Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Starting at 9 am the next day

 They take turns washing up, I was up until about 8:45. Downstairs to eat a free breakfast, departure to Universal Studios (universal studio).

Universal Studios Hollywood is located in the northwest city. Early 20th century, the film producers of the film in this ideal natural environment that will focus on this one after another, so that this land has become world famous studios.

know when we line up to buy tickets for the senior vote, you can not take the VIP access to the kind of line,bailey UGG boots, about 100 votes of ordinary knife, we are about 150 such votes knife. Stroll into the park after the beginning, many people wearing the clothes movie characters, such as vampires, such as Mickey Mouse. I saw Shrek the inside of a mule, it is saying it ran a photo of joy. He asked that you come from, I said the Chinese, he told me to switch to Chinese, hello. . . Universal Studios with a lot of Chinese people there, there are many performers can speak Chinese, we also see people on the radio directly to the Chinese that the Chinese interpretation of a few points there will be performances, Khan.

at Universal Studios for the first time to see 4D movie feel like. Side of the 3D effect of feeling better than the domestic good, very real, really felt something, like in front of you, will not help want to go hide. Also see some behind the scenes of the effect of the film, even if the saw is also very likely to be false, ah, this world is too illusory.

went to the haunted house and started thinking that it is sitting in the car into the tour, the result turned out to come to the end of their own from scratch. I found that they do not take the first one to not feel afraid, because people will walk in front of various organs of touch, when you insight into the agency after not afraid. There are two girls afraid of traveling, from start to finish kept his head down, it was screaming to scream along with, more often than being haunted house scared the ghost inside, are they scared, and sweat. Haunted house there are staff dressed as ghosts, pop up from time to time, as long as the psychological fear, knowing that those are the real installed, will be rather calm, I even told that the ghosts greet with them, sharp tone with a very strange name, and then you see the boys walking in front of laughing =. = My classmates began as a jacket in my bag on the ride, and results in a haunted house and rubbing around the inside to go out, I'm so sorry, but fortunately lost and found out later on, get it back, or else she would cold death. . .

there is a very fun ride the whole tour Universal Studios, read a lot of take up of the building and scenes. Desperate Housewives of the shooting scene to see those houses are said to be false, it is just a facade, they all felt very unacceptable way has been to say, how so stingy, at least should really take a street to shoot Ah! I sweat. See the scenes to build up very suddenly when I miss that trip Hengdian. . .

car tour to see the simulation when it comes to flash floods, fires, shark, crash scene, inside the house was destroyed in World War II scene where King Kong film, are in fact a very small place, but the shooting it becomes a great scene, like technology! Also watched a 3D movie, dinosaur battle King Kong, so real, like we really live in a jungle inside, what about the dinosaurs on both sides,Discount UGG boots, went with a girl has been holding me tight. There is a scene inside The Matrix, subway station was destroyed by a flood, power failure, roof collapse, subway rushed off in half or something, sitting in the car to see the reduction of this scene is still very shocking, especially Metro then rushed out a great momentum to our thrust in two head-bashing over time, many, many people screaming, unconscious to the back.

car park after the tour finished we are looking for a place to solve the lunch, eat Chinese fast food, panda express, here, a lot of a store. Then do the jet Yong Jin, this is my first ride, when washed down from above is still very scary, the people have stood up as the same, and then rapidly washed down! That gap is quite large, the angle is also quite large. Also do a similar thing roller coaster, indoor, and simulation of what the scene is the Egyptian Pharaoh, I do feel sitting terror, almost crying. Imagined in his head is actually Zuma scene, Khan. In fact, indoor or dark better than the outdoor roller coaster, I did not see no fear of heights, looking as if entangled in an outdoor track, estimated to be scared I'm gonna cry instead. They said also came out good, how that is not exciting, and time is so short. In fact, I feel better after coming out, so do not imagine the terrorist, it really was experienced in the past, he feels terrible Mody.

later also went to see the performance of a water war, but also thought that the explosion in Hengdian to see what kind of performance, a bit similar. Has an older sister was amazing, from the height of the tower holding the rope to jump down so many times,Bailey UGG boots, and then climb, then slide the slider what another rerun, physical particularly good, admire the death of me . Play half so well as a plane flew in on, a splash, I told the name of the other students had the foresight to sit back, and not splash water, they sit in front of three other people, it is said a piece of wet clothes.

then went to see an animal show, the domestic general only saw the parrot A gorilla A and the like, the day we see a lot of animal actors, hens, roosters, pigs, monkeys, dogs, foxes, apes , pigeons. One of them shows and home like, is to let a man stand up, then take a dollar in the hand, the parrot will fly past the money know and ran off, I thought the same with some domestic performance is to get money for it , did not expect that the host said was a joke, and then let the parrot again give the money back yet. Britain also particularly special mad dog, we were laughable, and the same think that dog is not doing drugs, or else how can you top! After the performance ended, more advanced because of our vote, all actors can stay and animal contact, I am very excited to go and two very docile dog photo, but also and small photo of a fox. I really was fond of animals ah.

the last to go is what a ball screen film, looking at the screen, feels like a roller coaster, if input is still very thrilling, at first I was afraid. But the fact that we take things in orbit has been fixed, only shaking up and down about a variety of angles, I can see eyes poured other people sitting in the car, on a variety of in situ rock to find it silly, so sooner or later. Orlando said that listening to their dome is very real, when the winter vacation travel should be to go to the time to experience. But having said that, this is my first time watching movie screen it.

