Sunday, December 26, 2010

Switzerland, a neutral policy, geopolitical factors

 First, although the majority of the Swiss border in the towering Alps on, but due to living in the heart of continental and continental Europe, a key transit point for air traffic location, making it geo-political power around the coveted object. Felt on their own lack of comprehensive national strength, for the sake of the surrounding big powers to survive the fierce struggle, Switzerland, from 1515 onwards a policy of neutrality in order to protect themselves.
Second, the neutral policy the key to success lies in neighboring countries, a policy of neutrality on neutral respect, so although the Swiss in Europe to maintain a neutral policy when the two world wars, the key to its success: on the one hand the implementation of strong national armed forces are neutral policy, to enhance its defense capability to deter possible aggression; the other hand, the establishment of the International Red Cross to strengthen the contribution of to win the international community and respect the needs of its neutrality.
four, Switzerland adopted a unique permanent neutrality
five, with the technology developed, the trend of regional integration of the global community gradually formed, the Swiss response to this situation, have a tendency to abandon the traditional policy of neutrality, at present, through legislation, hoping to join the European Union, showing that a policy of neutrality The value of in modern society be challenged.
Keywords: Switzerland, neutral, consensus democracy
I. Preface in the heart of the small countries of Europe, Switzerland, from AD 1515 to take a neutral policy, the turbulent power in continental Europe struggle early, though still can not help but suffer the ravages of war, however, because of Switzerland's insistence on the policy of neutrality, not only the success of the last century to escape the ravages of two world wars, war, and by a policy of neutrality into the promised land of Europe, as the world war plagued the small country admiration and envy of the object. Swiss is how to achieve this outcome? This paper from the geopolitical point of view of the Swiss policy of neutrality the cause, which established the policy being around power geopolitical challenges of the contemporary international trend the trend of large settlement, the Swiss can continue to maintain the principle of neutrality, and the Enlightenment.
II, Switzerland
a geopolitical environment, natural and geographical terrain like Switzerland
a parasol trees, is the backbone of the Alps in Europe's countries, there is no coastline, the country's total area of 41,288 square kilometers. Three-fifths of the whole territory belonging to the Swiss Alps, and is the most magnificent section of the Alps, the average high standards of the national territory 1,350 meters.
Location: Swiss Federal Waterway and defile
located in the heart of Europe, northeast of the Rhine and Germany to the community, northwest face France, Italy, bordering the south and the east of Austria. the position of Switzerland in the middle of the Alps, the famous Gothic Hart Mountain is located in Switzerland, Europe, important rivers, such as the Ruth River, the Rhine, of New River, r., and other important rivers are originated in the geographical and military as the most important centers of Switzerland. Ruth and the two river basins Tuoxin, after the famous ʥ��¹��� Shanai, forming a north-south route, which is from Germany, Switzerland, false passage of Nantong Italy shortcut. and This intersection of the vertical north-south route for the Garonne and Rhine, the railway between the two series of river basin, the main artery of traffic for the Swiss things. Swiss Jura mountains in northwest, there are a few of the transverse valley, the Department of Mastery France by rail and highway of the channel, Paris to Rome, which adopted the International Railway Express.
Although the borders of Switzerland, 75% are natural hills, but the terrain is not a closed, mainly along the boundaries of the continuous arrangement of the mountains, often as a lake or wide valley of the damage. in traffic in central Europe at the upper critical terrain, and the ease of features, so that Switzerland is in the position of the contradiction between closed and open characteristics. by the political geography point made, one of the weakest of its Department of Defense and the German border in the north, from Lake Constance to Baer Se between the barrier and because no natural border wide open.
a small amount of domestic resources
Switzerland coal, but the remote location and poor texture in the industry does not have use value, other minerals except building stone, earth and stone, but are very lacking. only because located at the mountain area, abundant water resources, for industrial power generation. Switzerland The total area of arable land area of less than 20%, to bad weather, the barren soil, not conducive to the Reclamation in the.
