Monday, October 18, 2010

...... What a woman drinking tea is good in the summer can choose some according to their physical

 Good .. like all kinds of tea - flower nectar, red tea, lemon tea, green tea, chrysanthemum tea, peach tea, mint tea. In fact, some you can put in a convenient and effective.

Peach Tea: The dried peach (if three days of their capture to the lunar month of the peach branches south-east, the better) 4 grams, 5 grams of melon kernel, poplar Paper 3 grams. These three items placed in the cup-like, with boiling water, covered, 10 minutes after drinking, repeatedly making a daily 3 to 4 times. This tea can get rid of dark spots, soft white skin, but pregnant women were hanged, and excessive menstruation.

red tea: saffron, sandalwood of 5 grams, 2 grams of green tea, brown sugar, 30 grams, after boiling, cover for 5 minutes to drink boring. Day one, make your skin clean and translucent, rough skin will also return luster.

lemon tea: Peel the lemon slice later (must remember to peel, because the lemon juice will make the skin pigmentation), add sugar according to personal taste, soaked in water to drink. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins, etc., Changyin lemon tea, make your skin back luster and flexibility. If a woman is slim, but healthy, and blood heat, easy to get angry, you can drink chrysanthemum, Ilex (entrance more bitter, sweet aftertaste), lotus (not seeds, arctic), honeysuckle (heat detoxification), Panax flowers (can be cured numbness of the mouth to get angry, but also lower blood pressure) and the like. In addition, all the green tea (Longjing, Biluochun, Mao Feng, etc.) are better on the body, not just clear the fire, there are many benefits to

Several women also choose to spend the summer nectar: Purple Rose: endocrine conditioning disorders, eliminate back pain, blood transfer,Discount UGG boots, elimination of fatigue, and wound healing. Pink roses: the liver, stomach, beauty beauty, menstruation blood circulation, blood gas, sedative, laxative. It is reported that fasting increases with Pink Roses reduce fat tea brewing.

Lavender: effective in easing coughs and insomnia, headache disorders can be gradually improved.

Chamomile: Chamomile tea can be effective in improving insomnia symptoms, for neuropathic pain and menstrual pain, gastroenteritis, also have significant effects.

Jasmine: laxative, beauty, weight loss, abdominal pain, adjusting hormone secretion, nervous tension. Citrus Tea: The dried orange peel 10 grams of washed, torn into small pieces, into the cup, into the boiling water, simmer 10 minutes covered with lid, and then to the residue, add a small amount of sugar. Cooler and put it into the refrigerator iced look better. Changyin this tea not only refreshing but also cough, phlegm, stomach. Sang Ju tea: the leaves,UGGs, 10 grams of white chrysanthemum, licorice 3 grams Shaozhu into the pot, and then to the residue leaves, add a little sugar, Sang Ju tea are produced. Sang Ju Chang Yin tea, which can be heat Qingfei throat, Liver eyesight, but also have a certain effect on the Fengreganmao. Lotus leaf herbal tea: the lotus leaf torn to pieces half a sheet, and the Chinese talc, Atractylodes of 10 grams, 6 grams of licorice, into the water, Gong Zhu 20 minutes, to slag juice, add a small amount of sugar, stir,bailey UGG boots, cool After drinking, you can stay cool. Watermelon rind herbal tea: Many people will be eating watermelon skin discarded unfortunately, can be a layer of skin that utilize green, washed, cut into pieces, placed in an appropriate amount of boiled about half an hour, to slag juice, and then Stir a small amount of sugar, Qushu detoxification diuretic herbal tea to make a watermelon rind. Mint herbal tea: the Chinese pharmacy buy mint leaves, licorice, each from each of 6 grams, 1000 grams of water, boil for 5 minutes, add sugar and stir well. Changyin this refreshing herbal tea. Green taboo: 1, for the menstrual period, women who drink green tea will not only not conducive to health, but also give some trouble to bring the body. 2, green tea is not fermented tea, the taste bitter cold,cheap UGG boots, chilled too cold, and Wei Han women were not suitable for drinking. 3, higher chlorophyll content of green tea, greater stimulation of the stomach, ulcer patients can not drink green tea. 4, easy to drink green tea allergy vomiting. Fragrance thirst, hot weather (anti-inflammatory detoxification), cool lungs, throat tea Run: Jade Butterfly: Qingfei heat, Lee throat. Lily: Reduce Pathogenic Fire soothe the nerves, cool the lungs. Magnolia: beauty whitening and improve sleep. Chrysanthemum: summer heat dissipation, pure heart and eyesight. Ginseng Flower: fragrance thirst, cool pathogenic fire, blood and qi, brain refreshing. Honeysuckle: the fire throat clearing, detoxification (its sore throat, tonsillitis effect is significant.) Calendula officinalis: Liver eyesight, the United States Yanmei Rong, detoxification anti-inflammatory (Wang governance dizziness, cold stomach pain, etc.). Jun shiragiku: detoxify, nourish the liver and improving eyesight (it is hot weather, fatigue, softening the blood vessel the best choice.) Jin Huangju: Qingre, swelling eyesight (it can effectively detoxify the body to eliminate waste.) Jasmine: Liver and stomach, qi Jieyu (irregular menstruation, diarrhea, swelling and other drug is effective).

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