inside the Universal Studios show what a variety of drive, there is no time to wander the souvenir or something. About 5:30 we came out, drove to the stadium in time 7:30 of the NBA basketball game, the Lakers against the Bulls. Originally thought the time was sufficient, did not think Ah! Los Angeles is not an ordinary traffic really bad! Traffic jam traffic jam traffic jam! Original plan was to Chinatown for dinner, then simply do not have time, just passing by car from the side a bit, near the stadium has been open to 7:10 a. Then start looking for parking spaces, because the Lakers are strong teams, a lot of people view this NBA, so parking is a big problem ah. A winding A winding around and finally found parking, parked the car has 7:30, and we rushed into the stadium running all the way, just introducing the team members, find a seat to sit down, the race began.

seat at the top of our circle, very, very far. I later heard that our tickets are sold 30 knives in a line, but we decided to go relatively late, when the Internet has no vote, and cattle have been bought up, so they are looking to buy cattle tickets, a knife 60. . .

watching the scene really is a very good atmosphere, basketball seems to be more comfortable than the football, or at least be able to read the rules. Section I ran out of the end of the canteen to buy a hot dog supper. Half time and they teach you a souvenir shop,cheap UGG boots, I am fan of Gasol roommate, bought his jersey. Because some people like Kobe Bryant, let me take a souvenir, so I looked at a 90 jersey knife, can not afford, he bought a hat. The best match is the fourth in front of Lakers simply do not go all out, are in play. No wonder the score remained tight bite, but once trailed. Section IV to show their real strength, one by one-third of their audience is very defensive when attacked rhythmic applause, was spectacular! Who at that moment will always be special buzz! Competition There is no suspense to the end of the Lakers win, look at the game and each one can receive free food volume, said NBA is like that, win the ball please people eat.

is worth mentioning that, NBA cheerleaders sister are so beautiful, she is good, jump Ye Hao ~. ~

NBA came out on the late drive to the hostel, we quickly wash, and then sleep.

11 24.

nothing scheduled on the third day, starting at 10 am, go to the car rental companies also, and then to the airport and other aircraft.

Los Angeles airport and we think still relatively large difference, because the different airlines have different terminal, we went to that terminal is really simple, no shop can be. A cup of yogurt for lunch, hamburgers fries. Visiting all the shops are boring after again sitting eyes closed. They want to go to the duty-free shop to buy chocolate for what was later learned, is duty-free international flights for passengers, we are not tax-free, sweat.

more than two in the afternoon flight back to San Francisco. 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Article review ... please wait ...- Happy Buddhist card with the cessation of suffering - the focus of blog

 Wisdom from the heart lawyer Fourth, from the Buddha's heart begins. Tathagata who has never been nothing, nor have to go. Away from all that the name of Buddha. Fifth, we must first debate what is true? What is Wang Xin? really is the Buddha, Wang Xin is a thief. If we pray to Buddha, reciting scriptures, do not start from the true self of our side of the Buddha, while chanting, they were my non-constant arguments constantly, constantly critical, trouble continue, disputes continue, miserable! our own spiritual force on the corner, this is the reincarnation heart. Sixth, the heart is not included, not outside, not in the middle, which is , the heart is not the last heart, and not the heart now, nor is the future heart. VIII, up jump the air, so this had to know. the law of million are all illusory, that the true self nature, is our real true colors. Ninth, beginning from the Great Bodhicitta, Fat compassion, and was big as Nirvana. Tenth, from the beginning of great compassion. XI, starting from the joyful heart care. XII, starting from the heart of great wisdom, Buddhism to wise, the thirteenth, the heart from the start to be Wusuo Zhu. XIV, from the heart starts to ask for more. XV, a thorough perspective of causality, are beginning to know right view. XVI, after all, from a million empty method heart started. Seventeenth , to follow the spirit of the five Buddha began to imitate Dazhi Manjushri, follow the example of compassion Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra follow the example of big firms, willing to follow the large Earth Store Bodhisattva, would like to have much strength there is how much. follow Daci Maitreya. XVIII, never greedy start. XIX, never mind hatred started. twenty, never silly start. the twenty-first, never mind began to hate. XXII never jealous start. xxiii, rejoice the heart from the start. round, starting from the veneration Sambo. Sambo as root. XXV, apart from all from the beginning. XXVI, tolerance and forgiveness from the heart starts. xxvii, as from a million methods, phase-equal start. xxviii, starting from the footer for the law forgot. betting, to join in Buddhism, have the spirit of martyrdom, life fight it, not greedy of food color to sleep is the Buddha's disciples. twenty-nine, starting from the right view is known. thirty, made strong confidence in the rebate from the beginning. XXXI, do not fall into the hearts of non-confrontation began. xxxii,UGG bailey button, from the equality, no difference Heart start. XXXIII, never persistent, not separately, do not reverse heart started. xxxiv, rejoice in praise from the contentment of the heart began. rising from the heart of China, the joy of life of the soul, the joy of movement of life, joy, eternal joy and compassion, is the mentality of the Holy One. joy and compassion is the mentality of the Holy One of eternity, a true Buddhists, is full of the joy of the law. thirty-five, if not from such as move, do not take in the phase begins. XXXVI, the knowledge of all phases where are all false. all promising method, such as the mist in a dream, such as dew electricity, should be the same. to close a large friendly knowledge. One person asked: Will the teacher, good mentor What is the difference with the big good mentor? It's the difference between the definition of where? call you precepts, the Buddha, because knowledge results tomorrow, this is called good mentor. call you to break the ignorance, see the true self nature, return to the present, that is the heart Buddha, called the Great and Wise Advisors. but also a big plus, you know. xxxvii, convinced that cause and effect from the beginning. a Buddhists do not believe in cause and effect, not the Buddha's disciples. xxxviii, never mind from the beginning, ask for more heart from the start. thirty-ninth, three industry from Shen Kouyi clean start. the knowledge can not net, bitter, empty, impermanent, without me, Buddhists should be ashamed of heart. forty, starting from the pure heart. Zen talk to naked, spotless, into the pack. Liu Chen is not evil, but also with the enlightenment. XLI, good deeds do not fall behind from the start. forty, have a pattern of Buddha, Buddhism flourished in the beginning. xliii, two kinds of people are reborn in the Pure Land is difficult: first, Pirates of the monk thing,Bailey UGG boots, to be reborn in the Pure Land is very difficult. use any method of extortion, blackmail, deception, abduction monks, resident, are considered guilty of theft. without master allowed, Sambo's permission, resident's permit, a needle, a grass and not move. The second person, is difficult to be reborn in paradise, reborn in paradise difficult, slandered the Buddha, Bangfa, abusive monks, the reborn Paradise, a great obstacle. xliv, to stay away from I see,cheap UGG boots, far away from me slowly, away from my love from me crazy. I crazy is ignorance. forty-five, Liu Chen from the bearish five desires heart began. a person obsessed with Wu Yu Liu Chen, is not repair the line. wealth,UGG shoes, color, name of food, sleep. today by the Press Law is not listening to all monks, we have several thousand, most of at home, so that we can only tell law enforcement lay like this: Shao Yu inaction, mental and physical ease. Forty-six, six reincarnation really want to know suffering, know that six reincarnation is really miserable. Forty-seven, did not hear Buddhism to impress, and hear the Dharma vigorously advance to make a big heart, to Duane, repair all good. Forty-eight, to honor their parents, to respect teachers, we should also Treatise. Forty-nine, adhere to the survival Pure Land, are unwilling to do turn for the worse heart. fifty, we praise the brightest spot, however, may wish to flowers in full bloom. Fifty-two, this is to us a humble monk called for thirty years I have come to Buddhism, qualified to make a humble appeal to our monks. If we can not turn up the ***, in any case we should be sure that actions do not be evil spoken of. with laymen, both men lay, whether it is Nvju Shi, should maintain a distance. Fifty-four, a monk to have a backbone, to the Buddha as a model; at home to have ambition, to powers of protection, support the Dhamma. Fifty-five, to listen through, multi-Wen Fa, how many more Xunxi to be able to open the wisdom .<><>; (original post:

