Sunday, December 19, 2010

China is no longer complain about American foreign

 Obama nominated as non-trusted ambassador for Utah governor May 16, the White House in Washington, U.S. President Barack Obama (left) and Utah Governor Jon. Huntsman (Chinese Minghongbopei) present at the press release will be when the handshake. U.S. President Barack Obama in the White House announced the same day as the new U.S. term   ambassador.
little Jon. Huntsman can speak fluent Mandarin, has also spent some in Taiwan time.
began in November last year, Huntsman as a representative of the rapid rise of the Republican moderates within the party. Jon. Huntsman has been speculation that the Republican 2012 presidential election likely candidate. However, the Huntsman's Some advisers believe that Republican primary voters may go to 2016, on the environment and to accept his moderate views on gay rights. According to the English Wikipedia introduction, Huntsman was born in 1960, Palo Alto, California, in January 2005 has served as the Utah state governor, won re-election in November 2008. His father, Jon. Huntsman is a billionaire and philanthropist, is also one of the world's largest chemical company Huntsman founder. Huntsman and his wife, a total of 7 children, including a 9-year-old daughter adopted from China, another daughter adopted from India.
Geithner low-key visit to China, the basic shape of the policy Obama Ma Duihua
U.S. Treasury secretary visit to China and reached a better understanding, the results confirm that the purpose of Sino-US relations.
If we say that Obama won the White House, Obama is not well known outside China policy direction, then, in the clearly visible.
appointment is very telling. In Obama's Cabinet, the Commerce Minister and Minister of Energy are ethnic Chinese, of course, there are some elements of individual ability, but we also see the strengthening of Obama US cooperation in the energy and trade expectations. Similarly, the finance minister chose to be Chinese Geithner, Ambassador chosen as horse to work with China, , Obama Ma Duihua general idea of the work has been formed, that is to listen, respect, and seek more cooperation. In this context, understanding Geithner as well as his trip to the issue of awareness of the RMB exchange rate changes , is particularly meaningful to the.
laid a solid foundation for the Bush administration, the policy is clearly Obama Ma Duihua volume status as soon as possible the key. Under the Bush administration, has made significant progress in Sino-US relations, both the communication channels open, or is demonstrated when dealing with differences in understanding, or frank cooperation in various fields have made during the Sino-US relations have made Obama, opening the possibility to go.
facing the beleaguered U.S. situation, it is Obama more realistic, rational and positive to address the environmental factors that Sino-US relations. Although Obama administration to take all necessary measures to revitalize the U.S. economy, but Rome was not built in a day, dollar instability and General Motors bankruptcy protection visible, shrouded in clouds over the United States economy would not quickly dissipated, in this case, handle the relationship with China is very important.
crisis makes Washington is more acutely aware of China's . To some extent, China and even in promoting global economic development. The U.S. media also kindly reminded that China is currently reshaping the world economy and play an important role in financial order, the United States need to learn to adapt to China's strong .
listen to China, during Obama will also be a major feature of China policy. whether it is Hillary or Geithner, during the visit, have shown a very low-key, affinity, also demonstrated listen to the sincerity and respect. In fact, Washington does need to listen more to the opinions and suggestions from Beijing. As Premier Wen Jiabao said the meeting with Timothy Geithner, the current, most importantly, the United States The two sides should strengthen cooperation to tackle the financial crisis, and resolutely oppose protectionism in trade and investment, promote the international financial system reform, strengthen supervision of the international reserve currency, maintaining the two countries and world economic stability and development. and in the inhibition of trade protection impulse of the terms, Obama does have a lot of things to do. and in the international arena, and support China in international play a more important role in the economic field, but also a new attitude in Washington. Geithner said on many occasions recently, support for China in the international financial institutions play a greater role, An important task is to be held next month in Washington and the first round of Sino-US strategic economic dialogue to prepare. with more symbolic Olympic Hu is not the same China-US strategic economic dialogue with the United States will properly handle the complex between the major economic issues, make joint efforts to promote world economic recovery and sustainable growth, reform the international financial system. The topic of the significance of this series has been over the scope of Sino-US relations.
more candor and expand areas of cooperation, Sino-US relations will be is committed to safeguarding regional and world peace and stability. It also makes it Obama during the Sino-US relations have more expectations, that is not only sincere, more pragmatic, as in China and other high-tech export control have a great breakthrough.