Second, human geography
Switzerland has a population of about 670 million people, the terrain features, and many races have been the historical process of conquest, so the people of multiple ethnicities in the country's population, 70% or more in German, in French 20%, 6% use Italian, 1% of the use of the Roman language. Germany, France , righteousness, Rome 4 languages tied for the Swiss official language, although the 4 languages coexist, but the unity of the political-appraisal.
the Swiss Federal Government of the Republic of
today is based on 1848 formulated by the Constitution, the basic constitutional spirit, and in the members states of the respect and protection of autonomy. Today is the 26 federal and semi-autonomous state comprising the states enjoy administrative autonomy and political decision-making power, each state has its own constitution and laws.
federal and state separation of powers, there is express provision in the Constitution, the federal authority with the task: the protection of national security both inside and outside; endorsement and support of state law; maintaining diplomatic relations with the nations. Other such as customs, post and telecommunications, financial policy, military, and so are the federal government authority.
Congress into two houses, one for national parliaments, representatives of the people; one for the State Assembly, representing the federal states to exercise legislative powers. National Assembly has 200 seats elected by direct vote of the people; and the state legislature is to send two representatives each state to participate in any of the units are required by law to take effect by both houses.
federal parliament is the highest executive body, the government composed of seven ministers, the ministers for 4 years, the president and vice president from 7 people have a term of 1 year as chairman of the Federal Assembly, no special privileges, the Federal Parliament adopted That the system.
cultivable area of Switzerland as a small, poor soils, climate, agriculture and other unfavorable factors, China Minsheng cereals needed, one-third must rely on imports, livestock, although developed, but the meat is also to be imported.
the serious shortage of mineral resources, 90% of the raw materials needed for industry to be dependent on imports, it can not be a large number of manufacturing raw materials, low prices and industrial products, the Swiss turned to the production of high value products. As long-term national stability, conducive to the people of the traditional production technology to develop sophisticated products, the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer then submitted, beautiful textiles, higher cotton fabrics, delicate lace, electric motor, and high-value products ship engines known.
must import large quantities of the Swiss food and industrial raw materials, so even though the sophisticated and expensive products are marketing abroad, but imports still more than 30% of exports, this trade on the trade deficit, foreign investment to cover part of the Lai , mainly depends on well-developed tourism industry.
Switzerland natural environment of inadequate resources, its hardworking people and sophisticated technology, to create the average personal income of 20,006 high-income one thousand U.S. dollars, ranked the world's top Mao has really created an economic miracle.
Third, political and geographical features
the physical geography and human geography of Switzerland aforementioned characteristics, the Swiss government in order to meet the overall social structure presents the characteristics of a high degree of heterogeneity, the pursuit of domestic The goal of the harmonious coexistence of ethnic equality, and gradually evolved from Western countries to adopt the : Internally, the and more so on the international community's contribution in real terms, to ensure national security.

Swiss direct democracy system of direct democracy is built on procedure is very cumbersome, time-consuming, and the results are highly uncertain, but the greatest achievement of this system is to maintain the integrity of the Swiss consensus democracy, legislation was to reduce the possibility of referendum challenge. Swiss direct democracy functions is make up for lack of representative politics, on the one hand to reduce distortion of public opinion Legislators effect; the other hand, the majority of people know people in the various legislative support, and thus pay more attention to and respect for the law.
Federal (Federal) from the Latin word, the original intent for the covenant or contract, that between man and God the Holy lasting covenant. from the Bible records, 13th century BC, the earliest use of the Israelis, By Covenant United tribes, maintaining unity and democracy. So the federal system based on their signing of the covenant of the small country basis, the allies still maintain their independent status.
three Senlin Bang, Switzerland since 1291, based on safety factor of a loosely knot the defense alliance, gradually developed from the outside. During the after Liberia contracts issued Napoleon, the end of the era, the Swiss confederation and restore the type of relaxation, until 1847, after the civil war of religious separation, initiated in 1848 to draft a new constitution states, in state and federal seek the balance of power between, this Constitution is the use of the Swiss Federal Constitution today, since the loose confederation of Switzerland, bodiless and became the first European country a federal democratic system of government.