Father used to influence more of their children

 Father used to influence more
father of their children like to sleep late, the children do not like to get up early; Daddy loves frown, the children often frown; Do you like sports, children like to bounce hh ago, said child behavior by the mother's influence on the relatively large, in fact, is the so-called supervisors, Children will have a subtle effect, many father and son, father and daughter not only looks similar nature, and their behavior patterns and even triggered the disease may also be exactly the same. Therefore, the father of the good habits will benefit children for life, and vice versa.
of the story: the concept, is not a bad habit to sleep late. Gradually, often to the weekend, as long as the father still in bed, is the reduction in the yard reading,UGG bailey button, and sometimes even lie down to get up before noon.
go on. In secondary school teachers,UGGs, drive is issued, making her more reluctant to get up early morning.
28-year-old Xiao Tang was diagnosed with alcoholic liver. doctors feel young, he should not such a serious illness, he self-deprecating answer: 25 years old too! the son also develop into a traditional breakfast l r. morning, and her father will be the development: the father than the mother of
The first teachers, parents and the words and deeds of the children to develop healthy habits is essential. He said that if parents often face in front of their children smoking, drinking, playing mahjong, sleep late, the child will think that these are normal things gradually will unconsciously imitate. not in the child before the formation of a strong self-control, these bad habits have become part of his life. Even adult children realize that this is wrong, but these bad habits have been in his brain reflecting the formation of a stubborn, difficult to completely correct.
physical development in children, the father of an advantage than the mother. Foreign studies have shown little contact with his father and his son into regular contact with children than children in weight, height, speed of movement and other aspects of development and not the latter, the probability of suffering from malnutrition and infectious diseases is also higher than the front. and the mother than the father and the child more through the exchange of physical sport, and tactile , physical sports games, give the child a strong stimulation of the large movements of physical activity, promote their physical development. According to statistics, the father of such activities accounted for 70% of mothers accounted for only 4%.
father loved sports baby more cheerful
Also, if the father loved sports, will often take their children with sports, it is extremely important for the child's physical and mental health. study found that the father enjoys reading, playing chess and other indoor accompany their children to participate in regular physical exercise, the children often do not like to go outside to run and jump, or not good at sports. is also good. will make children more outgoing personality, attitude, when faced with setbacks in life more active, more courage to challenge life's problems. through participation in sports, but also expand your circle of contacts and win more friends, learn better with friends, colleagues. From this perspective,Discount UGG boots, the father of the good habits will benefit children for life, and vice versa.
is worth noting that, due to his father at home,UGG shoes, tend to related to their health, but also have subtle influence on their children. father and son, father and daughter not only looks similar nature, and their behavior patterns and even triggered the disease may also be exactly the same. such as the father of alcohol drinkers suffering from liver, the son of the future also likely the case. Some fathers busy day, do not eat breakfast or breakfast for carrying out, or keep the evening entertainment, a lack of regular life. over time to give children a good suggestion: .

