self-reliance.
think: Why can go self-reliance? (student teachers to discuss answers are summarized.)
Teacher Summary:
① only themselves, to overcome psychological dependence, cultivating self-reliance the spirit of choice to improve road;
② hh order to meet the requirements of self-sustaining community, and constantly enhance their skills, and constantly improve themselves and to become a strong.
Three activities: The role of self-experience (guide students to fill in after the exchange.)
more than we know what is the meaning of self-reliance and independence and function. Then we have to solve the problem of how to go independent, as independence and dependence is the opposite , so to move towards self-reliance, we must bid farewell to rely on.
2, say goodbye to dependence, to independence
independent reading, understanding, methods; (4) analysis and comparison of teaching methods.
in teaching methods, student participation in teaching activities mainly to explain the secondary, focusing on guidance. the use of various means conducive to teaching and with Learning Plan to:
① experience from Hao Ding, understand what reason? (Hao Ding, experience has taught us: we must overcome the dependence of self-truth.)
② why the self-dependence must overcome it? ( Teacher tells students to discuss answers.)
teachers about: (first paragraph on page textbook P89.)
(2) independently and make decisions
read: (name of students reading materials, other students thinking.)
think about: Material selected dragons grow up a few side shows the growth process dragons what?
(that independent thinking, self-importance and necessity to make decisions . In the real case, dragons from childhood habit of independent thinking and learn to make decisions independently of its future development has played an important role.)
think: why should we and independent decision choice. Can make decisions independently, is whether a person did an important sign of independence., independently make decisions, does not mean do not listen to the views of others, insists on the contrary, the views of others is our own decision an important reference.)
activity five: just give him ideas. (to guide students to discuss answers.)
(3) positive exercise, improve self-reliance
towards a person to truly independent, in addition to have awareness of self-reliance, self-reliance is very important. If the lack of the ability of self-reliance, even if there is not dependent on others, to self-consciousness, can only be enhance the capacity of self-important way towards independence. self does come from the ability?
activity six: What are the ways to get?
(can only be an active part in practice and training in life again.)
Related Links: (see textbook page P90 material. named student reading materials, other students answer the discussion.)
think: ; small driver, Summary of main points of this lesson.)
(d) classroom exercises
The goals and plans
second class (total 22 hours)
teaching: Teaching the second box mm Self-described life to illustrate the significance of self-reliance)
activity one: (See textbook page P91) (named students to read material)
① Lai Chenguang walk in the road of life, always adhere to a What kind of attitude?
(self-improvement and positive attitude towards life.)
② if he did not fall, who can beat you no, this spirit of contribution to the success Ning do? < br> (overcome difficulties and setbacks; the future with hope and vision continue to set new goals for yourself and motivate yourself to achieve the aggressive goals; even in along the way met with great resistance and difficulties and obstacles, but also With a strong will can overcome, and do not give up.)
③ their aggressive goals? when faced with resistance on the road ahead, when, how to overcome?
(students to discuss answers , the collective read the text this paragraph.)
① What are the performance of those self?
② the important role of self-reliance spirit of what?
Activity II: girl Su Mingjuan
(named student reading materials, other students think.)
① Su Mingjuan what action reflects a spirit? (spirit of self.)
② himself with Su Mingjuan this spirit? what their role to play?
(2) self-improvement of the Chinese nation for thousands of years when the melt into the national spirit (the spirit of national self-reliance, the role of the nation)
(students to read materials second paragraph on page P92.)
one needs the spirit of self-reliance, a country, a nation also needs self-improvement of the national spirit. self-improvement to cast the Chinese nation for thousands of years into the national spirit. It is this spirit, so that the Chinese does not weaken national vicissitudes, the more times by the suffering, the heroic self-reliance among the nations in the world.
Related Links: self-improvement in the mental development of the Chinese nation has a great significance.
2, take the road of self-
(1) establish the correct goal in life, and constantly strive for three
activities: Great Wall note)
teachers about:
right ahead goal in life is the spiritual pillar of the people and power. a man who wants a career, will encounter all sorts of difficulties and setbacks. With the right goals, will find in the right direction, difficulties and setbacks can not stop him from moving forward. to self-improvement, we must first establish a correct goal in life. Zhao Ruirui is set the right goals in life, determined to block the world's best hand, China's ; online Great Wall It is a common feature of all those self.
(2) victory over self, beyond self
activity four: the story of Winston Churchill (named students to read material)
think about: From Churchill's success in you get What is Enlightenment?
teachers about:
material about Churchill to overcome their weaknesses, strenuous exercise, a well-known orator of the case. This story tells us that this reasoning mm always have this or that weakness, self- who is not without weaknesses, but the courage to overcome their weaknesses and be good people; to self, must overcome the self, beyond self.
(students read textbooks)
① they have have overcome their weaknesses do get examples of progress?
② What was his body weaknesses still exist? going to do to do?
teachers about:
old saying: are strong. ; have any experience of enlightenment?
a person to self-reliance of the process is to continually sharpen their process. constantly tempered, we have the storm, see the world, to self-reliance. We should start small, active constrained own behavior, to exercise their own in life.
three summary
four classroom, classroom exercises
, 4.
my observation:
5, the students look around, whether to do their own thing? please give examples.
my experience and insights: 6,7,
I identification and analysis: 8
my understanding and knowledge: 9,10.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jinan, the purchase of the property market to determine the policy of not less than 2 suites 60% down payment

 Jinan, the introduction of New Deal regulation
three family house the city banned the purchase

so not for the purchase of real estate prices to drop prices abnormal head interviews

Life Daily February 23 (Reporter Li Li) family second homes no less than 60% down payment, there are a number of years of housing the family and share a set of tax shelter, and further increase the protection of housing construction ... ... February 23, Jinan Municipal Government held 71 executive meeting, a range of policies to further strengthen and improve the real estate market regulation work.
meeting analyzed the situation in the real estate market in Jinan City, clearly the real estate market regulation tasks required to conscientiously implement the State Council 〕 No. 1) and the provincial government office measures in one hand and grasp the construction of affordable housing does not relax in one hand and unswervingly implement the requirements of the State Council and provincial governments.
five years, more than 10 million new housing units protect
session, Jinan City, will further increase the protection of housing construction. Before the end of 2011, construction of 30,000 affordable housing units. New construction of public rental housing not less than 2.3 million units. The community to provide not less than 2,000 low-rent housing. Construction shed 5,000 sets of changes resettlement. To the Effectively increase the effective supply of housing land, giving priority to ensuring affordable housing in shantytowns, housing and land for small and medium size apartment, in the annual plans of new construction sites, separate affordable housing sites, cities do. Commodity housing in 2011, the total land supply plan, in principle, lower than the average actual supply of the previous two years.
family two suites down payment no less than 60%
meeting decided to adjust the Jinan City real estate regulation policies. Adjusted for the transfer of the housing business tax policy, for individuals to purchase housing resale transactions in less than 5 years, in full uniform their sales tax. Strengthen the differential housing credit policy, loans to buy second homes in the family, down payment of not less than 60% of the loan interest rate of not less than 1.1 times the benchmark rate.
implementation of the policy limit the copy number of households purchase, a period of time the purchase of strict implementation of national housing policy, housing units the city has been a family household residents (including the purchase, the spouse and minor children), can Since the date of purchase provided the first 2 years in the city to pay more than 1 year total personal income tax payment certificate or social security contributions that non-city residence households in the urban area of Jinan City (including Lixia District, City Central District, Huai Yin District, Bridge District, Licheng District, Changqing District and High-tech Zone) the purchase of a set of housing (including new housing, and second-hand housing).
in Jinan City already has two or more housing units and households city residence, with 1 or more housing units and permanent residents of non-city families can not provide total of 2 years in the city to pay personal income tax payment of more than 1 year certificate or social security contributions that non-city residence households, suspended their houses in the city. Violation of the provisions of the purchase, the relevant departments will not be filed for the contract and property rights registration.
ineffective control policy implementation and accountability, to conduct interviews
session to further enhance the real estate market supervision. To rectify the real estate market, is not focused on investigating the process of planning, construction, pre-licensing procedures for construction and sale of illegal activities. Strict implementation of the new online record real estate sales contracts, sale of funds to strengthen supervision, comprehensive inspection of real estate development project filing system. Speed up the construction of individual housing information system, continue to improve the real estate market information system, within this year the city real estate archives digital and county (city) area networking. Strengthening security and stability in the housing prices for the supervision, inspection and appraisal, real estate market control policies shall not be implemented, and work force, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant person in charge to conduct interviews, to highlight the issue of accountability.
meeting stressed that the real estate market regulation strengthen their leadership, the establishment of Jinan City, the leading group of real estate market regulation, regulation of the real estate market study and solve the major problem.
Jinan City will be based on 2011 GDP growth target and the disposable income of residents, etc., to develop the annual control of newly built commercial housing price index in March to the public.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Seven thunders themselves (a)