is worth mentioning that, Geithner in a speech at Peking University in China sincerely hopes that the success and prosperity, and acknowledged that China's growth and expansion of Chinese demand for U.S. firms and workers a lot of opportunities. More importantly,
back in the media's eyes, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy. Geithner trip to China is to play the role of a salesman. and he would like to sell the Chinese leaders, is the recent rapid expansion of up U.S. Treasury bonds. Of course, as China had repeatedly went to Hillary. Clinton, John. Kerry and Nancy. Pelosi as the integrity of Geithner also has its own mission. But in general, That is why he kept to ensure that the Chinese in Beijing, held just how safe U.S. assets, and stop talking not to mention the Chinese government manipulating the RMB exchange rate reasons. But I think the judge is concerned, this trip should not be Geithner empty-handed.
an international and domestic public opinion echoed recently enveloped the mood of many Chinese people, this is the so-called as follows: Since China is the world's largest foreign exchange reserves (and mostly U.S. dollar reserves), but also the largest lender in the United States, if China is not only the reduction of mm or mm U.S. Treasury holdings, the dollar will be a huge devaluation, which China's foreign exchange reserves to make significant losses. And if the Chinese are forced to keep buying U.S. Treasuries in order to stabilize the dollar in the long run will suffer greater losses, because the depreciation of the dollar's long-term trend is difficult to reverse. even more people angry, the Americans not only with the Chinese people who worked hard saved up money to support their extravagant profligate consumption, China is also despicable to use this China, such as forced appreciation hh
If only this side of the Chinese side, of course, this view makes sense. But the question is, what better choice to help us avoid falling into the ;? Let us first look at China's huge foreign exchange reserves but also what some other areas of investment.
since it is foreign exchange reserves, there is no doubt that only invest in foreign countries. Most of us should also know that if you have a money intended for investment rather than consumption, nothing more than a few directions: First, increasing the value of a possible physical assets such as gold, silver, etc., including real estate and the like; Second, the securities class virtual assets such as stocks , futures, bonds and so on.
for a nation to its reserves mainly for the purchase of real, normal person as long as the mind, that are not considered feasible. because the physical needs of the transport, storage, also will have losses and depreciation, and poor liquidity, and thus the cost of investment in kind is very high. Recently, commentators have advocated that China should use foreign exchange reserves in exchange for more strategic resource reserves such as oil, minerals, food and so on. and do not that we mentioned above, the high cost, not these kind of prices will not shrink it? the past year, international crude oil prices but the dollar's decline than to a large extent do not know how many times! Who can guarantee that we foreign exchange reserves to buy gold and silver is not a loss? Moreover, even if we think of Australia, Brazil to buy mine, it would be people willing to sell it to us! China Minmetals acquisition took six months have not been approved is not it? this resource commodities International trade is very easy to attract political resistance.
virtual look at the financial assets. bonds, stocks, futures and securities products in all three, the least risky bonds, the middle of the stock, futures maximum. In fact, China In recent years a small number of state-owned investment company has been involved in international capital markets, equity and futures trading, however, we have seen have a profit or even just preserving the record? far as I know, the investment company's investment in Blackstone The sale company is probably the most successful cases, but you can go look up the original investment in the current market value of that sum has already been played a few off? face, like Buffett, Rogers kind of international investment (speculation) Master You can count on us not playing with toys SAFE? Moreover, investment in foreign exchange reserves should be based on prudence in the final analysis, it should never take too much risk.
appear to be only one way of bonds, In all of the bonds, the Treasury and is undoubtedly the most secure. because the company collapse is common (China's state-owned commercial banks involved in U.S. subprime debt is not a lot, which was lucky!), the probability of state power change occurs after all very small, even in Western democracies is almost impossible. Thus, the remaining choice is to buy nothing more than a question of which country debt. Of course, we have seen, the dollar continued to depreciate in the last two years, it seems that we buy U.S. treasury bonds is a disadvantage. that we should be most of our foreign exchange reserves to buy the euro zone, Japan or the United Kingdom's national debt? or buy domestic currency can not be international, Russia, India, Brazil's national debt? himself when I say feel ridiculous. bonds is the national debt, which ultimately depend on the reliability of the national distribution of its comprehensive strength. Now the world there are more powerful than the U.S. state and government do?