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The merits and demerits of every four-frame vernacular Training Solutions

 [1] Gong Li Yibo money
San Franciscans were
case of earthquakes, floods and droughts, famine, war and other disasters, should be the giver of money, food, clothing, Zhou Ji, the victims, the people's access to the disaster stable. Even if a disaster free, case of poor hungry, relief should be implemented.
all homes convenient to do
coffin as we often read about in history books, sold themselves buried father, mother buried bondage, bondage buried husband deeds, although the present-day society richer than in the past, then some poor person, if his own neighborhood, or the occasional embarrassing Lu Yu of these should be reaching out to help others survive, without paying. such as the Tang Dynasty The Guoyuan Zhen, youth, to embrace ambition, knowledge, handsome, sixteen-year-old into the Imperial College as a student too, and once sent money to family-owned four hundred thousand, just have a stranger dressed in mourning, came to knock on the door seeking his help, Since that poor family, ancestors of the Five have not buried, the request to borrow money, for funeral, Yuan Zhen deep sympathy, nor asked his name, will be presented to four hundred thousand in all the money he did not begrudge.
incense and candles and lamp oil facilities and other objects, Shi tea
with incense, candles, lamps, oil material support Sambo, or giving tea.
temple treasures home repair, building repair Sambo Sambo Zunxiang
temple construction, shaping, painting , casting, depicting the Buddha statues. such as wind and rain. He too harsh, put his money with him, got out ten pieces of silver, to the abbot of the master, as the temple housing the temple restoration purposes. abbot told him that repair works great temple, and versus too little, it can not complete this project. Then the body bag brought by four again Cloth and fabric, there are a few pieces of clothes, all newly purchased, sold as repair Temple funds. his servants advised He said: Do not send clothes then this, the package by saying, it is very rare! temple repaired later, the same package went to the temple by his father to bring. night live in the Temple, including a Buddhist Temple by night dream of Buddha to the temple to thank him, saying, Later his son pack Bian, grandson of Tamarix aromatic, and sure enough exams and Scholars, made a distinguished senior officials. Any door in Salford in the three treasures, the heart of the case to be made,cheap UGG boots, without asking, the newspaper in thick; be seeking those reported in the book.
[2] Power
Jiancang Pingyao, built roads and bridges, building bridges and paving the way for dredging river wells
, easy walk, to divert the river, would not be unreasonable and flooded river flood, wells for the convenience of drinking water for one person. today, such as dredging rivers, there will be a time when heavy rain flooded with ease. to promote environmental protection and keep the river clean mountains; paying attention to water quality, without rendering industrial wastewater pollution of the environment, everyone has a clean safe drinking water. In particular, government officials, the welfare of the people should actively disseminate the message of this good, those engaged in industry, careful handling of industrial waste water, without rendering the river water is polluted, all belong to this.
not The so-called negative sustenance property
Entrusted by the people, loyal business of the people, that is the intention also. For friends, relatives of the trust, commitment should be strictly, not visible wealth and Wang Yi. such as the Tang Dynasty, LI Mian, from small, studious, SHEN elegant personality, bright mind. youth from a poor family, was off to swim to the local Liang and Song, happened to live in a hotel and a scholar, the student will be dead, infected with serious illness, brought out of platinum, on LI Mian said: I have to die, and now no one knows about, I die, please use the gold for my funeral arrangements for my burial, the remaining gift to all of you, please accept it! He, therefore in accordance with last words, his burial, but the remaining platinum, but secretly put it in a coffin underground. Later, when the scholar's family opened the tomb, unearthed platinum, and finally returned to their families. Tang Emperor Su-tsung do to promote LI Mian look upon the censor, after the official position to the prime minister, and its lofty human upright, incorruptible and impartial official.
persuade people out of financial wealth for all the merit
not difficult, the most difficult financial security should be with the points with the power to persuade their friends and colleagues, to understand the proper financial management concepts, broad-line giving, such as India through, release, relief, etc., are all hidden virtue of good deeds. If can do it big give, yet wealth can guarantee.
to let products
such as the origin Lane Anhui Tongcheng six feet, that is to place the results. in Qing Dynasty, Zhang Wenhua Dian rites British scholar and official in the capital, his home and Wu, Tong Cheng's neighbors, took place land disputes, so the family will be sent to the capital letters, asking him to come forward to deal with. The scholar wrote back immediately to see: then Emperor. prime minister, his son Zhang Tingyu also Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong reigns in the prime minister, described as hidden virtue thick carry!
[3] End power generation

satisfied debts to the people on behalf of the insolvent, the repayment debt.
ill-gotten gains do not take
unjust, not his money items, not take from.
also human remains
property if people do not accidentally lost, Lost, shall returned to the owner, not for himself.
forgive debt if negative
borrowed property, and people unable to repay, no dun, and can destroy writings, Raoyi others.
fruit recommended for power Please do
monk Shen soul salvation ceremonies, or their own practice, read through the Buddha, this merit, super recommended sinking ghosts.
save a slight wetting of a weak case to save life
wet small class life, such as earthworms.