 Seven thunders themselves (a)
1. God created man, what is the meaning?
2. Why did God make three steps to workmanship? Three steps to achieve each step in the work of the fruit of that? To God What is the ultimate goal of work?
3. you want to be God sake of it? What kind of people who are God sake? by God to reach people played in the fruit of what?
4. God requires we change the foundation of life, we do not believe in God when life is the foundation of what? you willing to change the foundation of your life? Why God wants us to do to change the foundation of survival?
5. Why do you believe in God in the end? your God have a good understanding of salvation? I willing to obey God, you suffer for God?
6. In the letter, the path of God, you know how the letter is the letter after God own heart?
7. you can talk to you by trance What hardships? how it affected you, how to meet God?
8. How do you experience God lovely, how aware of their shortcomings, how is the complement 的?
9 . a person who believed in God can not see God's cute, he can willingly go to Cupid? a man he can not see God's lovely to have a real understanding of God do?
10. God is lovely What? How do you see God's lovely?
11. nature of God, how all knowledge among all his temperament What is included?
12. from his disposition of his being you really know it? his temperament results in you really effective you?
13. you are willing to live under the power of Satan? Or is willing to live in among the leadership of God? If you are willing to live in God's guidance of in, then you are willing to meet your life to love God God is God sake do?
14. What is the compelling love? how to make in order to truly love God, a true love of God that he has hurt his mind Love God? What is the essence of Eros?
15. you know you have intentionally wrong? Are you wrong to deliberately out of you when you are willing to change?
16. Now you know what is in the end believe in God yet? actually believe in God today, the real meaning of what?
17. What kind of letter is the letter of religious people, religious people believe what the performance?
18. Do you believe in the purpose of What is it? Why does God work in the country do not show signs?
19. great tribulation, and the true meaning of that? you know what the actual reality of God?
20. What kind of believe in God is the sandy soil foundation, what kind of faith in God is the foundation on the rock bar?
21. God save you the work of human knowledge? What kind of talent is truly God who was with?
22. Your heart is now turned to God, and still come back to Satan it? How did you turn to God?
23. Do you believe in God is to know God's mind, the pursuit to meet God, and the more wisdom and faith in God you?
24. you have the Word of God under the effort aiming at it? in the day a few hours of your heart before God is real, how many a day to God for how much flesh?
25. Why that corrupt people can not speak for God? Do you believe in God is to obey God you
26. that you experience when obedience to God among many? obedient to their own time and how many do?
27. you and relationship with God again? How did you normal relationship with God's?
1. God created man, what is the meaning?
A: The can be: What is the role of people? This can lead to heart God created man. God created man first, that is, the middle of things he witnessed the glory. people can reveal him, honor him, as his representative image. because people have his image and style, who can represent him, and can manage everything for God, the management world. (with the image of God in true righteousness and holiness, God's style is gentle and humble. His image is all his temperament was published, his style is what he is all the reveal.) So we can live in true righteousness and holiness, to live a gentle and humble, recognizing the full nature of God to live out his are all able to satisfy him fulfill the meaning of God made man.
2. God be three steps workmanship Why? three steps to achieve each step in the work of the fruit of that? God, what is the ultimate goal of workmanship?
A: Because were Satan corrupted, God created man is to man to manifest his glory, he represented his words would be defeated. God wants to regain his testimony, to defeat Satan, we have to save humanity. in the rescue of people in the process, according to people's needs, according to Satan corrupts the extent of corruption against Satan's tricks, published his character, giving him the all. so made under the person's ability to accept the work of three steps, three steps follow the work step by step, by step higher than the step, step by step to complete the sake of the plan to save humanity, and completed the purpose of defeating Satan.
three steps include the law era, the age of grace, the kingdom age. The first step to achieve the work of the law so that the fruit one can understand the food and clothing, survival rules, know the LORD made heaven and earth is the Lord, and worship him that way and act in the principle of man, know what sin is, how one committed a crime to heart after God, to the commandments , decrees and laws to lead man on the earth life. The second step to achieve the grace of the fruit of work is this: When people are living, and know justice and fair basis, with godly model. but people were Satan occupies the flesh live in the power of Satan, and my heart is not willing to make good out of evil heart, hand, made out of hate, one living in death, serious fall down, feel the weight of the law and are under the law died in. God saw Satan to afflict humans (also recognized the evil nature of Satan and his tricks on the soul of the poison), so to die for the sins of all mankind to play, so he made himself the body destroy the enmity between man and God, who made a sin offering and a sacrifice of atonement, salvation of people who can accept his seven-seventh Montana forgiveness, forgiveness is the lifetime, people do not mind live in torment among the living being released, that is not subject to charges of conscience; and then all sorts of signs and wonders, and the grace of the infinite blessings to the care of people, people live in happiness, freedom of the world, and leave suitable stature of contemporary people live the way out, people crucified the way to go, from the corruption of the flesh, to endure the sufferings of grievances, some simple, Chuqian the implementation of, and lead to people power, sincerity and completely out of Satan and the desire for the Saviour's coming, who lives in this hope that today. The third step of the way the kingdom of the era complete with the discourse of human aspiration, achievement of the entire business plan to save humanity. divine gives endless mercy, the abundance of grace, infinite forgiveness. part of the desire for truth is more god of love, and desire for the redemption of the body, live in the holy world, if part of the conscience of the weak people were more indulgence, greed, luxury, living in sin roll, crime, pleaded guilty today, tomorrow, because the efficacy of permanent sin offering compassion and loving nature of Jesus as fancy as the sheep committed, people are more serious degenerate. So for the people of God and Satan corrupted the essence of the toxins poisoning the human soul began the trial, the penalty work. with the trial to expose people to use punishment to discipline people, people with dignity to burn with fury to curse people. in order to destroy Satan, the corruption of the human soul of camp, know people make a deep physical nature and human nature, the substance of the rebellion against God. God does not meet with God, try them to reveal some of Ren and try them on people in public his request, he dignitaries meet Chen realm; with trials to trieth love of God and to humiliate Satan, in order to achieve the conquest of man, mars, thereby defeating the fruit of Satan, ended his rescue plan, the holy people into good forever the destination among the rest of God and man began to live, bundled with Satan.
God workmanship accomplished his ultimate goal of making people's wishes, the destruction of Satan, the construction of the country, the achievements of the tabernacle of God among men promise, and God can make the same life.
3. you want to be God sake of it? What kind of people who are God's sake? sake of the people by God to reach the fruit of what?
A : Sure. Venus is willing to suffer for God, people are willing to implement the truth of who God is fulfilled. A man by God sake, can live the ecstasy of all, intellectual, knowledgeable, whether suffered by the disaster can meet God, and extremely willing to love God, obedient to death, loyalty goes.
4. God requires us to change the foundation of life, we do not believe in God when the survival of the foundation of what? you willing to change the foundation of your life? Why God want us to change the foundation of the survival of what?
A: The foundation is the reason that people are willing to live the ideals and beliefs, the lives of general principles to guide and encourage people to run around the power was removed lifetimes. I do not believe in the existence of God is the foundation of all time carnal goals for the future and destiny for fame, for glory, for the children to contribute labor, the pursuit, run around. I am willing to change the foundation of my life, because everything is for the intention of own selfish, full of temptation of Satan , soaked Satan's toxins, toxic over Satan, ultimately, can not stand before God, can not have light, freedom and happiness, full of satanic torture, people living in the intrigues, and politics, you scramble, to kill one another world, if engaged in self-destruction. God wants man to change the main foundation of the survival of people living in the world the love of God, the living lost in selfless love, no cannibalism, human phenomenon of pressure on people, things other people can stand position and angle to consider issues in order to love their heart to love that man forever to reach.
5. Why do you believe in God in the end? you have a good understanding of God's salvation? I willing to obey God as God suffer?
A: The first time when faith in God is to see the dark world, people live in hell on earth among human relationships is a naked money relationship. people's choice purely for personal interests, not wanting in attention to family, moral , who lives full of hurt, full of deceit, full of robbery, embezzlement. I therefore mental pressure, mental illness tortured and living in under the weight, in order to seek the light, the soul rescues and the God of the outer asylum and believed on Jesus. In an interview with many of God's workmanship, the tasted of the grace of God, Raphael, sweet love of God, body tasted the power of the love of God, faith in God's point of view has been sublimated, willing to know God and believe in God, for the passage of the will of God and believe in God. through to today, I save some knowledge of God, true God is willing to submit to God to suffer.
6. In the letter, the path of God is the letter you know how to co- God mind the letter?
A: In the letter, the path of God by God's request, instructed the letter is the letter after God own heart, how to say how do we obey God, how to guide how to follow, how to be with how such Letter to the heart after God.
7. you can talk about ecstasy by what you bitter? That is how you be, how to meet God?
A: God let me be the implementation of truth bitter. This is the incarnation of God suffered, the Lord Jesus as we paved the Way of the Cross, God left us the actual implementation of accurate, with all the specified words, this is his real intention to play all human suffering . God let us be bitter and bitter due to being corrupt is a difference, people suffered because of corruption hit, discipline, repair, deal, broken charge that will refine, and that this is one of the subject's the only people affected by the implementation of the bitter truth, suffered persecution, humiliation, rejected, misunderstood, defamatory, cold, discrimination, cast aside, assault, slander and so is the meaning of the credentials of people, the true performance of the love of God. In Grace Time to see the followers of Jesus washing the meaning of unknown, the substance of communion within the meaning of unknown, died in Ziju among the rules in the fall, was confused by the letter and form, blocking the Holy Spirit work, and left to Satan the opportunity to devour the soul. So Bong sent the Holy Spirit, will clarify the law and grace to the believers, strong word of truth, the hearts of believers, in order to prevent those elders, and honor people confuse the faithful with the status and temptations, so that ignorance of the status of believers from the temptation to go and the local Three-Self church some elders, pastors were guarding the truth of the traffic, the name attracted a heresy, many places suffered the curse of human ignorance and slander. into the kingdom age, claiming to be God's great to see sinners sitting in the house of God claiming to be God, Christ, Longkou water instead of spit out the release of secretly into houses, prisoners of foolish women, and with many false signs and wonders, with rape and deceit to many so-called believers throughout every corner of the house of God, from small to lead to big lead, to go from church to preach the gospel, from the match to the clerk, one by one, such as the mouth of the locusts of Joel, a dog with a big sinner the principle of evil in charge of feces expelled righteousness, and devour the soul of man, Satan revealed the nature of one man, lost their original life. such persons by the acts, and conversation like a stream of clouds of thick smoke, the list of these factions creature Bianbu Qing true and false, can not distinguish right and wrong, to his beloved, struggling to abandon the hope of the Lord Jesus outside the time delay of God, for Satan win linger Revenge of the opportunity, voters in an attempt to revenge of God, but God's wisdom built on top of Satan's tricks, God's will for him to use this effect, the achievements of the fact that the seven thunders loud, and then extend the gospel to the whole buildings. When we find a big sinner and Christ is imperious and oppressive reality of voters, tempted heart of indignation and suffering for Christ suffered the heartache, letters blame the sinner, and exposed him to the bad things, and finally went to Beijing to Chen religious authority to find the truth of Jesus being beaten letter sent to the Government accepted the legal sanctions, it is irrefutable evidence, but also persecuted God's truth, the whole picture of God kings documentary force. Our heart to God and grievances of the suffering endured, no sadness, no complaints, there to die to satisfy God's aspirations, was so blessed by God, forcing up the witness of God, may the witness touching the hearts of people can play Cupid. understand that God is that wide and long and profound love, never betray love, eternal love, that fell down to God, glory to God, Amen!
8. How do you experience God's lovely , how aware of their shortcomings, how is complementary?
A: I was due to meet God, meet God, God in ignorance of the beatings by the turn and after the cute to know God, In God's work (ie positive guidance) and try them to realize that their own shortcomings, and then required by God to do the complementary.
9. a person who believed in God can not see God's lovely He can willingly go to Cupid? a man he can not see God's lovely to have a real understanding of God do?
Answer: no. Supplementary