Swiss federalism has the following three features: in a highly heterogeneous society ensure that all ethnic groups and different communities to share power. smaller states of the seats in the Federal Parliament has more than its share of the total rate of population, which means that regardless of the size of the federal form number in the Federal Assembly of equal representation. by the Constitution

always remain neutral in international law of neutrality is defined as: obligations. policy, and adopt an impartial attitude towards the warring parties, then the State may declare at any time terminate the neutral and exists only in times of war.
permanent neutrality (Permanent Neutrality) refers to the powers around the country to ensure that the treaty means their national independence and territorial integrity, not only in wartime conditions in other countries not involved in military conflict, the principle of neutrality; in times of peace shall not make any commitment to the status of neutrality.
ranked the heart of Europe, Switzerland area with traffic on the European continent in the hub, so that countries in conflict in the depths of the heart of Switzerland, thought to be neutral since 1515 from the failure of the French war. However, national identity and international recognition through treaties signed in the manner, based on the acquisition of the international balance of power, plus neutral for a longer period to keep faith with the verification of the facts of war, in order to obtain the confidence of States. Switzerland's permanent neutrality policy that is, the insistence by more than 400 years to get with the practice, during which, though still affected by war is inevitable, and even Napoleon's army who have the annexation, but Switzerland with its tradition of neutrality, and shown the war on international peace real contribution to the surrounding nations to recognize a permanent neutrality of Switzerland's contribution to the international community and the importance of, and willingness to respect its neutrality. So after neutral, the Swiss system of traditional diplomacy to obtain international recognition of the official; World War I, permanent neutral country, Switzerland's neutrality was able to establish.
Therefore, Switzerland is able to always maintain the tradition of neutrality, not only in its own perception and insisted that international interaction is still decisive.
parameters, Switzerland by hard to take a neutral course
neutral Switzerland 400 years ago, stemming from the sweet fruit of a total of countries in the world envy, but for a neutral process is difficult but tortuous. Switzerland is a neutral stick with selflessness, The key to its success.
I. Early: (1291-1515)
13 century, with the Alps in central Gotthard Pass (St. Gotthard Pass) in the opening of the growing trade between North and South Europe prosperity and central Switzerland the growing importance of business and strategic position. to the hegemony of the Habsburg family in Europe was a region which is more coveted, Responding to this, the shores of Lake Lucerne, central Switzerland, the state forest Uli (Uri) and Shen Wei hereby state (Schwyz) has to Holy Roman Emperor Frederick the II (Frederick ��) acquired autonomous charter in order to escape the control of the Habsburg family, .1292, the two states, Wen Te Wadeng United States (Unterealden) other three states, on August 1 at Jade Tree (Rutli) signed the Covenant on prairie fields, external military threat to any agreement, the three states to a total figure to resist foreign aggression, this covenant to lay the foundation of Switzerland today.
then after 1386 and 1388 on the Habsburg family were to win the war, not only to participate in State League expanded to eight states, flexible and skilled in the Swiss mountain states Yong further positive outward expansion of the coalition forces .1499 years Switzerland beat the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I (Maximilian ��) signed the Expansion of War, Switzerland was also run out of strength, because of distribution of spoils of war between the alliance into a state of crisis in the disintegration.