Therefore, the nature of the problem is not and forced the side, we should also see to the positive side of U.S. Treasury holdings. In fact, if calm, in turn, the United States then why are not subject to its own U.S. Treasury market sell-off which led to the U.S. dollar has plummeted, not only the hope of economic recovery in the United States, I am afraid the whole world economy will face an immediate threat of collapse. as the British indeed master of the world economy a devastating blow to nuclear weapons. To the U.S. economy to save them from the financial tsunami, the new Democratic administration took out an unprecedented plan deficits. If China does not continue to overweight (or even a reduction of up to sell) the U.S. national debt, Obama's economic stimulus plan and Geithner would surely bankrupt; other hand, if the purchasing power of the United States can not recover from the recession as quickly as possible, mainly to export-oriented economy in China, how could better?
What is any party who dies, another will be dragged with the falling cliff, and this interdependence is likely to remain a long time. From this perspective, continue to buy U.S. Treasury bonds is not only to save the U.S. economy, but also save the world economy and, ultimately, save the smart choice for the Chinese economy itself. So I say, Geithner this trip to China is obvious lack of confidence, but it should still be harvested.
However, For the mountain climber This strange relationship between economic interdependence is extremely abnormal .2008 Nobel laureate in economics Paul. Paul Krugman a few years ago, said: , and people buy the money from China. the extravagance of rich Americans. gradually relaxed and back to normal, but this is obviously not talking about the right time mm when faced storm, which tied together on the , and they climbed a little flat a relatively safe area, will it be possible to lift the body of Le Flanagan in their struggle with the unlimited liability of the trouble among the ropes.
China and the United States no longer, ;?
recently, U.S. officials have visited China. First, House Speaker Luopei Xi, then for the Treasury secretary. The former is the ; slip of the tongue, is the climate cooperation. Geithner visit more simple mission is to persuade China to continue to bless the United States government bonds to the Chinese to ensure the safety of U.S. Treasury bonds. This is Observers Comment, U.S. no longer .
Indeed, the United States served as finance ministers, including former Paulson, often talks about is the visit to China under the massive deficit with China. And Luopei Xi in Congress is anti-China opinion leaders, religious, human rights and Tibet has always been full of fire. This time, they change the attitude toward China is the humility to listen to reason or even the voice of China, rather than domineering complaining and preaching, it is the current situation dictates. as the British country stakeholder relations. As China's foreign exchange reserves of 2 trillion U.S. dollars, 80%, and China held 770 billion U.S. dollars of U.S. Treasury bonds, the United States to ensure that the Reserve support is not enough. Therefore, the United States than at any time in history, needs China's help. stand by the interests of the United States re-realism will certainly be nice to China, so China will not upset the implementation of the . More importantly, the crisis has changed people's view of U.S. financial regulation, both on the lack of effective global regulation of the Wall Street model nose, Chinese financial regulators learn from global capitalism. Although the United States may not be convinced of China's financial regulation, China The financial regulation may not be the best. But the situation is stronger than people, the U.S. diplomacy toward China showed only mild side flexible.
But if U.S. diplomacy from a harmony, a serious mistake . Although some U.S. demands, but strong in the United States has not changed pattern of weak, China is quite upset to buy U.S. Treasury bonds. not so much the U.S. economy without China, it is more deeply in China by the U.S. stuck. . According to China's one slang, borrow money has become a god. That is, more trouble in China, therefore, hope that the status of the U.S. dollar, but also hope that the U.S. maintain the existing power status. This may seem contradictory, but the reality of Sino-US relations.
details from the two U.S. diplomatic can also be seen to be further temper, and further assimilation into a sincere and emotional. One is Luo Peixi talks with Chinese leaders at the time, declared a more diplomatic language, but frankly not as good as she raised the issue of China. After all, Chinese people believe the words in the table, then can we seek common ground. There is, China has organized a high standard Geithner reception ceremony, let the Chinese have learned the then Chinese teachers and students have forgotten the scene an embarrassment. This emphasis on China, human culture and etiquette, Geithner's performance at most be passed.
give up if the United States to China, mutual trust. occasional sign of trouble, turmoil in Sino-US relations waves or heavy lifting.