10. God, what is cute? How do you to God's lovely?
A: God's words and deeds, done that thing about God. I was experiencing God's work among God's lovely to see. In real life into God mars, from his handling of the attitude, the face of difficulties and setbacks, psychological, and his tolerance for the ignorant person and see his cute.
11. nature of God, how all knowledge of his whole nature What is included?
A: The God of all nature are included in the God of all years, was revealed in his words, actions, published in the workmanship of his six years, met for his six years of workers, living out the requirements of his six years, will be able to understand all of God's nature. His whole nature is the human being contains no micro-not, everything, everything in love. blessings is to allow those who love him more for his Trust, revealed His faithfulness; curse people know him is to hate evil heart; mercy, mercy is for people to know him tolerance, forgiveness and endless grace; trial is to awaken the human spirit, the penalty is to deal with people falling into the inside of: greed enjoy comfort, luxury desire to indulge the flesh; Wei Yan Xianming his righteousness, there is no emotion; wrath not revealed who his offense; burning revealed traces his crimes, the complete destruction of Inferiority, He revealed all this to rest until it had no human determination and Yi Zhi.
12. from his temperament among you really know him? He's disposition results in you really effective you?
A: . from his temperament into his workmanship I know the actual normal, recognizing him as the extraordinary immeasurable, know his footsteps in the unpredictable, the counsel of his vast knowledge, wisdom FULL. because of his character revealed Satan made me out of power, to understand his people's mind.
13. you are willing to live under the power of Satan? Or is willing to live in among the leadership of God? If you are willing to live in God's guidance of in, then you are willing to meet your life to love God God is God sake do?
A: I would like to live among the leadership of God. are willing to meet the God of life by God to love God sake. add
14. What is the compelling love? how to be truly the love of God, a true love of God who would hurt his heart that he loves God? Eros What is the essence?
A: When the person is not clean before God, the love of God, people are forced to love. because the love of deliberately mixed with the individual, hope, condition before God, all in exchange for deeds done. In other words, where the love of God The cupboard love is forced to love.
man after God's work when, temperament changes, can carry out the truth, to live all of the trance, when people can achieve true love God, then love is the single, pure, heart, people want nothing at this time, what the soul to heaven, the flesh that peace, live a full rich, many children, happiness does not matter, and the ground one day, highlight God one day and do the duty day of the creature. at any time will not hurt the God of love in his heart, what physical concepts, future, destiny, personal interests, their loved ones rejected, forcing him and will not damage normal relations of God, will not hinder his love of God, the love of God is love real truth, the truth is the real implementation of Eros.
15. you know you have intentionally wrong? Are you wrong deliberately out of you when you are willing to change?
A: Yes. I am willing to change. people are not clean before the people believe in God Ye Hao, living among us behave both mean plot for their own interests, This is Satan nature revealed, is the devil's performance live, everything is built on the between man and God, between people are talking about conditions, map request, all of which are poisonous snakes live temptation, fell into the curse of God. After practice today, the Word of God revealed in the light to see their ugly, not to betray the intention of their own, according to the requirements of God, live, live in God s care among conservative, is recycled back into Eden, living among the blessings of God, but also the glory of God is living among.
16. Now that you know in the end what is believed in God yet? actually believe in God today, the real meaning of what?
A: I realized today through the recognition God is the ruler of heaven and earth all things, watching his six years as the rescue of people in all, the follow through of his workmanship and cooperation, understand his mind, by the end of his life is out of all of such a process is the belief in God. Today, the true God, the actual meaning of the letter is in real life being reached at his request how he said how we make, how he asked how we met.
17. What kind of people believed to be religious letter, the performance of religious people believe what?
A: only the pursuit of a blessing, for good, but not willing to suffer for the truth of the letter is the letter of religious people. They only pay attention to the written code, form, focus only on the myth appearance, the line made according to the words of truth, the reality of being against God's work, and that myth in the heart of the show, and according to their preferences, ideas, and experience to implement, actions are against God, and finally fall on the power of Satan, an angel made a long, standing high, rule over people, attack another person with the myth, do things wrong and lying, out of touch with reality, no normal human, humiliation of God, blasphemy.
18. you What is the purpose that God? Why is the kingdom of God does not show signs and do the work?
A: I believe God is at first light and love to seek, from Satan to afflict the human. Now the purpose of belief in God is to understand the truth, know God. kingdom work is the work of discourse, to use words to behave towards God, life, life in the real lives of actual supply, he does not want to suppress the signs that people, to force people, is to use words to admire people, miracles will interrupt his actual words, so he did not show signs.
19. great tribulation, and the true meaning of that? you know what the actual reality of God?
A: The great tribulation including all the cleansing of God documentary. from conquest to fulfill, to the fury from the curse of the trial, in order to fight back the idea of people, broken people's hopes, which the intention of dealing with people, teach people disobedient, for the people of the old nature Satan human nature, the concept of the minds of thinking, a series of blows, and will refine and complete man fell down in front of the myth, the myth can be obedient, faithful to God goes, obedient to death, Eros extreme, can practice is a process to meet the God of all the great tribulation that is his real meaning. the actual reality of God is all his workmanship and his all human requirements. from law to grace that country today, he made a lot of rescue work, revealed a lot as a man watching his picture, to know all of his temperament, to understand his mind, know that his human needs. understand how one can he ever wanted. law, how the times when people know how to serve him, and how to behave in life, basic necessities of life. grace of times people go cross the road, and gave himself the road is to require people patience, humility, tolerance, forgiveness. the kingdom of the times people obey all his talk, the vision set forth by him to believe him, as the path specified to meet him, whether his trial no matter how the penalty no matter how trials no matter how acceptable, and ultimately based on his Words to live so that he would be human life, the road, as people live by the truth, the foundation.
20. What kind of faith that God is the foundation of sand, what kind of faith in God is the bar in the rock foundation?
A: All that God established on the basis of the interests in the flesh, according to personal preferences believe in God, believe in God according to their own ideas to the future and destiny, fate of the transaction of faith in God is the foundation of sand and, ultimately, in front of God's work can not be Cunli. This point of view if not faith in God changes the person will be eliminated. who in pursuit of the truth, the truth of the heart have the letter of God's people that believe in God is bar in the rock foundation, such a letter praised God, so that God may be with people.
21. you save humanity in God's work of it? what kind of talent is truly God was with the人?
A: There are understanding. God save the human race made a three-step work: the work of God led the people in the law of life on earth, and tell people the Lord is the ruler of heaven and earth all things, people should worship him, serve him, He gives the set the survival principle. grace work with people he did the sin sacrifice of atonement, people from Satan's charges. kingdom conquest era, played in the work of the corruption of his people understand their own nature, to the people, all public with his holiness, with words to a human life makes a clean break with the power of Satan, was salvation.
willing to implement changes in their own corrupt nature of truth who is truly God who was with.
22. Your heart is now turned to God, and still come back to Satan it? How did you come back to God?
A: I now turn to God the heart is. The real heart and turn to God is the meaning of people to the heart of God for the heart, everything to satisfy God's heart to make. eating and drinking myth is to meet God, is to understand God's mind, he found the implementation of the road, to understand their own lack; prayer is to meet God, is to seek God's guidance help, God of light, open, so that their deeds can be commended by God and confirmed; singing, dancing is to meet God, to express their praise to God, to make my heart So do not hold, dancing is to enhance the feelings between people, people living in harmony, unity, love the atmosphere; to implement the myth is to meet God, to live the ecstasy of all, highlighting the image of God, glorify God. turn to the real Satan is not the intention of their own to meet, eat and drink the myth is to reveal himself above others, in order to give the sermon, as he taught; prayer is to reveal his godliness, eloquence, posturing; choir to show off, show off; In order to show their dancing, to meet the physical desire; the implementation of the myth for their own interests, future, all this outpouring of psychological disposition is Satan.
practice so I turned to God from the heart, and everything to go for the love of God , both parties act in traffic or human life in the hearts of all love to meet God. spiritual Ye Hao, Ye Hao brothers and sisters to support, can the truth as the basis, in order to get the truth as the prerequisite for power, behavior while are to do the duty of the creature.
23. Do you believe in God is to know God's mind, the pursuit to meet God, and the more wisdom you believe in God?
A: It is. impure believe in God before the point of view, there are many doping, the love of God is not a single, no awareness of the valuable wisdom of God, the pursuit of the soul to heaven, the flesh that peace can not be as long as the wisdom of God without fear of suffered by the disaster, after God's sake, put down the status of a blessing, truly understand that God's heart to know God, seek to meet God, to get the more wisdom and joy that God is God, praise God .
24. you are aiming at in the words of God, under the effort you have? in the day a few hours of your heart before God is real, how many a day to God for how much flesh?
A: over the next . In the day my heart is all to God, are in the presence of God, little demand for the body of the. In the words of God, efforts aiming at the real requirements of God is to eat and drink according to myth, to implement myth, in order to understand the true meaning of the myth to try to figure out, to pray, to seek, to transport, then know to do, to live out, in order to implement God's truth does not fear persecution, and to betray the body, even the loss of truth in order to implement their own interests are also willing, this is the myth of efforts aiming at the performance. heart true to God, is both the spiritual life, or to behave in all of God's interests, not for physical benefits plans. In all this practice, the human body life is normal, but not go in for the flesh. really means for the body believed God deliberately in order to meet their own to meet their own desires, the implementation of the myth to satisfy their own vanity, living among the The line to their own interests first, whether the implementation of such a ministry or daily life are for the body, do not praise God, inviting God Yanzeng.
25. Why is that corrupt people can not represent God? your letter God is to obey God do?
A: God created man in mind at first is for people to live out of him, and highlight him, as his image of a representative of management for God all things, management of the world, but people corrupted by Satan, to act man to their own interests as the center, people were selfish possession, the intention of satisfying their own desires, revealing the nature of Satan, the live tree of good and evil are poison, and he can not meet God's mind, not to God's interests, it can not withstand the power, and can not be God's representatives.
I believe in God is to obey God. because of obedience to God was a human can be God.
26. do you experience being in the When the number of obedience to God? obedient to their own time and how many do?
A: After I opened the Holy Spirit into me, let me know his mind, let me know the intention of my own, so I re- hard it is willing to do according to God's mind, I will never meet my own interests. So when I submit to your little, because I believe in God is to see God's holiness, righteousness and faith in God, and not to request to God. I believe in God's purpose is to get the truth, and live out the truth, so the truth is my wish to implement, because the truth will allow me to live a meaningful life is valuable, he could get rid of my things are not clean inside so my mind is not dirty injury, suffered damage from Satan, but allow me to distinguish between good and evil, all as seen through Satan, who submit to your desire is obedience to Satan, because Satan is to satisfy people's selfish desire to People live in hatred of the fray, the greater the person's selfish desire to ruin him inside more, and finally destroy Satan's not a little man love, are the use of each other, full of deceit, and only the word of God to make me out of Satan control, off Satan's disposition, living in the arms of the love of God, a religious people, if not see the light of truth, holiness and faith in God, not to have the truth and believe in God, such people have a difficult truth. because such people are less than true love Mitac, obedient to their own reason is that the truth did not produce a true love. You have a real love of the truth yet? you are willing to live for the truth, obedience to the Lord of all words do?
27. your relationship with God again? How did you normal relationship with God's?
A: I normal relationship with God. normal relationship with God, first of all is the thirst for God, then eat and drink the Word of God, understand God's mind, according to God's requirements completely to be willing to sub-God mind off things, the relationship between brothers and sisters matter sorted out properly, can afford the things of God, emergency God needs, and would like to think of God, to God's burden to bear, so just like normal relationship with God.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ozawa punishment on the party to contest and challenge