who put his life of all living beings, are to be loved, put a credit life.
buried a dead bird from all
see the dead birds and beasts, storms or road next to the corpse in the wilderness, it should be buried, so that it rest in peace.
not eat for himself killed
Huaikang compassion for themselves and do not eat meat killed.
Press killing do not eat animals killed
hear the screams, that is, do not eat the meat.
slain kill animals do not eat
see the scene, that is, do not eat the meat.
Although the meat people Chizhai day
not vegetarian, but can the heart and being a vegetarian in a day. such as who started fifth, six fast days, fasting ten days, the Buddha of Christmas, the parents of the birthday (or anniversary of the death) In this the day, do not eat meat, but can a vegetarian diet, and read by the Buddha, repair pure merit!
[4] Power
see people worry about, good comfort for the solution, see other people who are worried about
matter, should be skillful means, open solution to console, so that it released Sad hi.
aid to the people and animals encounter every moment Pidun
person or animal, because of temporary hardship and fatigue, should be given financial aid to help. If Some people go out to earn a living or studying, accidentally left behind because of money,Discount UGG boots, or is injured, and no one care, the case of such a situation, should be given help. In case of injured animals, should make the heart where, until recovered, and then released into Nature!
begging people not to resist
case of poor beggar, with all his to give and respectful heart, can not be denied. the poor is a sad field, giving the heart can respect that sadness in his field, achievement of my compassion Baku, Daci and the music of the heart!
mostly from one
monks mostly from a nun, so that it settled mind, no fear of lack of four things, and to cultivate peace of mind!
rice a
to support a monk monk monk diet.
who left the road a thousand words, or in our lives around, see words on paper, it should be picked up and sent to recycling plant processing, or sent to incinerators, which are all words on paper kindness charity care. because the word is symbolic of wisdom, who by means of writing, was able to study culture, wisdom, so the words on paper should be respected.
[5] function
Hing Lee and Ten things to build beneficial to all who
, wealthy and powerful people do, the benefits can reach ten, count as a success.
righteous speeches, encyclicals and ten
Any righteous speech, advising people to Duane rehabilitated, informed causal sensible to persuade ten people, counted as a success.
thousands of chanting chanting chanting sound
with a pure heart chanted thousands of sound. recite the heart aimed at the system one, the delusion of all, attributable to a Buddha, a Buddha to replace the infinite delusion. Buddha, if there delusion, delusion do not care, just bring mindfulness to a Buddha, read more clearly, listen to understand, I remember clearly, Contrary to mouth, enter into the ears, and India from the heart, chest ears the same delusion less naturally.
Lichan worship
per week with a sincere heart of repentance, to eliminate all bad karma and disaster, the lifting of generation after generation complain Results Fu Hui Gongde towering gain incredible. Lichan hundred worship, namely a power.
chanting Buddhist roll
revise our thinking and behavior is the criteria, be sure to recite the classic Dhamma in order is the sincere the intention, the teachings of the Buddha suffered benefits! million heretics can not recite the classics, and evil knowledge and deviant views, forgery classic!
the purposes of the text book to persuade people
economy persuade people to perform good deeds that the printer, ring kill the students, the article Tranquility compassion, its merit is equivalent to write your own!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ai Dongmei farmers market stall

 Ai Dongmei farmers market stall ,UGG boots
half earns more than twenty journalists Watch Ai Dongmei
a street vendor selling clothes difficult couples: early six to earn more than twenty dollars at noon; a buy a bunch of pear Beijing Tongzhou Wuyihuayuan a farmers market, the former international marathon champion Ai Dongmei her child and her husband the same way as other traders in selling the clothes. but, Manglebantian only earned twenty dollars. 【 Background Information: 1, Ai Dongmei other three teammates misappropriation lawsuit against former coach Wang Dexian 12 million salaries and bonuses; 2, Ai Dongmei to raise money for a living selling gold medals bid 1,000 dollars】
old couple pushing bicycles to shut the shop ( Click for more Ai Dongmei stall Atlas)
with children a street vendor, no different from ordinary hawkers (Click for more Ai Dongmei stall Atlas)
clothes, out of stock. ; this is not feasible the market to buy things, but the owner who is very early to grab a good pitch, good location a little later on by others to account, which may affect the business of the day. Do not look at half past five left to go Ai Dongmei,UGG boots clearance, but have half an hour to get to ride a bike, this distance should be said to have for a long time, so when they go to other vendors to open agricultural vehicles have long accounted for a good position to almost, Ai Dongmei them as quickly as possible some other location.
came to the market, the head of the crowd surging to a reporter did not quite know where Ai Dongmei's stall. then press send text messages to ask, Ai Dongmei a very simple response word: find. Fortunately, they finally found the press booth. Ai Dongmei in dealing with customers in the bargain. be honest with, but the other insisted five, not opened to five dollars Ai Dongmei final shot, this time has more than ten o'clock, she earned a dollar. Fortunately, her husband's popcorn Changan people, in November 1995 into the engine sports team, following Wang Dexian training,UGG boots cheap, retired in 2003 the year 1999 has won the Beijing International Marathon, Dalian International Marathon and Road Relay Championship in Chiba, Japan.
at this time , the reporter noticed that their daughter is running around the back of clothing stalls. Without the customer, when they can spare some children Ai Dongmei. riding a borrowed bike to see Ai Dongmei, and failed to put down the child's place. Ai Dongmei Wang Qihai husband how to reporters about the children brought over the original or the same goods and equipment to do together in popcorn tricycle to pull over, because the morning temperature is too low, also was covered by some thick clothes, and then after a rope tied to the car, so that the children in to sleep in the farmer's market.
nearly eleven o'clock, when Ai Dongmei only a slight improvement in the business, because this time is close to closing time, many people will come to buy cheap goods. number of old people in the last ten minutes of bargaining to buy a 15 dollar underwear, Ai Dongmei have gained three dollars. After that, it sold four children and a dress shirt, so doing, remove both of them,UGG shoes, had a market management fee of 10 dollars, their income today only 20 dollars already. < br> close to noon, customers and vendors on the market began to shut down. Ai Dongmei, said the business on Sunday as yesterday, because yesterday sold more than one hundred dollars of goods, eventually left a forty dollars. her husband spent a nearby stall to pick someone else money to buy a bunch of the rest of the pears on a tricycle, tied up the child, the Ai Dongmei, a family of three still ride the bike for half an hour to get home to eat lunch.
a street vendor selling world championship gold medal