II, the 17th century, Jun, 1515 against the French in Mali Nilan Nuo (Marig nano) finally tasted defeat in the battle of the taste, so that Switzerland is not appropriate national alert to its militaristic powers act to follow, neutral thoughts begun to sprout.
the early 16th century, the Swiss of religious wars, led to civil strife into being over a century, the early 17th century Swiss Although there is no civil war, but still in a state divided, this time the European outbreak of the Since then, also announced the permanent adoption of half a century, the situation in Switzerland is more stable. adopted a neutral policy that Switzerland is like paradise, attracting over Europe bear the war troubles of the refugees. When caught in the war in Europe due to religious bloody fighting, the 10,000 Duomingkaer text Christians would have been the influx of Switzerland, there is no lack of them artisans, in particular the watch manufacturer to introduce superior technology to Swiss Precision Industries leaps and bounds. When the French Revolution broke out, there are a large number of French nobles to carry large sums of money to the Swiss asylum, contributed to the Swiss financial development. Today the Swiss watchmaking industry and financial industry as the two pillars of the Swiss economy can be said to worship the gift of a policy of neutrality.
1879 outbreak of the French Revolution, the early Swiss still insist on the traditional policy of neutrality However, the French army into Switzerland in 1798, occupied the whole of Switzerland, according to the will of the French re-organization of Switzerland, set up a tradition, against .1803 stricken states on behalf of Napoleon summoned to Paris states that , 1813 in Zurich, Switzerland convened a federal council, published a declaration of armed neutrality, federal troops deployed in the north edge of the Rhine, and exit the continental blockade imposed by Napoleon system. European allies in the fight against the holding Napoleon, after 1814 and will be held in Vienna, Switzerland dealing with things as setting up a special committee, Switzerland recognized as a permanently neutral, and to protect its territorial integrity. Swiss traditional foreign policy of neutrality, once again received international recognition.
four , before World War: (1814-1914)
1848, the experienced 25 days of civil war, in September, Confederation Parliament adopted a new constitution, the Swiss federal state into the new constitution so that the unity and solidarity of the Swiss strengthened .1863 established in Geneva, Switzerland, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the second year of the conclusion of the Geneva Convention, signatory States recognize the Red Cross is a kind of military support services sector, the injured, regardless of nationality are to serve. to 1868 European countries have signed the Convention, due to the contribution of the Swiss international, more stable position of neutrality.
five, the League of period: (1914-1939)
1914 �� of World War I, Switzerland, although the risk of being involved in war, but because of Switzerland's strict neutrality, was free from war, and became a refuge for war victims, in addition to helping a large number of refugees, the Geneva International Red Cross organizations of the specific act, as the battlefield Ambulance God, heal the wounds of war for mankind to obtain universal praise, Switzerland's international position as a more solid footing.
after the end of the First World War, the newly established Swiss International Union invited to join, and to recognize the permanent neutrality of Switzerland, to ensure any military action not on Swiss territory. These are not just Swiss neutrality during the war, and to actively join the peace negotiations rescue the injured and the contribution; to greater respect for the international position of neutrality, and that maintaining neutrality on the war in Switzerland the best interests of the two sides, to secure the neutrality of Switzerland.
six, after World War II :1939 ---
before the outbreak of World War II, Switzerland remained neutral stance, chose to withdraw from the League of Nations. the Second World War After the outbreak of the Swiss insist on neutrality, although in the encirclement of the Axis powers, during which federal troops to defend the land has been mobilized, but the state is essentially inviolate. once again become a war during the war the Swiss rescue center, by the war the pain of the victims to provide assistance to belligerents. Swiss white cross on red flag, a symbol of peace and neutrality.
Stanford, Switzerland remained neutral geopolitical conditions
Switzerland since the founding of the early Fathers, by the Swiss political geographical reality, a clear understanding of the basic national shortage of Switzerland, especially the importance of terrain, be contested, the only way to maintain absolute neutrality in the international geopolitical order to gain recognition and respect, but also before able to enjoy peace. the success of Swiss policy of neutrality, in addition to leaders and citizens of Switzerland informed choices and adhere to the subjective, the following two objective conditions, is the permanent neutrality of Switzerland has been able to maintain success factors:
First, strong
armed neutrality, Switzerland has been able to maintain the tradition of centuries of neutrality is in its government and people are able to deeply realize that the neutrality of a country subject to international respect, can not rely on the goodwill of other countries, or a piece of paper protection of the treaty, but depends on the establishment of a strong military deterrent capability.