 Democratic Party of Japan Ichiro Ozawa, 22, former representative of the party the morning of Ethics Committee (Chairman: Watanabe constant c) the issue of political funds about 45 minutes of defense, he was senior Democrats want to challenge them to action. Compulsory prosecution centering on the issue, Ozawa said, will be further intensified.

, Shaanxi People's Daily, the railway bureau chief engineers do not want to take the high exposure of iron shocking Soil drugs fuel surcharges domestic flights increased from 22 WTO said China's restrictions on export of raw materials violation of 9 U.S. cola ingredients may cause cancer, said CSPI 2010 Donations of large enterprises in high-definition: a high-rise business building in Urumqi on fire and no wits against inflation
Zhou Ozawa in defense that the sake of operational aspects of the Congress.

sue for enforcement and prosecution is often the difference between, Ozawa stressed that All in all, because of confusion and litigation procedures into a practice. The Committee refused to answer side.

if Ozawa ethical basis of the provisions of the party action against the content that the final decision could be postponed a week or so to make.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Borges's fiction

 [Peru - Spain] Mario. Vargas.
Ming Zhao Llosa translated
when I was a university student, was feverishly reading the works of Sartre, writer sincerely believe that he should assert that the times and society The argument promise. such as, a history itself is experiencing a storm of suspicion mm but in 50 years, the world may be getting better and literature should contribute to this idea, once so many of us think there is persuasive and that were encouraging.
At this time, Borges began to go beyond the prestige of the Borges rare version of the devout believers, they can recite the story Borges short story in a series of extremely beautiful mm, especially the dagger and amazing adjectives and adverbs to borrow to go to their work. In Lima, the first to follow Borges is my friends and peers, we were to share the joy of reading and literature of the dream. Borges is the subject of endless debate. For me, Borges called the pure way to represent chemical Sartre had taught me to hate all things: he is a hide and fantasy books world in the escape the world and the real artists; he is a disdain for politics, history and reality of the writer, and he even openly doubts the reality, laughing all the non-literary things; he was not irony leftist dogma and utopian thinking, and to his mockery of the traditional introduced the idea of the concept to an extreme point of intellectuals: to join the Conservative Party, is a mockery of the reasons: the gentleman who is willing to invest in particular to go to the cause of the failure.
many of our arguments, I pull out all the the stops to Sartre tried to prove harsh style: A Boss by Hull as writing, speaking, and the form of intellectuals, to some extent all the world should be unjust, unfair and unjust social phenomenon is partly responsibility; his novels and poetry are just some Teachers make charming gestures, like waving the terrible and ruthless mm given the history of capital punishment. However, the debate ended, when I could quietly alone in his room or study, it seems Somerset. Mao Farm my mentor Suttle fall generated a sense, there is an evil pleasure.
my fascination with youth is often the object of literary transformation. was that I follow many of the example, when I try to re-read, very difficult to hold in the hand, including the works of Sartre. However, Borges's fascination with secret obsession with guilt, has never cooled off. we should re-read from time to time Bor Hess's work has become a habit for me is always a pleasant adventure. this time to prepare lectures, I again read his work again. I read the side, while surprised, as I first read He works as a beautiful writing style and his simple, ingenious and good structure of the story the story of the perfect means to marvel. I know the art of evaluation will become a passer, but he is concerned, can be completely sure that: Boer He The emergence of Sri Lanka is now in Spanish literature of the most important thing, he is one of the most memorable artists.
I believe: We, the people writing in Spanish in debt is owed a huge Borges . It includes all of the writers, though some, like me, for one, has never written a fantasy short story of illusion, a double personality, or unlimited time and space science and other subjects of election Schopenhauer never felt particularly popular. For the Latin American writers, Borges implies a break with some kind of inferiority complex, because the writer to prevent contact with some of the psychological themes, the writer imprisoned in a small country in the world, of course, took place in the subconscious being. In Borges before the appearance, for the Latin American writers, and wandering around in the world of world culture, as did the European American writer, seems to be an illusion, is guilty of it. Yes, the former by several Latin American of the modernist poets who entered the world of world culture, but their attempts, including the most distinguished poet Ruben. Dario, has a We have forgotten the classic writers, such as the Inca. �Ӷ�ϣ-�� and Sol. Juana. Ines believer's point: the language and history from the perspective that we are an integral part of Western culture. 450 years ago, Spain and Portuguese to extend the boundaries of Western culture to gongola in the transplantation, but its one of the real part. Borges appears, once again proved the truth, but also proved that Western culture does not reduce to share the sovereignty of Latin American writers and originality.
in the center of Europe, few writers can be like any novelist, the edge is so full and complete under the inheritance of Western culture and heritage. Borges with the generation of writers, who like him by the carefree tour Scandinavia the myth of the Scandinavian world, Anglo - Saxon poetry world, the German philosophy, gold century literature, English poetry, Dante, Homer, translation and dissemination of the Middle East, Europe and the Far East of the myths and legends? However, all All this and Borges did not become a Borges is a As a mixture of so many countries, age and cultural background of different themes that make them feel too exotic, as if dancing was just being popular. they feel no wrong. Unlike Borges European authors have been trapped in a national tradition, and his unrestrained character of heaven and earth for his freedom in the cultural activities of a convenience, and because he mastered several foreign languages fluently, make such activities possible. his ideological world, that desire to dominate the broad cultural world whose passion to use his mountain palace of stone to create the desire of their own history, are typical of the Argentine character, it can be said of Latin American character. But to Borges and words, his frequent contacts with the European literature is the formation of personal geography, the formation of character, a way of Borges. Borges curiosity and inner spirit gradually from a sewing cultural fabric of great originality, he is a strange The combination, which face both Stevenson's prose and the exchanges, there are fantasy, not out of memory in the streets of Buenos Aires two scrappy guy, Dong Daozi quarrel again, and this argument seems to be caused by the early Middle Ages, Christian theologians of two fire deaths The continuation of that argument. Borges in that incredible stage, as in Carlos. Aachen Dino in the basement of the Aleph, as one by one to show all kinds of people and things. and the only confusion various components of the replication world, the passive screen is different from the works of Borges, all the elements by a world view and a self-image with these components of language expression to be regulated and priced. There is another achievements in the field of Latin American writers should also be greatly attributed to the credit of Borges role models. Borges not only taught us that a Argentines may have the ability to talk or ideas in Shakespeare's compelling story of Aberdeen, but also tells us that the traditional style can be the revolution. Please note! I said is an example of the role, which is different from the impact. the works of Borges, as a strong originality, and thus hurt the countless admirers because he pioneered some of the verbs, metaphors, and use of adjectives is pure drama for the admirers of return. This is to show the fastest of the a means of expression must go to him the writer, succeeded in creating a discourse music (this is Borges own words) the writer, as the most outstanding classical writers, such as: establish conditions under which more than (Bo���˹���� extremely) and gongola (Bo's has never particularly fond of.) Borges works as long as one can be identified, sometimes even just a verb phrase (such as or ten practice areas the same. The difference between the two: Dario introduced some of the tactics and themes (after imports from France, according to his own temperament and the environment to change), these practices and themes in a way represents a period of time and a social atmosphere of the thoughts and feelings (and sometimes the sake of fashion's habit), so that these practices and themes can be used by many followers, but do not lose their voices; and revolutionary Borges single-handedly carried out on behalf of his own, only a very indirect way to represent that the weak growth in the meantime he and his decisive help from the formation of the atmosphere (it all seems ridiculous.
this situation certainly does not reduce the importance of Borges, but also did not reduce the time to read his works have great pleasure, and his articles can taste every sentence is interesting, as delicious cuisine. Bo's revolutionary work is: How many thought his article would have much the same words, because of its simplicity and refining the language to the degree of technical proficiency level. which in English literature, and even the French are not much literature See, but in Spanish literature there are several precedents. Borges described by a personal matter ��������. Bisa Luo, is a female artist (Ortega - Ke Sete works, these works is the following speculation her: a joke, on the other hand, if she would remove the expressive language, but also so does not accurately express our thoughts. We are the works of Spanish prose master, if Cervantes was the beginning of their emergence as brilliant fireworks, and each thought by the butler, valet, bodyguard guards of honor, surrounded by gorgeous composition from the fireworks have gone through, the guards of honor's role is tokenism. We pay attention to prose color, temperature, and sweet as important as thinking; mm in some cases, for example, lezama. Lima mm in the form to be more important than content. In these typical Spanish excesses in rhetoric, and there is nothing to blame, these acts demonstrate the characteristics of a nation deeply, showing a character: emotional and concrete to be better than rational and abstract. This is why there is so much the time of writing (as Jiabulieer. fila del said) of the Pakistan series - Incline, Alfonso. Reyes, A Laihuo. Carpentier, Camilo. Jesse. Sierra underlying causes. (to name four prominent essayist for example) they will not work no matter how expansive in that they become Biwa Lai or Eliot, or even the superficial constant. there are some differences between them is only just, as the Latin American nation as different from the British and the French. in our midst, and putting forward the idea turned into more of a feeling of acceptance and passion, or the use of the specific things a certain way Chanru, direct experience of things, not logical reasoning. (Perhaps this is our Spanish-speaking people have such a wealth of literary and philosophical reasons for this poor, Hui Xu This is modern Spanish world's best thinkers, Ortega - Ka Sete first writer of the reasons for it.)
in this tradition, Borges became a style created by abnormal, become a kind of from the essentially uncontrolled natural tendency to rebel in the form of Spanish, choose the most rigorous and concise way. that the emergence of Borges in Spanish are in fact not the case. because I want to say is (I just described with a It is always for the other aspects of thought and logical level of services. He is full of this level has not been contaminated and bright mm mm is unusual thoughts of the world, express these thoughts in the language is very pure and rigorous way , the language never betray those ideas do not hold these thoughts go to the secondary level. We are dedicated to this purpose. develop interests and hobbies and culture, way of his fierce style of our tradition of innovation. he was using a very unique way of pure Spanish, to the wisdom and the language to be decorated at the same time, it proved that Spanish mm Sometimes the characters described by Borges Marta. Bisa Luo mm from the potential of the less stringent than that shown by its rich and varied tradition; for as long as the efforts of a talented writer to his rich and varied, it can become As French as crystal of the logical, rigorous and rich as English as the color. has no writers like Borges did to make us understand: in the literary language of the world, if there is no established practice and argument, the total is to continue to create.