Ambassador Mormon candidate, Obama's internal calculations
5 月 16 am I've just seen Special ring conveys a startling message: Mormons, Utah Governor Jon Huntsman (Jon Huntsman Jr.) Barack Obama will be nominated to become ambassador to China, if approved by Congress, will become America's most important ambassadors. it does not appear on Twitter, do not know a major event in the world.
surprise because in recent months, the media, diplomacy, China's problems are carrying out the circle called qualifying time, almost no one in the guess. because the flood is not the first prominent person of Sino-US diplomatic circles or a China expert, he would be the reason why the Chinese, or because he went to Taiwan to pass the time college when Mormon Society, and he ties with China but he had a call from the adoption of Yangzhou Instead, he was Ronald Reagan, Bush, Bush's men, moderate Republican, has just re-elected in November last year, Utah Gov. success. has always been the U.S. ambassador is not a front-line countries to grant diplomatic expertise, is awarded to the ; retainer, (Clark T. Randt) fight over, and even this he spent lobbying Congress, relations, so that the brotherhood membership, the relationship between these buddies, How is the relationship between father Jiuchen this layer than the too of Huntsman. And Rice is not optimistic about the interview when he flood, so all efforts are ineffective, the last mine .2004 by the end of Germany as ambassador, governor of Hong election success of Utah, took the political path of another.
January of this year, a loyal Red resign as Bush leaves office and away, the Beijing side has been the interim minister Agent Penda (Dan Piccuta) agency work. In fact, precisely because it is the world's most important bilateral relationship, so there is no ambassador, is not very critical, because the matter between China and the U.S. is so important, so must the Summit hotline, summit, Secretary of State Minister visits, ministers exchanged visits, economic and strategic dialogue mechanism between the two countries to express the traditional diplomacy of the July 1 to formally retire from the State Council, and minister-level meeting with senior Chinese side in it is not very convenient, even if it is to access the play before the station, are likely to care for ill, the new ambassador's appointment before it appears urgent.
Austria Bama The appointment, made clear is the future of Sino-US relations to continue in this position mm aerial ambassadors who served as Ambassador of the opposition, since the sentence is difficult to get the president discretionary trust, the future can only be a step by step, a law-abiding. but from internal affairs, said Obama Ma this appointment, and Ma Ying-jeou named former , pull into their camp, but also a new blow to Republican. In addition, Sino-US relations, Vice President, the State Council, Ministry of Finance wants to fight for control of the three, Obama sent a fresh one without any foundation sits in Beijing, the natural It was at three power struggle in relations with China gained control of the control group of otherwise eligible to Obama in order to negotiate with China seasoned veteran, it is very difficult.
hope that the Chinese Ambassador Huntsman and his daughter Yang happy happy life in Beijing.
the U.S. government and uncharacteristically welcomed Chinese enterprises to buy, . This time the agreement to acquire Sichuan Tengzhong news of a Hummer, whether the White House, General Motors or the general public all with warm applause
century-old General Motors and the United States filed for bankruptcy protection, the Chinese Sichuan Tengzhong ready to buy GM's Hummer brand names news is undoubtedly more explosive. Although the acquisition has not yet been approved by Chinese government, but notably, this has not been implemented quickly won the U.S. M & A widely welcomed by all rare. It can not help but people may feel doubts: Hummer on the Proton M and in China, in the end mean?
the United States sell , people will naturally think of 4 years ago, Unocal merger. At that time, the same U.S. government against the Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation to 18.5 billion acquisition of Unocal (Unocal) on the grounds that the deal will make China the major oil companies control the U.S. companies, thus threatening U.S. national security. This is from the normal business acquisitions in the United States under strong political resistance eventually stalled. In sharp contrast, Sichuan Tengzhong overwhelmed by an agreement to acquire the Hummer brand message one, whether the White House, General Motors or the general public all with warm applause, even the once strongly opposed to CNOOC bid for Unocal in the United States Congress expressed this also praised the attitude of silence.
the White House this trade welcome and stressed that this is a purely commercial activities. Hummer spokesman Nick. Richardson said the Hummer was very satisfied with the deal in this, in terms of capital investment, long-term planning or enterprise strength point of view, Teng is a qualified buyers. Although there are some conservatives has different opinions, but you can not change the mainstream opinion. congressman Duncan. Hunter said: But in the current circumstances it seems that we have no reason to stop GM to sell Hummer. This acquisition is involved the transfer of advanced technology and threaten U.S. security. America was uncharacteristically, to be greeted from the shut out, mainly due to three factors. First of all, GM has been in trouble and was forced to file for bankruptcy protection , and its common loss of the Hummer brand is the most serious part of the urgent need to ride out the storm, whether general or the U.S. government can be described as selling Hummer took over the company, will retain the Hummer current management team, and Hummer in Shreveport, Louisiana assembly plant will be operational until at least 2010, and the Hummer more than 3,000 existing jobs in the United States to retained more than 150 U.S. retailers will from Guan Zhang Hummer's fate. the employment problem is undoubtedly the top priority for the current U.S. government. As White House spokesman, Bill. Burton said, the deal is sure to be a stable employment good news. Second, the industry pointed out that although the Hummer brand from the U.S. military vehicles, but after the . Objectively speaking, the so-called transfer of advanced technology and the impact of national security is unlikely. This is the mentality of many members of Congress an important reason for calm.