number of nationals because of their limited implementation of the Swiss militia system of universal soldiers, who have reached 20-year-old male youth (including voluntary service of Female youth) and go into the army to accept the 4 months of military basic training course, passing out with his own combat equipment after the return home, to be incorporated into their home civil defense organizations, as members of a defensive war home. to participate in training once a year for a period of three weeks, until the age of 50 until the decommissioning. usually in their jobs, once the national mobilization order issued by the Swiss National Guard can be completed within 72 hours of the mobilization of 100 million people. Thus, although Switzerland is not a standing army, but once the soldiers are mobilized, then the nation, its military power can not be small. As the people of Switzerland in close combination of defense and, according to an opinion poll conducted in Europe, the Swiss people concerned about the level of national defense affairs, than people in other parts of Europe is high .
Swiss Precision Industries as its foundation, the development of the defense industry, due to excellent quality, not only to meet the needs of national defense, but also for the Swiss earned a lot of foreign exchange. Switzerland has six main military manufacturing centers to cover the spectrum aircraft, air defense missiles, armored vehicles, precision fire control equipment, communications equipment, light weapons and the type of caliber ammunition. rely on the geographical characteristics of the Swiss, the policy of universal militia soldiers, sophisticated weapons and equipment production, and the people of the firm policy of neutrality support and defend the territory of Switzerland by the show of determination and strength, makes any pretenders to the Swiss territory, must seriously consider the costs necessary to deter possible intruders.
World War II face the threat of Hitler's cavalry, Switzerland has twice mobilized to implement, within a few hours to mobilize 50 million strong, rapid access to combat positions, revealing a strong defense capability, and finally to Nazi Germany because of the danger facing two fronts, give up the intention of the invasion. It can be demonstrated that, although Switzerland has signed the neutral international treaties, but in the end protect the national security of Switzerland, but still a strong national defense strength, proved the Swiss national security knowledge is correct.
Machiavelli (Nicolai Macchiavelli) said:
Swiss central location in Europe, although the territory of mountain clouds, but not in remote and isolated, not only Europe, east and west traffic artery to the fair in Switzerland, is the center of air transportation, it is the traditional Swiss on the battleground, national migration in the history of Europe, Switzerland has repeatedly been conquered by foreign nations for the proof. Switzerland has been able to remain among the great powers for hundreds of years waited for opportunities to neutral, in addition to their own defense capabilities , the most important thing is to enhance their contribution to the international community, so that geopolitical forces around the power equilibrium in Switzerland.
17 century Reformation in Europe caused by the neutrality and away from the war, have become a haven for European refugees with a safe haven for European aristocracy funds for the reconstruction of postwar Europe have a significant role, and thus general recognition by the belligerents, the war in 1648 signed by West European countries made Liberia peace, will recognize the independence and neutrality of Switzerland.
1863 The ICRC was established in Geneva, Switzerland, through the Red Cross on equal footing with the help of the belligerents, but also enhance the reputation of Switzerland and value of international . to the 1868 European countries have signed the Convention, due to the contribution of the Swiss international, more stable position of neutrality.
during the First World War, Switzerland has played a full statehood in which a buffer between the belligerents and mediation functions, In particular, the International Red Cross in Geneva, both in the injury of the ambulance, refugee assistance and the missing, the handling of prisoners who have played for the great human features healing the wounds of war, and by the international recognition of Switzerland in the international more important position. After the war the League of Nations recognized the establishment of permanent neutrality of Switzerland, and invited Switzerland to join the League of Nations, the representative of Switzerland as a neutral country is affirmed. any invasion of Switzerland, a country that is openly hostile with International .