Borges is the most intelligent and most of us are good at abstract writer, is also the most outstanding short story writer, interested in people with a fascinating story to read his works, such as detective novel, this is his type of development, characterized by a metaphysical adventure story, filled with ideas. As for the novel, he held the attitude of contempt. alone is expected that the tendency of his dislike of realism, because this type of novel, Despite James. Joyce and other good writers are the exception, but it seems destined to, after all, the experience of human thought and instinct mm, individuals and society, life and dreams mm blended together, the total would not in the pure novel reasoning and the art world in the submission. novel of the congenital defects in mm mm attachment properties of human sludge is Borges will not be tolerated. Therefore, he in 1941 as said: provided that: a book is an exploration of the ideological field, is a reason or argument started. If this premise is established, the details of a fiction is also just as pearls hidden in the shell, as is the string can thinking of unwanted spin-off coat. define a novel, but there are convincing indicates that the shape of his fiction: a conjecture, hypothesis, there is speculation, pure research, definitions, doctrine, and specious reasoning.
short short story by and the formation of a more concentrated interest in writing for Borges the literary types of subjects, as Borges mastered the superb literary skills, so that these vague and abstract themes full of charm, even dramatic. These themes are : time, body, dreams, games, authenticity, duality, eternal.'s concern is based on these themes into the form of stories, these stories are often used very cleverly realistic and accurate description of the details for the beginning These details are sometimes very local color, or use the form of note and the head notes, and subsequently difficult to detect or the sudden transformation of the way toward the illusory or disappeared in the philosophy or theology class into thinking. In thinking about these philosophical or theological issue, the fact that itself is never the most important, the fact is not really the fact that the original sense, the most important theory is the theory of interpretation. For Borges, as for his characters, like figure, like and makes a mockery of knowledge speechless, and always want to show off one kind of secret and skepticism, but the decrease may have gone too far in this part of the theory.
in a such a sensitive writer mm who is so educated and has always been frail, blind since the term of the disease made him almost crippled, the particularly mm actually there are so many in the short stories of bloodshed and violence, which may make some people by surprise. But not so, literature is a compensatory reality, like the Borges case, literature abounds. Dong Daozi, crime, torture, beatings in his work everywhere, but these atrocities to be gentle Ironically, pull to the distance, as if one kind of aura that irony, it is often the brutality around them; these acts by his article in the cold rationalism pull away, and his work has always been the pursuit of sensationalism and touching . This is one kind of terror to the physical characteristics of the statue, art product features, non-reality reality.
Borges always been attracted to the myth, always has been the suburbs of the superficial impression of playing a knife attracted riders. The man of flesh and blood, are born wild, unrestrained, their personality and diametrically opposed Borges. in his own story, full of many such people, while giving them a Borges-like species of dignity, the dignity of the art and wisdom. no doubt that he described the good fight for all people, big guy, and killers, as he, like all those ghosts with literary characters mm with a non-reality. He sometimes put on these people, Wuqiao people or the country the way people speak, such an approach will not get these people in their stories than the main characters through the ages when the university asked the home, the immortal hero, founder of pilgrims more doctors and pagan with realistic color. All of these characters does not come from life, but from the literature. They first came from ideas, through the language of a literary master of magic with these ideas into a physical magic.
Bor Hess is a short story every art treasures, some of which mm such as languages are not at all a waste, even if sometimes some components are omitted after the reader to spend a lot of thought at the expense. exoticism is an essential element: it always happens in distant places, as far space and time away from making a more beautiful, vivid, or to the myth in full color Buenos Noel Rees suburbs. Borges in a famous preface to talk about when a character says: That guy is a Turk, in order to make it easier to intuitively understand him, I wrote him the Italian people. can better manage them, can play a magical time and space specific properties, or you can make him an incredible experience that often becomes more convincing. However, please note: Borges Novel and exotic local color different characteristics and local literature, such as with Lika and more. Gila Childers or West. Alegre writers like Australia are very different. Writers in the local literature, exotic is no intention to whom, writers agree that the customs of the results of the impression is very rustic and backward. In Borges there is an exotic scene of the crime is not an excuse, as is agreed by the reader at least mm mm while readers do not pay attention to fast and difficult to detect the way to escape reality, ran toward the non-reality, as Borges as Borges short story, the knowledge, some expertise, but are usually almost always have linguistic literature, history, philosophy or theology, is inseparable complement exotic. This knowledge is casual, and even show out of some arrogant, to show off the extent of knowledge, but never bounds. Borges very knowledgeable, and he learned the reason described in the story, of course, not to impart knowledge to the readers. It is Bor Hess is one important means of artistic creation, which is similar to functions. change some knowledge as knowledge of the content, replacing the contents of the content or let them in the story should be subordinate to task, sometimes decorative, sometimes symbolic task. Thus, in Bor Hess, short stories, theology, philosophy, linguistics, and professional knowledge of all of the things in the works, have become literary, have lost their original nature, but has been the essence of fiction, and thus become the literary imagination components and content.
Borges on fictional world is completely saturated with literature. This is the most literary world, no writer has yet to create it, because in this world for a long time by other writers of the characters, mythology and language groups are continuously mode appears in the form is so vivid, so to some extent usurped the status of the background literature, usually it should be the objective world. fictional Borges is not about the science fiction world, but the literature the world. the creator of secret. However, this statement tells us a Borges Art on the characteristics of the ulterior motive of the truth than any one of the writers to create the modern literature, Borges to this literature stamped their mark, and thus metabolism has been the world literature. his relatively short narratives, full of literary boundaries in all directions leading to the trail and the response. There is no doubt that this is a hard job that is useful work, thus making Borges short story magnificent and unique nature of the material used is not his, but changing it out of something: a small fictional world, which covered the tiger and knowledgeable audience, full of sectarian violence and the strange, timid and tireless bravery; it inside, words and dreams instead of the objective reality; that which, demonstration of imagination overwhelmed mental performance of all life.
it is a fantasy world, but only that there were supernatural and all sorts of strange things. said Borges was not irresponsible, cynical, and even the history of humanity from the world. (Borges extremist from young to participate in poetry from the beginning of the campaign to develop an aggressive attitude, and never never gave up, he sometimes uses the name) While there is no doubt that his work has a lot of games the composition, for the life and death, human destiny and the afterlife and other fundamental issues than suspected sure, but his work is not an out life and daily experience, there is no social roots of the world. This world built on the basis of survival of deformation, that is the essence of mankind, as the immortal works of literature the same. Is there any other possible? any escape from life, not give the reader a light or can not lift the reader in the life of the fictional works of some of the pain, can not be forever. Borges features unique in the world is: where, survival, history, nature, psychology, emotion, instinct etc., have been deconstructed, are compressed into just belong to the spirit world. life, the turmoil and confusion of this boiling, the filter is the result of a myth Borges, came after after the concept of sublimation as readers. He logical filter is to clean the work, it was so perfect and complete, so that sometimes people think he is not to clean living, but to abolish it.
Borges creation, poetry, short stories and essays are complemented, and sometimes difficult to guess whether he is the type of article. Some of his poems is about the story, and there are many stories but also has a condensed prose and ingenious structure ( especially those smaller minimum). but in the works of Borges or the exchange of most types of short stories and essays, they even break the boundaries of each other, mixed into a separate unit. that Bo Kefu's fire similar illusion of the cause of the physical world, he uses the same great skill. Some stories through repeated processing, such as and philosophical or theological problem. Because of these support points are very strong intellectual acrobatics, as Borges always understand what he says, so his fictional short story is the ambiguous nature of components, there were false true or false in truth, this Borges is the world's most typical characteristics. and many of his essays can be said exactly the opposite: such as the into a complementary component, it has magical properties, is imagination and unreal, purely fabricated, so that turned into prose fiction.
any literary work no matter how rich and perfect, will always be flawed. specific to Borges, he is always exposed in culture to maintain the attitude of racial neutrality. blacks, Indians, primitive man, in his short stories, often as the body is the inferior race arise, they are in barbarism, of the historical or social conditions, not from the perspective of the decision, but that such barbarism is innate. They represent less than the human animal, is that human nature is Borges incompatible intellectual and literary arts. It is not clear that he certainly had, perhaps he is not conscious, but revealed before, been seen from the signs between the lines, or based on specific performance. civilization, for Borges, it As for Elliott, Papi Ni and Piot. Baluo Ha, can only belong to the West and the city, and (almost always) are white. except the East can be only as a vassal of civilization, ie, after the Europeans in China , Persia, Japan, after filtering the product of Arab culture. other cultures such as Indian and African cultures mm mm is also part of the Latin American reality, may be due to their community in Argentina, that Borges live in a society where most of the time is not obvious , so in his work more as a contrast material, rather than a variant of human civilization. It is a work of Borges did not reduce the limitations of great value, but in the meaning of his creation an overall evaluation whether or not to avoid as well. This limitation is perhaps another sign of his weakness, because he repeatedly taken the trouble to repeat that absolute perfection is not of this world view, even as the Boer He Sri Lankan writer, so close to perfect in their artistic creation can not be perfect.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The only consensus Copenhagen human end soon