2010 stock market hardly a good time in 2009

 New Year, an instant, the stock market into 2010.
New Year is always full of imagination, for the stock market is particularly true for investors. Especially after the 2009 campaign, investors hope in the next level in 2009.
however, wishes and reality often exist between the distance. Looking While the 2010 stock market can build on 2009, but For investors, make money in 2010 than in 2009, the stock market is much more difficult .2010 difficult in the good old days of 2009, 2009, at least two opportunities for the 2010 years can not have.
first 2009 is the starting point of China's stock market has experienced low .2008 largest one ever bear market, stock index from the beginning point of the highest point of 5522 fell to the lowest point of 1664 points, a drop of 3858 points. If you press the record high in 2007 calculation, it is a drop of 4460 points. the index of the crash, for investors, the investment in 2008 is, of course, is a heavy blow, but also for the stock market in 2009 dropped out of the opportunity. It is because of 2008 The crash of the stock of investment risks are great release in late 2008 early 2009, many investment value of the stock is reflected. This is the stock market in 2009 laid the foundation, making the stock market in 2009 with a low starting point , the advantages of low risk. If the starting point of 2009 points in 1820 compared to the starting point of 5261 points in 2008 compared to significant decline in investment risk is clear. It is because of the low starting point, this makes the stock market upward in 2009 up more easily. to reach 3277 points at the end of the year rose 80%. It can be said of the stock market in 2009 was confirmed in the stock market saying: opportunities or out.
Second, the 2009 stock market faced by macroeconomic policy good face is unprecedented. From November 2008 began, the State Council began a Planning launched, giving the stock market a steady stream of speculation subject matter. In order to stimulate economic development in line with the national implementation of the scheme in 2009, the banking sector has also taken the extremely loose monetary policy, the year of new loans at close to 10 trillion. This will not only greatly stimulated our economy to recover first in the world, and the excess liquidity has greatly stimulated the development of the stock market, and even a lot of bank loans through various channels to flow directly or indirectly to the stock market, and became a rising stock market direct driving force. can be sure that the stock market hardly better than 2009, the macro-policy side.
is based on these two opportunities, thus creating a 2009 unilateral upward trend in the stock market, and to give most of the opportunity to make money. But the two major opportunities for the stock market in 2010, apparently ceased to exist. After all, the starting point of 2010 points is 3277, which is a retreat of the point into the stock market index in On this basis rose 500 points and down 500 points are normal. This also means that investors face in 2010 the investment risk is far greater than in 2009. more importantly, the macro-policy aspect can not be as easy as in 2009. At least Banking can no longer issuing 10 trillion of credit funds, but also in strengthening the flow of credit funds under management, the possibility of credit funds into the stock market greatly reduced. and the macro-side in 2010 but also to strengthen the management of inflation expectations, not rule out the banking industry will take to improve the capital reserve ratio and even the possibility of raising interest rates. Therefore, the 2010 stock market very difficult to have good times in 2009. Although the stock market in 2010 will have the same opportunities to make money, but investors should seize The opportunity to make money much more difficult than in 2009. Maybe for investors in 2010, is a more investment techniques need to pay attention the year, the level of investment will determine the investor's profit and loss in 2010.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Filial piety, the source of life for the change 30 days turn of luck, all the success in the method 1 year

 Filial piety, the source of life for the change
mm 30   turn of luck, all the success in the way 1 year
often asked: I have copied the release by the Buddha, how life is not smooth it?
Fact, ask yourself if a: There is no conflict contradict their parents, there is no sense of the dependent parent.
looking for work, exams, talk about objects, mentioned application, disobedient children, reading a good hh
asked him: , there is no sense of the dependent parent? a person is respectful mm
serve parents, his bones to grow relative to mountain rivers, an official to become inevitable.
the financial resources to support parents of a man, his face was to give birth to maneuver Hop wealth, financial gas to Hong Leong.
we all know that the Chinese people, Phase: Hand, Foot and very soft, such as the phase Cui fine robbery wave. line Bodhisattva, when many parents and teachers the world for the bath to remove dirt, apply powder, so get hand, foot and soft phase. that the Buddha's hand of mercy soft affinity uptake of Germany)
Why filial piety, all aspects are really good?
to explain to you mm
experience flow, and why? mm since made a bad business.
bad karma for that? mm harm living beings.
harm living beings first thought what? mm disregard for living beings.
so we have to change all life is rooted in the filial beings mm
respectful even if I have disregard for parents and teachers, which I have no disregard for sentient beings?
if I do not even parents and teachers, filial reverence, which I may filial beings?
so I asked Any wish, destroy any Kue, parents and teachers from the filial start.
virtues of filial piety as the first, conflict contradict their parents,Discount UGG boots, and the remaining product Ninety-nine is also not good, nothing get rid of this life.
master to teach sight Our prescription for disease-free life in the dead changed: the two semi-tender, filial piety to be very, gas delivery under the soup.
filial piety is a very, this is the core of prescription is to change the focus of life.
why Tom , and put away wealth, so do not gather into their own wealth. And, a minute of raw gas, will be three days of disease; raw gas a day, and that forty days to get the disease.
then Why gentle it?
founder of Taoism Lao Tzu in the strong to die, who, weak and live the only
This means that:
people alive, the body is soft, hard, dead to the.
grass is soft and alive, dead and we have to become hard.
is dead hard strong signs of anger represents the lush and soft.
a health repair, and they are very soft skin, because the soft behalf of anger.
our life, we should more gentle, the tender is not contravene contradict others, fewer disputes with others, less to hit against the others, less hard-line attitude, keep us pure and honest a gentle atmosphere, which can make us angry abundant , pulse luxurious, life expectancy, wealth is the foundation of all merit. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beautify your blog - adding log scroll bar border color