Third, analysts pointed out that the current economic situation and Sino-US relations status for China U.S. direct investment in business provided a favorable environment. China now holds nearly 8,000 billion dollars in U.S. bonds, has become the largest creditor, is to help an important U.S. foreign aid economic recovery. The U.S. government pay more attention than ever to maintain and develop its relationship. Some Western media have pointed out, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is an important visit to China shortly before the goal is to ensure China's holdings of U.S. assets in the hands of security. In this context, the U.S. government, Congress and the community are do not want to do not involve sensitive areas of the Chinese investment in the U.S. to set an artificial political barriers.
Hummer is not good The mass of the Chinese private enterprises will be the first known U.S. brands acquired a Chinese company. Tengzhong General Manager of Sichuan, said Yang Yi, Hummer has a huge potential for Hummer Tengzhong plans to invest heavily to make it become a truly international brand. Although the Proton in the global and Chinese auto industry's prospects and the development of China's SUV market confidence, but its ability to control the head troubled Hummer is still a big question mark.
first, desperate for any horse medicine? we all know, the financial crisis is only the last straw breaks the camel, leading GM to the plight of the culprit is the business philosophy of its rut. For a long time, low oil prices and high consumption encourages Americans of the tall, heavy, large-scale oil costs a soft spot for off-road vehicles, general match up, the sport utility vehicle (SUV) as the main model, and known as is one of the representatives of the brand. With oil prices soaring and the financial crisis, SUV rapid decline of market share, while the Hummer are particularly affected. According to statistics, in 2008, Hummer sales fell 51% in 2009 As of now it is down 67%. Now the Hummer on the verge of despair, it was even compared to a rebound in its hopeless not to mention the profitability of the. Second, a bold attempt or excessive risk-taking? Teng after the company won the Hummer will have to face all the pressure from the United States. Teng will have to learn to deal with the union with the United States, the United States powerful United Auto Workers union for any car company is a formidable opponent, especially in the protection of workers wages and rights. Moreover, the U.S. auto market already fierce competition in the economic crisis, various companies also is the law of the jungle, Teng newcomers how to determine their own marketing strategies. In addition, the Hummer brand because of their military vehicle origin, were a considerable number of fans as a sign of patriotism, they opened with the U.S. soldier's car for the same Rong, once the Hummer reverted to Chinese enterprises, it is bound to the Hummer sales in North America, causing no small blow.
Third, China is a paradise for Hummer? Tang in the Chinese market as the company is clearly the future development of Hummer hope. Although the data show that China's SUV sales are still high growth, but high oil prices and high taxes in the double attack, how long can this growth momentum is still difficult to predict. Even in the extremely strong 2008, the Chinese SUV market, the Hummer is also only 69 sold. tall, awkward and expensive Hummer is obviously some difficulty adapting China's national conditions, only a minority excitement toys, highbrow inevitable fate.
Sino-US relations to avoid noise nuisance
G20 summit to achieve a Sino-US summit meeting between the first and also the turning point of Sino-US strategic relationship to deepen. After the summit, G2, in contrast, China and the U.S. led the world together assume a new era of global responsibility. As South Korea, Meeting for the United States and China Times 』『 G2 precursor to the opening. times.
According to the latest news, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will visit China to discuss the strengthening of Sino-US economic ties. This is the Bush era, U.S. to continue to open the continuation of the Sino-US high-level meeting. But it is worth mentioning that a solid strategic foundation of Sino-US relations, but also there are some bad noise. If Obama small group of Republicans and Democrats will turn to a motion, which may pose a threat to China and other countries to impose special tariffs on imports as punishment for what they call US relations will be seriously affected.

bilateral trade increased sensitivity is well known, human rights, press freedom, the RMB exchange rate and other problems are a familiar problem in the two countries. These issues in addition to damage to the two governments and people's feelings, no benefit, and even make the two countries fell into endless arguments. As the Chinese Embassy ...

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