Switzerland before the outbreak of World War II to maintain the neutrality of the transcendent position, announced its withdrawal from the League of Nations and was to remain neutral during the war, once again become an international rescue center. the depths of the Axis siege of Switzerland, based on its International contribution to Hitler, oppressive, such as those, than willing to take on a limb and an international invasion of Switzerland, fully explain the increase of Switzerland to the international use of its value, earning himself the status of neutrality, but also to ensure national security.
Wu, challenges the principle of neutrality
400 years of neutrality, Switzerland's foreign policy is not only a tool, and has been with the Swiss people's lives closely. Seeing the European continent for centuries of mutual competition, has made the sidelines of the Swiss are convinced that the strong armed neutrality to ensure national security, than a piece of paper to guarantee the effective international treaties. So for most of the Swiss residents, representatives of the following four neutral meaning:
First, the neutrality and independence on behalf of the guarantee of national sovereignty, which is Switzerland's national identity.
Second, based on a combination of different languages of Switzerland, religious, ethnic and cultural backgrounds are different from the highly heterogeneous countries, is , resolve international disputes and conflicts, to prevent the European or world stability is not conducive to the political mechanisms and actions occur.
However, with the end of the First World War, countries throughout the 19th century that emphasizes the geopolitical and between situation, so the original neutral as in the international community in the importance of the traditional role of mediator is no longer.
World War II, Swiss voters still adhere to the policy of neutrality, refused to join the United Nations, was once the international community questioned the new international situation, the Swiss take more than the previous cooperation and opening up policy, to contribute to the international community in order to avoid immune to the international perception.
1980's, Europe set off a wave of consolidation, The European Union actively promote the political integration and security cooperation in Central and Northern Europe by this wave of the neutral countries, and some in Europe have begun to review its policy of neutrality in the political environment, the Swiss Government realizing the changes in the environment, have paid very great efforts to be adopted in a referendum to join the European Economic Area, but the December 6, 1992 referendum, Swiss citizens rejected the European Economic Area, the European Free Trade Association of Switzerland's position consequent to the fall edge position. Clearly, the traditional neutrality of Switzerland is suffering from an unprecedented challenge.
the Swiss Government in March 1992 released a Swiss neutrality is only the pursuit of its national independence, a diplomatic tool to self-determination direction and speed, is a strict test of the wisdom of the people of Switzerland.
land, concluded 400 years of Swiss foreign policy taken by the neutrality of Switzerland has won nearly 200 years of peace and stability; Switzerland's success is not accidental, but also not wishful thinking, but on the one hand by the strong deterrent of possible intruders armed neutrality, on the other hand to play a positive neutral buffer during the war and reconciliation functions to international peace and make a positive post-war demobilization contributed to the international community as a neutral country of Switzerland based on the value of positive, but signed the treaty after the war are willing to recognize the neutrality of Switzerland, the Swiss was able to ensure national security.
Switzerland we envy the peace and stability enjoyed by when not forget the neutrality of Switzerland is only through the efforts of 400 years come, during which also has been conquered by Napoleon and domination. Ruishiduoda 4 languages of the people, and based on successful example of the federal government, to the final peace of human society set the best example of integration.
living in Taiwan, China, at this stage in the PRC , might as well follow the example of the strength of the Swiss armed forces, to ensure our national security; their resistance to Communist China as Government of Switzerland, have been positive changes in the position to persuade citizens to join the EU organization for the fact that the value of a small country is no longer neutral.
Switzerland childhood course of the struggle for national security, we can see that the international community, in an geo-political power between the small country to survive the hardships and sadness behind the success of Swiss neutrality, the number of countries are not respected because of neutrality and dumping out. and successful, such as Switzerland who also can not help but remain neutral in the first two centuries of living in precarious Finally, the occupation is still inevitably be the fate of Napoleon. Switzerland because of the particular political and geographical environment, chose to remain neutral has not otherwise geopolitical factors, or the national unity and can not survive long. Switzerland is not only the success of its national unity due to the same hard work, it is able to correctly grasp the pulse of the geopolitical and adopting the most appropriate geo-strategic neutral mm mm fruitful results stemming.

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