 Above: Noah's Ark
imaginary problem: the Copenhagen consensus: human really has to end soon!
World leaders gathered in Copenhagen, what kind of consensus can be achieved? If so, perhaps the national leader believe that the trend of global climate warming if it continues to deteriorate, humanity really was finished.
next question: can survive?
two years ago, Wen said: never let a second Minqin a Lop Nur (Xinhua News Agency reported in October 2007).
I can not say that such lying capital; even if there still is no optimistic mood says. In my opinion, Minqin into the fate of Lop Nur, in fact, the second is doomed.
two years later, more than 100 heads of state gathered in Copenhagen, in order to come, we can not have reduced carbon emissions point?
several large number of countries committed to emission reduction policy makers to argue over many years. this period, the island country of Maldives in fact no longer immune to eliminate the possibility. Maldives located in the Indian Ocean, only 1.5 meters above sea level, it is completely erased by the sea has entered the countdown. If they have enough money to buy land in other countries made other countries, have their fortune; if other countries agree only to accept them these environmental refugees do not agree with their reservations, at sea? Maldives, there are a loser mm Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, which faces the tragic fate of the forced migration of the whole country. Earth has already lost almost deprived of a lot of people are unable to survive (by the way, this is as it should include to resist violence by self-immolation as the demolition of the Tang Fuzhen are).
few days ago, and Tour hundreds of millions of people, there are several people concerned about the rapidly shrinking glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau mm Yangtze River to end soon?
in my opinion, can be displayed in Copenhagen only value is that most countries now have a This > Even some big countries have the so-called unity of action, I think the new push Hollywood blockbuster are only with the power to interpret the history the United States, a well-known boxing manager Don King as the prototype rogue) is a character design ingenuity, this round with a 10 billion euros in exchange for a Noah's Ark of the ticket guy, although the owners of private aircraft, although the time and am able to to the top-secret location (a shipbuilding base in Tibet), but in the end because the scene is too crowded, did not board the China's screen (except for U.S. president himself to himself is December 8, 1994, 288 died in flowers of the motherland, :
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one can not see the end of the Recommendation: China faces a huge crisis and . as eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. Adam lived 930 years, countless children he and Eve, their descendants continue the family line, more and more, gradually spread throughout the land. Since then, Cain punish brother, exposing open the curtain of human kill each other. human imprint the name of original sin, God cursed the land, people had to pay hard work to feed their families, thus increasing resentment and malice. People endlessly fight each other, fighting, looting, the human world violence and crime simply to be added to the point.
God saw all this, he made the people very much regret, sins against humanity committed was so sad. God says: and insects, and birds of the air elimination from the earth. In the sinful people, only Noah found favor in the eyes of God. He thinks he is a righteous man, a very dutiful; his three sons following in his father's strict education has not led astray. Noah also often warned the people around, it should be up to stop evil, full of sin from the life out of it. But people did not agree with his words and continue to go its own way, indulge in evil pleasures.
a God selected Noah: Noah's wife, three sons and daughter-go, as the seeds of a new generation of human beings preserved. God will tell them after seven days of the implementation of great destruction, asking them to use the song ark, minutes of a one-making, wipe inside and outside on the pitch. only the Ark to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, 30 cubits high. Ark left light above the windows to the side to open a door. shalt thou make in the next three. they immediately do so.
see the ark of God was finished, said: covenant with you, your wife, son and daughter will enter the ark. every clean beast thou shalt take seven males and seven female; not
clean beast thou shalt take a male and female; birds of the air have seven males and seven female. These are to keep seed on the ground in future reproduction. ; the windows of heaven are opened, the rain around the clock, down a full 40 days. the water nowhere to flow, quickly rising up the mountain to be higher than 15 cubits. who breathe in the dry land by animals that lung are dead, leaving only the seed of Ark Azeri and animals safe. Ark carrying the hopes of God's drifting in the boundless ocean of God cares for the
Noah and the ark of animals, we ordered the only hing rain wind wind and the water, and the waters subsided. Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat in the side of dock. It took dozens of days, Noah opened the window of the ark, and released a raven to snooping news, but the bird never came back. Enoch Asia again put out a dove to the floor it to see if the water had subsided. As the earth is water, dove could find no landing place, and fly back to the ark. After seven days, Noah released a dove out again , dusk, pigeons flew back, olive leaf in his mouth, it is clear pecking down from the tree. another 7 days, Noah sent out a dove, the dove will not come back. Noah was 601 years old In the January 1, ground water is back dry. Noah opened the door waiting to see a net withdrawal of water on the earth. to February 27, did all the earth. Then God said to Noah: wife, daughter to the boat. You put in the boat with you in all bird, animal and bring out all the crawling creatures, so they multiply in the earth grow it. all other creatures, are according to type out. future generations of people to use the dove and olive branch symbolizes peace.
Minqin scenery
Government website volunteer page

Minqin beautiful scenery in Minqin larger figure

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Real estate broker flick Liu Shao head - Happy Happy Ye Liya Word Analysis

 Ye Liya
old fog, a diagram to help me test it, off, ha ha ha, quiz, ah, if there is little, Oh, Oh Oh, that we began to ah:
may Gua dry for days, abandoned the fire colleagues for the day, ha ha ha This hexagram fun ah, very very fun ah, which can prove you are a very fun friend, ah, ha ha ha.
images of display: you are very pure, very good, is the kind of never know the harm What animals are pure lamb Oh, ha ha ha, your kindness and innocence do not know how many people moved, but there will be bad guys want to take the opportunity to take advantage of you or hurt you Oh, you should be careful ah.
images of display: a door into the waiting deep as the sea, and now many of the problems you face, no matter how hard you try, can not win someone else's identity, there is a negative force implicit confidence in the killing for you, you have begun to doubt themselves and doubt to the whole world, do not they do the earth is round? Do friends or colleagues could be so is not reliable? so on.
images of show: There is an invisible crisis quietly approaching to you, after three months, you have to guard against an opposite sex of your injury, the opposite sex who is a very nice Oh, and good humor and generous, the kind of strong affinity, this person will be a invisible force affect you, as you unknowingly act in the person's wishes, and eventually they will shunt you dart Young Oh, Oh, Ha ha ha.
images of Show: Impending crisis constitute the most important in your life, a part of you will have doubled since the act and created a large, and you force it relied upon, it is accumulated during this time. So the images of suggesting you be a fool , how people lie to you, how you will be taken, when someone finally could not stand it when it is your chance, this life you are the most important business partner or ally, will appear during this period, and your emotions and fortunes you, Oh, Oh Oh, this will knock two things destined to knock mix mix, sooner or later, you have to face a choice: to choose emotional about, or select the money.
images of display: You are emotional people a choice Oh, so you will not want wealth dispersed, you will eventually get everything you want in addition to being someone else got all of the rest, all your.
Oh, Ha ha ha, but also you a Do not ever had Yueyang

Hey hey hey, this hexagram, ah, OK good, and there is wealth there Aventure, the diagram is really the happiest in life Oh, ha ha ha.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

North has beauty, masterpiece and independent, who smile the city dump, dumping people laugh and then the country, regardless of the country and dump dump ...