 Add colored borders log scroll bar ,UGG boots
1. Today do not have the code, you only use the mouse to marquee style you like, and then in the middle of the mouse on the image,UGG bailey button, then copy and paste right to the log in on it. (like copying the same image) to be careful when operating point (marquee when you may have selected,Bailey UGG boots, but may not see the effect selected,bailey UGG boots, you can see the first posted to the log, If you do not succeed, then try again).
2. copied to one click after logging in the image, and then used to pull the four corners of the mouse on the large or small scroll box. who, when this step can be adjusted.
3. Double-click the image space, there will be a white text box in which to write log on it. (This text box is the size can be adjusted with reference to the second step) 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


 Went to the weekend, had a journalist friend asked me to write a story about a doctor over the weekend, but our weekend too monotonous, it seems that there is nothing to write. Today was supposed to attend an academic conference Fei Xining, but suddenly Beijing heavy rains, I have sat on the plane for more than four hours. Look at this weather, can not fly tonight, tomorrow, can only catch the first group over. This line of communication in addition to lectures and participate in the General Assembly study group meetings, other times there have to do five scoliosis correction surgery. I think in addition to sleep made no other time can be disposed of.
Xining I have been to many times previously, is indeed a quiet and beautiful city, Here's the doctor who recommended to me a lot of local tourist attraction, but unfortunately every time come and gone, there is no time to play around to visit. In fact, I have visited many cities across the country, but unfortunately did not go well play a few scenic However, like maybe after the other are old, you can slow down, to play, but I'm afraid that time might have to not move too old.
those of us who work time to the doctor rounds, surgery, out patient, each link counted regarded tight time, finish a job and have to immediately proceed to the next. We can not allow patients to go after dinner and then waiting for us to do things, so I daily lunch or can be called later, has almost no pork, but we still feel very happy. at least you can eat hot meals, do not ask it.
Although those of us who called experts,UGGs, in fact, apart from busy, what about is not, but many feel indebted to his family. have been accompanied not remember when they had played out,cheap UGG boots, and even more do not forget about the class to take them to the cinema, the cinema towards the door which I seem to not know it, we owe the family too much. Section of young doctors are even worse in almost every day after ten busy day,Bailey UGG boots, post-operative patients, as well as newly admitted patients, these records must be within the same day they completed. and in addition they also have to work for a variety of test preparation,UGG bailey button, but when they grow up to be even more busy. 

National strategies with the telecommunications industry to go out of the two

 Spring is not sprung, I very much appreciate the two passages, one article of his own handwriting, is sure to come, this is the law of history, we have to prepare. but fighting in the overseas market, familiar with the market and win market, train and bring cadres. Winter may be fast approaching the real.
Why do I say Huawei winter is coming out? from the actual situation, Huawei Huawei exports very effective .2005 70 billion, compared to 2004 basic and double. but even to double, with a large international telecommunications equipment manufacturers compared to the international market share is still very small,Bailey UGG boots, yet sufficient to enable telecom equipment giants fear. That is less than today, Huawei has attracted major international telecom equipment manufacturers to it as a rival, even if Huawei exports reached ten billion, still less as the multinational companies have been rivals.
from the global strategy of multinational telecommunications companies see big equipment manufacturers like Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola, Siemens, and their eyes are fixed on the third generation mobile communications as well as the fourth generation mobile communications, next-generation communications technology business by side market value of the equipment will be hundreds of billions more, so they do not have the energy to talk to the flame of Huawei. However, a few years later, when Huawei to do some big, such exports reached 200 billion over time to will affect the company's strategy of overseas multinational telecom layout, and the impact on countries where these companies arranged a national strategy,UGG boots, then, will be the face of these transnational giants Huawei and its ban in the state's efforts, Huawei's winter really arrived . In fact, as the company itself, Huawei has been done in this area very well prepared, such as alliances with overseas companies to expand overseas, the number of such certification, but Huawei Huawei they can not get rid of the winter, and its competitors, the national strategy layout than rivals much more powerful ability to protect itself. In this regard,UGG boots cheap, China's oil and steel in the overseas situation has been fully described in the international competition, national strategies and the importance of protecting local companies.
countries The support is much more than financial support, but similar industry in a foreign competition, national strategies and national strategies to compete. Today, the state should encourage Huawei or more financial support, but rather from the national strategic level, on the ability of Huawei and other domestic policy, export promoting policy, through diplomatic means, political means, economic means and international regulations, to make into the national and national cooperation and competition among the bilateral relations.
this, China's policy-making departments and companies need to look carefully U.S. national strategy and Japan since the late 19th century national strategy. the core of U.S. national strategy that the strong protection of internal and external strong expansion, the development of the world's developed for me. We have mistakenly thought that the United States as a market economy is highly developed countries, the government intervention will be significantly weakened, in fact, when the United States in high technology,UGGs, economic development and overseas market to a certain extent, the U.S. national interest is completely above the top of corporate behavior, and give a complete system of legal constraints , when the real emphasis of national strategies for major projects of national intervention, the emphasis is to work around the world who, as the United States, away from the physical intelligence of U.S. technology exporters. This is available from the U.S. dependence on foreign trade clearly understand this, the current U.S. dependence on foreign trade between just 14-20%, while China's dependence on foreign trade in 2004 was 70%, of which more than 300% in Shenzhen and Shanghai is 140%, 130% Beijing . Furthermore, China's dependence on foreign trade in the United States fluctuated between 40-60%, while the U.S. dependence on foreign trade of China is only about 4%, meaning that nearly half of China's economic activity is working in the United States.
Similarly, Huawei, ZTE models in the telecommunications industry is actually true. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Curcuma wanted to go to the future of `` break

 My soul tired tired ,UGG boots

 Of Curcuma Blake knows how to face future life

Curcuma just want to live as they wish

cut may be a little bit selfish Curcuma actual

just really mediocre life Blake would like to `````
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Is the so-called is to find a decent job

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Curcuma prefer? Curcuma

Although the road is now Curcuma is really nothing to be proud of

cause flaunt Curcuma

can at least live? so humble

Curcuma is looked down on working people BU
 Curcuma character is not suitable for professional work that is now really tired

Curcuma Curcuma Curcuma heart want you to know the idea of

want? to stand In my position? But I think

been? have to drift apart from Curcuma's

is forced to ignore

Furthermore Curcuma to work  
Curcuma perhaps more than other children to live more comfortable

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I do not know,UGGs, but my parents really do not want Curcuma? kind of mediocre office worker office workers do Curcuma

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Curcuma also? his own future efforts?