 Chapter 1, I, Chen Gillian, daughter of Princess Han Guantao.
Childhood, I know they are beautiful, elegant glossy black hair I have, I like snow blowing shells or broken skin. Some people have used indigo to describe the woman's crescent, how can distant green and my eyebrows in the graceful, others have used to describe the woman's beautiful eyes xingmou can be comparable to the stars how can I Smart eyes water.
stunning Di looks, noble status, I Chen Gillian, a well-deserved for the days Jiaonv.
When I was fourteen years old, my beauty will pass it the capital, came to propose marriage to cross the river of kings as the carp, but bunch of mortals, how worthy of my honored their identity, fairy looks, I was out of the Phoenix, to suit me, only that someone's long ah!
Finally one day, the opportunity finally arrived, as the Queen's aunt, as I entered the palace of a polymer, in the Queen's Palace, I saw him, as the Prince of Liu Che, the wide forehead, his nose is very very pretty, flashing eyes Ruju Wisdom of the light, he stood tall, like an idol only, Hidetake extraordinary, even if not for us to introduce her aunt, and I know who he is, only he, the most distinguished men under the sun in order to disseminate out of this momentum, the only man, the god-like men like to Jiaonv worthy of my days Yeah!
Angela I kneel, I have learned to use the most ladylike manners worship He, Han future monarch, and his fiery eyes of the general stay on me, though I head down, you can still feel the heat of his eyes.
aunt laughed, more and more beautiful, and, to the Aijia this and let Ai Jia a good look! to knelt at her side, her charming look.
Tao is really lucky, had such a good daughter. slowly came to me, even if not close to me, I have felt an invisible momentum approaching, I was almost out of breath, feel his burning eyes of the injection, I have the courage to lift the eyelids , look to him, the Han dynasty most distinguished man, his eyes are firmly fixed on me, of me, as if to verify carefully the words of his queen mother.
I am familiar with their own beauty, It was the pride of my pride, so I charming smile, I know I must be beautiful at the moment, my wavefront spread stare brilliance, seems to be a thousand words, there is paused, My smile will spring to March, impressive.
I really do, because I saw the pride of man, and he did for my absence, and his eyes, I see all the men mm when the eyes look at my surprise! Although only a short moment, but I really see.
wise aunt, quickly perceptible to the stormy between us, she smiled and pulled Liu Che's hand and said: I would like to establish Crown Princess? I was secretly delighted, but nervous, him? he would say? my heart with a heart of hope, quietly waiting for his answer.
Toru first without a word, like what the thinking, then he took a big step back, knees to the Queen said: children involved affair, hope his mother sake. let the tears out of my eyes.
Queen apparently did not expect Liu Che would say, that the match his or her biological son or not, she can not avoid strong, but on the other hand, I'm afraid of the side of embarrassing her, So room into silence, quiet we can hear each other breathing.
to break this silence is that I am.
stand up, Qingyilianbu, Liu Che, I slowly walked around, and he knelt down side by side, I relaxed and staring eyes like the Queen, with the most elegant voice said: Wei May, Gillian thank Goddess of good intentions, but unfortunately Gillian Fu Bo, Gao Pan can not afford today than to have never said that when the empress, Gillian never heard of it! got up to leave, never ever look at him, no one can trample on my pride, even if he is the world's most distinguished men.
Chapter 2 way home, I am blissful silence, cry not laugh, just locked in his room, his mother was scared, desperately knocking at my door, asking me what is happening, I did not answer, because they do not know what to say, sitting quietly in the house, sitting before the mirror staring at the beautiful and proud of my face, I do not know what I'm thinking, do not know the thinking, my mind went blank.
the third day, when my family was apprehensive, I do not know the occasion of the measures, I suddenly opened the door, walked with firm steps, I walked out, my beautiful and loving mother rushed over, and she knew it from the Queen that matter, to fall asleep me, she whine said: Then the next it is said: sprinkle it gently on my bare shoulders, drops of water dripping in my white shoulders, appearing brilliant light.
day, I soaked in water for almost half a day, water was hot, hot, cold in the dense gas in the water, I like the jade statue, stared blankly in front will never know.
bath, I put on white robes, this servant to light the brazier, hands When will my clothes at the palace, wearing jewelry thrown into the fire, and flames engulfed a beautiful satin, gorgeous jewelry, jade-like fire stains my skin and lovely looking. I stood before the fire a long time in silence, in flames, I lift my noble head again, regain my pride.
August 15 that day, the emperor banquet ministers, Justice Being the Desire monarch with the music, You Yu and Tianlun family at the table. Mother and I, too, are being invited to the ranks.
mother stood behind me, worried at me and said quietly: explained to the emperor you sick hh not had it! I do not go, inverted image that I can not see straight people like ugly! long hair, I am already very beautiful, set off in the dress under the blossoming Your face in the mirror blinding that people could not open eyes, wavefront spread, looking at himself in the mirror, I am satisfied smile.
That evening, the palace walls of the hall a golden glory in the calling of the sound, dressed in purple, elegant ease into my house with his mother, Lianbuqingyi, even without the wind, soft but also with my purple yarn The move gentle rocking, Chen De mistake I are like fairy under the moon mortal, yet also seemed ready to go back like wind, I heard the ministers of wonder was, and saw the brilliant name of my daily Zengyin propose marriage to me but I have not seen the eyes of the king Sun Gongzai stunning upset, of course, to see him, Liu Che, the only thing that makes my heart tells me indifferent man.
Prince Edward, dressed in clothes colored python, high beam Fabin, end Fu Huang sat on his left side, is still so powerful, so cruel, He took bottles, a light discretion, disregard all look stunning, placid, his pale eyes looking at me.
if nothing had happened and I looked at him, heart faint sneer, I am even more mad! Johnson, come, come here and sit down to Aijia! is on, he will do nothing.
my stiff bulging my back, trying to make slender neck and my shoulders are perfectly thin arc, always noble and peaceful smile never left my haze, even though I has been dull, feel ill at ease, I can still maintain the sitting posture in which thousands of majestic beauty.
dinner, everybody was very happy, aside cumbersome ceremonial monarch and his subjects, frequently to the emperor, the queen and Prince toast, I along with everyone, lift handless winecup. weird, I do not drink on weekdays, today it is also surprisingly good drinker, a row did not feel there are actually drunk a few glasses, in fact, I am at this time, even nectar before me, I am afraid I was insipid out.
emperor also very pleased that we playfulness riding is strong, the proposal put controlling the garden, like the night is strong in the autumn full moon flowers in the wine tasting .
people have to be and, under the leadership of the emperor, we came to the Imperial Garden, a pedestrian, etc., Although the fall, but the Imperial Garden is still flowers in bloom, the air came a vague aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus, evil is good news.
such moments of beauty, and everyone is really extremely good mood, the mood of a good, talkative naturally opened, it was Tangulunjin, some poems do the right, the atmosphere extremely good. < br> I am still the focus of light, a cool breeze blowing, setting off a tipsy feeling my lovely crimson pan on my cheeks, my delicate my weak hand supporting the Zhenshou some dizziness, dim eyes staring at me and I sat talking young son, who they are, I do not know what they say, I did not hear, but I laugh, laugh Huazhiluanchan, flatter laugh Mei moving.
those who apparently also flattered, actually did not expect his words to Bo beautiful smile, the more fear and trepidation, and I was careful to please.
I feel better, such as the silver bell-like smiles tenderly forward, leaning on the table, my shaky feet, through a bit tipsy feeling, I came into flowers, Qingshu long-sleeved, smooth as satin song escaping from my lips, my side song Edge Dance, completely forgotten the existence of others around them and forget that this is in the Emperor's Royal banquet, the dance long sleeve, I spin, dancing, jumping, singing, in the backdrop of pale purple, and I are like in mid- fairies, flowers wizard.
everyone stunned, and everyone looked at me journeying to a clever response to the musicians first came over, he transferred tunes, and my song shall be, so a Time Sound of Music, Laying in a panic, as if heaven and earth.
a dancing, I could not help Jiao blow, exacerbated by the rotation late before my drunk, my head is more dizzy, staggered pace, and my mother came quickly, grab me, and I told her indifferent smile, shaking his head, indicating I'm fine, gently pushing her, I stumbled forward walking.
Princess Ai Jia Palace sent to the rest. quiet, seems to have been very far away from the crowd.
burst of cool wind, so I called shock, stomach like a badly general, a terrible open two ladies, I quickly ran to a muzzled tree next to the spit up, constant stomach crunch, I did not eat at night has nothing to spit, I'm clutching his chest pain, feeling strong to suppress retching, I am powerless against the tree .
see Jinpa master mm Liu Che, he stood proudly in front of me, like a statue, it is ironic that the cold will do a statue but not commensurate with it, he will tender his move mm of Jinpa I handed it.
just as vomiting, relieve a lot of my drunk, I took the handkerchief? Yes, I took over, and perhaps take over all not the same, but, when I There is no exposure to the temperature of his eyes, I abruptly gave up the idea earlier.
Cangbaizhelian, I straightened my body, looked up, wiped his lips with the sleeve of filth, I looked at him coldly, with a cold voice more than he said, stressing each syllable crystal clear: still waiting for the Imperial Garden in the Prince Edward, Prince of waste workers dare Gillian heart, you still please return it! looked at me, eyes like a sword so I do not Haner Lisu, silent for a moment, waved his big sleeves, turned away and left me, bulging pride back, standing in the cold wind into .
Chapter 3 because of drinking and blowing the cold air return to Queen's palace, after I fell ill, and who fits and starts, people drowsy, the physician said to be feeling the cold, telling me must have a good rest, the queen and the mother for the sake of my body, I am determined to stay in the palace to recuperate.
my body though fragile, but fell non-fragile, three days later, I gradually getting better, but still feeling remained depressed, people have lost a great circle, but also become more pale face up.
three days, I did not see Liu Che's figure, nor even heard any news of him, I think he must is sick of me, after all day I brush his good intentions, for a Prince is undoubtedly a loss of face thing.
I try to tell myself not to care too much about him, not to think of him, because After all, his first bad shame on me, but I can not, a woman's heart, once fixed, just like Bird, also uncontrollable management.
I want to thank my aunt, She is a merciful and kind, as a woman, her every move, smiles, all reflect a mother of the country should have a distinguished identity. This day, she accompanied me day and night, good care of me, even Queen of the statue throwing cheer me laughing, I know she is guilty I wanted to come to me instead of compensation for his son.
poor parents the world, even the most distinguished of the royal family, family is still thicker than water I let the mother I could not bear for my trouble, so I try daily lives and living, is very well-behaved serve the aunt, or give me hours of interesting her about her laugh, or sing to her Fuqin Yi Solutions depressed her heart, a few days off, we get along so well is the harmony, the more I love aunt on, she will always love the touch my head and said: well-behaved daughter! after the sixth day, aunt took me, saying that today's clear and crisp, it is a good time to enjoy the scenery, the palace I also bored a few days, want to go out get some fresh air, the way we laugh, but also happy .
much came to the Imperial Garden, the first thing that catches your eyes is the garden and gorgeous Autumn day I got drunk, have not been carefully watching the scenery here, today it seems, it really was a paradise on earth.
Although I was your princess, but also the home for my garden flowers, after all, can not be compared with the palace, I delight ran out into the beautiful flowers, like white jade with my fingertips touch the soft petals, as if the touch is newborn infants.
faint clank of the collision came the sound of weapons to disturb this quiet, I am confused look in the direction the sound came, I do not know who has the guts dare to get shot in the Imperial Garden in the dance bars . Queen doubt like to see me, or, take my hand, smiled and stepped forward, said: br> I subconsciously trying to avoid, but can not find a ground for disqualification, but a more intense inner voice said to me: different sat his first two, this time he was just wearing a white Lian Gongfu, due to hot, skirts slightly open, showing his strong chest, this time he was fighting with three warriors, although based on a Third enemy, he still Shenqingziruo, one by one and are vigorous and effective, ruthless, and soon, it will be his three warriors to fight the Diukuiqijia, it really embarrassed.
then when the contest of strength with the king, will be best to pay, or take your head of the king. come.
live deeply attracted by him.
add a lot of fun for the Mother. Sound: looked to him.
he was really nice, and now his lips are slightly raised up, outlining a gentle smile, I have never seen him with such a smile on me, that moment, I was very confused, I would like to raise Yubi even with my slender fingers to touch his face, but when his eyes on me, I suddenly fell through the ice as being, and the eyes, contains a joke, disdain , and a hint of cold.
I suddenly cold hands and feet, the amount of sweat to sprout, the intuition, I think back, can be rooted to the ground as his legs could not move it like.
Unfortunately, this aunt times did not find strange between us, she was pleased that gentle smile can Liu Che to me, so she said softly: a good walk in the park about it! is good, I'm proud of patience can not be back, I had to face expressionless, as the contrast of the cold.
silent for a long time to be around people who have run away, when I think I almost fainted when he spoke, the words like a sharp sword severely weak tie into my heart: Princess stronger than the identity of many of the. distinguished identity, actually humble in his eyes as the ants.
I clenched his fists, nails deep into the meat, the flow of blood to come, but I do not feel pain, because my heart hurts more, I used white teeth bite my fingers tightly, try not to shiver, I can not cry, but a cry, I lost all my pride.
I opened my mouth to say something, but the words to the mouth , has become a sad experience of laughter, is ah, I laughed, and laughter can not be myself, my laughter spread throughout the Imperial Garden.
Zhoujinmeitou, with powerful hands clamping my shoulders, he shook me desperately, as if to shake me.
I still laugh, smile has some breath, he was angry, forced me away, approached him, very brave and very courageous approached him, looked up, I looked at him journeying cold, handsome face, with one of the most lovely sounding voice said: mighty good yo, you were so lofty, so Hidetake extraordinary, but why in such a proud soul, below, there is a dark and ugly so lonely soul but it?
he froze, looking at me gloomy , a moment I suspect that you will be strangled him, but he did not do, do not you kill me? that good! me once again of his charming smile: Johnson took leave! smile hanging in my pale haze, I'm glad I once again proud to defend the use of my dignity.
eyes tightly together behind her watching me, has been never to leave.
Chapter 4 to the palace, her aunt had to wait a long time, just a step into the door, she stepped forward to take my physique, softly asked: Looking at her aunt's eyes full of ardent desire, despite years of cruelty in her left eye traces of polish, but still not diminished her amazing beauty, the kind of rubbing and a mature woman and the sanctity of motherhood very great beauty. < br> Strong Yizhu sad heart, with a heart of reverence very heart, I look at her pale smile to my lips floating tip, the greatest desire of all parents, than to let their children have an emotional The best destination, right? But, aunt, I'm sorry, you expect that person, not me.
slowly helped her to sit down, I knelt beside her, his head buried in her warm arms, learn from her maternal fragrance, I use a soft voice as the southern spring-like and said to her: parents on the grounds, eager to leave the palace, even though all sorts for the Queen to stay, but I insisted to go, the wise mother seems to understand many, parting, she took my soft without bone Yubi, I will be brush into his arms, choked, said: sound, are like an old and sad love song. off drapes, my last one getting away from the deep gaze of the palace, that has pinned most of my teenage dream come true but to the ruthless destruction, overcast gray, gray not see the distance, the air flew a Lone Wild Goose, looking sad and crying separated partner, down Julian, I am unable to close my eyes and heart are like a withered flower, a piece of wilted , falling, lost in the tall and majestic palace on the sacred.
hooves broke my heavy grief, moving the carriage suddenly still down. before the drapes, I take it lightly and asked, surprised when the words suddenly come in to see gone, Liu Che, the noble and arrogant man, at the moment is sitting on top of the Ferghana BMW, proudly standing tall in front of me because the light behind her see his face, black cloak flying in the wind, and he fell from the sky like a god.
what he do? Did he humiliate me enough for insulting enough? or he changed his mind, I want to pursue the crime to offend him yesterday? I looked at him Lengran, without a word.
Suddenly, under his strong body tilting, strong hands grabbed my big arms weak in others the screams, he put me in right away, yet the pressure of cross God in everyone, he has Cemayangbian, torn away as the black whirlwind.
horse run very fast, desolate wind calls calendar call from my delicate face blowing, scraping raw so feel suffocated, in order not to fall off horses, I had the powerful clinging to the waist, to indulge in his arms, I do not know whether it intends to He gently wrapped me with a cloak.
this is the first time I rely on him so close, his head resting on his broad chest, listening to his mighty heart, calm breathing, feeling the strong body man named atmosphere, only in this moment, I am happy unparalleled, as if the world is only the two of us, all things have turned into virtual, I met ditan heard, eyes closed, enjoying a rare quiet moments, I told the sky all sorts of prayer for all the gods, even in front of Avici, I would also like drunk in this independence is not long awake.
do not know how long run, do not know how far away, the promise is to the end of the world, the horse stopped down, he dismounted, as if the face of the world's most precious treasures, he hold me down gently.
straightened body, I look up to him, was full of surprise to his height, I only petite and his chin. Now I had just to see his face, angular face, handsome features the extraordinary, regardless of when and where he always has a domineering monarchs of the sky, but just to grow the Green chin miserable stubble, slightly tired eyes, showing him awake all night last night.
his deep gaze with me a long time in silence, for when I thought we would be turned into stone, when suddenly He forced his hands around, hug me tightly into his arms, rubbed into the body seems to me the general, his powerful arms as tightly as the hoop clamp my slim body.
that moment, the awareness of all all fly out of my body, my mind went blank, the blood is about to freezing up.
finally, he will head buried in the side of my neck smooth and delicate, and I heard his slightly hoarse voice in my ear side whisper: When I opened my eyes again, when was full of surprise crystal tears fall Xiangsai
we already love, crazy like love, love, earth shattering, love can not be themselves. During the day, we rode rush , indulge landscape into the evening, we stay forever, always focussed on drawing near. During the day, we have long-term perspective, among the towering majestic Castle, listen to him talk about his talents Wineur vision, night, in pouring like silver moonlight, he will speak for me, full of conspiracy and told him the sad childhood, but at this time, I will use my boneless the hand gently stroking his face, send me the bright spring-like smile, because I know The proud man will not need anyone's pity, and he also grabbed my arms, with his chin pointed at my forehead tight low whisper said:
the days of the later, these days, me and him crazy, laugh together, cry together, trouble to do together to make this one of the most crazy things.
day, I thoroughly as usual like sitting in the clear lake, he says, speaking as a child how to make fun of his mischievous cunning Prince domineering brother, let him fall into the story of the lake, we became a group laugh, I laugh to his naughty laugh of his trivial, then, he suddenly took my physique, I was staring deep and full of laughter Hongxia the tender and beautiful face, suddenly, he Fuseshita first, the gentle kiss on my soft, lightly lip, and then he lovingly said to me: Elephant on a red ripe persimmon, suppression could not thrown lips smile. Cezhe Tou, I pretend that I thought, Stern said: take my hand can not help but be loose, then I burst into silvery laughter, turned Piantao, Toru This reaction came I was making fun of him, several stride he stepped over, one caught me , laughter asked: ; I'm doing just fine now Princess, previously you did insult to me, if you marry, should I not called the day, entry to nowhere? I Look mmmmmm shift Limbo, he walked a few steps away from the place, to ensure the security, I laughed: parents mentioned to me was very gracious, and then such as hh a certain distance, the soft skin hit his iron chest, Sheng Teng, tightly hugged me and said nothing Bu Songshou, angry and overbearing, said: big hand gently stroked my face and meticulous, he gently graceful fingers touch my eyebrow, pupil of the eye such as water, very pretty nose, and finally, his fingers on my soft lips, gently describe my perfect shame type, he di tan said: , imitating his tone Jiaoqiao also whispered sighs: lips, long time, he looked up, staring at the clear water, my eyes, solemn promise: extra winter came early, Hsiao Sa wind ruthless invasion of the ancient capital, Toru's father emperor because Ougan cold, actually terminal one, and ultimately in the cold winter, let go away.
emperor after the death, Toru throne ascended the throne, known as Emperor.
the second year of spring, Toru mourning full hundred days, I was officially closed, the White Orient House.
wedding day I dressed in red wedding dress, head Daifeng Guan Xia Pei, look in the mirror before I myself, when everyone said when the bride is a woman most beautiful moments in life, and I Chen Gillian, it is the most beautiful bride bride.
bright eyes gaze good, Qiao Xiao sweet, it is fascinating and charming between gestures, drag in the red dress, a more brilliant light lining of my people, absolute beauty.
worship from the people I slowly toward the sound of my her husband, at the moment he is above the high-stand, looking down at me smiling, so proud, so proud, so arrogant.
real estate broker when I will make in his hand, he squeezed my the physique, his good warm palm, as spring slowly turning into my heart, we stared at each other, v. unclear thousand words, Tao Chi unknown love love, and then, holding his arms, laughing declared to the crowd and said: Suddenly I found driving in the direction Royal thrust, not the ancient home of the Weiyang Queen.
; his light I Jiaoqiao nose, laughed softly: under it! overawed by the scene before, a brilliant golden palace wall stood in front of me, the golden glass in the sun shining bright light, jade puzzle stone pillars carved with exquisite patterns, hanging shelf made of three yellow and more building The characters: long, doors, house!
I opened the door, gorgeous ...