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Li Lingyu Golden Week

 Tomorrow is the first of October, the children leave school ten days (including two weekends), see their children happy. Morning asked if I could go to Shanghai to see the World Expo? Tell the truth, as the Shanghai people, the Expo has been carried out, I not to the museum, one is afraid of people line up more crowded, the second is fear of the child can not stand high temperatures. Despite numerous trips to and fro Shanghai is not the courage to go to the Expo. It seems this is a run away. Hey, line up right on line , on the line as long as the kids like.
children go to school, I started to get busy, Call for tickets, the case of Bo Zhao Shuren come out to see which were less easy to buy a ticket hall, my heart I wonder if it is to find a shortcut both went to the Expo and read a wonderful, happy child I am also glad, two all its beauty. In fact, I have not the man who likes lively, more crowded places more afraid to go to the children taught me Many sense of balance and courage. to children's interests, so what if my mother can not care for? is for the children, I want this holiday has become unusual, but also make it more meaningful change.
where I and I wish all my friends Happy Holidays!
Important: false alert winning information, click on View Details Sina BLOG feedback message board About Sina SINA English

Spring return of radiant

 Students today and a word for a warm and cordial meeting. And, it does not rain today. Goushi Yun after another, asked the more recent secondary cooling stage, after which we drove straight from the pit village character, seven eight pocket watch find a corner of the best scenic spots, where people want to especially praise the hospitality of Jinshan, I considered was exposed. we actually open space in front of a family to find a high-water clay tablet has it all - - well above the bench   we just sit idly and watch a crap car roaring in front of us, there are amiable police uncle, to help us pull out a paddock to the note ^_^.  in what, When we excitedly looked forward to the secondary cooling of the car, the moment is filled with a wave of depressing atmosphere, not because we are sure he can see us and slow in front of slowly passing, we have found that his tires should be when the problem was - -
With depressed mood, we finished the first round. ... So decided to look for food ..!! a miracle happened ... we picked up ten dollars ... ha Haha ... a word that the students excited, this is the largest denomination she had ever picked up the money then use this money, we bought a half-chicken chicken soup, a clean sweep ....
signed his name to in the period to pull the note above to help woman get signed ..... Later, when he signed in my hands, it's no problem ... he says I'm sorry, over and over again in my hands plus a - -  Why is a photo of him with a word is particularly brilliant - -
and a word.
and me ....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ok, I buried the moon classmates.

 Well, I buried the moon by the students.
Two days ago Gang Daojia of Mu Mu, the mother received the first baby, more anxious,cheap UGG boots, according to birth did not leave. Mistreats you.
Even more terrifying is , because the pace is too rapid delivery luts, black clothes and wigs ban no family to the child streaking. impatient ah, so gave up his image, everything from simple, local materials.
of the box not the end to find a wig for years, despite the group has become a mess, hastily transformation, put on my Mu Mu. and then they find something not wear clothes, he can transform into wearing pajamas.
SLR camera did not given to, it does not matter to make do with a fool.
wig with non-professional non-professional clothes with non-professional camera.
the first time I would add practiced hand to make-up appearance of the technology (this point admire yourself, most people first hand on the makeup do not know where to put,Bailey UGG boots, at least, have to wipe a few times, and finally drew even do not dare cross any of them now, I side to side tutorial research material, not forming a counter-power, though a bit rough but still admire your own courage.)
the last equal to the Empress Dowager of Mu Mu recklessly into a girl. go to the countryside gallery with shoot shoot photo.
buried talent ah.
make do with a look. the child to be patient for two days, clothes and camera came like a .^_^.< br> corner of the living room sofa
today,UGG shoes, to make new t-shirts Mu Mu, regarded as men's clothes or not it
that only their own diy, to be transformed into a spare t-shirt is
Mu's New Clothes not better than yesterday,UGG boots clearance, a little man in blue dress?

Monday, November 8, 2010

A pair of shoes-hopesharing54 Bumian

 The closet in my home, a collection of exquisitely Bumian a pair of shoes, a black corduroy cloth, white shoes, black and white. And in large and small soles covered with pins, in the sole and the upper contact and prominent the edge, with pin hooks on a thin lace, delicate and strong. This pair of cotton shoes to my grandmother two years ago, Mr. do fine work like this is rarely met in the rural cotton-padded shoes.
grandmother is eighty-year-old, and can not take her eyes, still doing needlework. Grandma is the village famous young female red master. a child often went to grandma, she always courtyards, hopesharing, side never stood a sewing basket toss. Grandma courtyards sewing figure is deeply imprinted in my mind, D adjusted fashion. At that time the family was poor, can not afford clothes and shoes, all hand-made real , thanks to my grandmother made a burst line. Now, we have several siblings out of the house, no longer needed her to sew when she was still restless. That year we would go home occasionally,cheap UGG boots, Mr. Cotton said something now shoes are not suitable to wear Bumian shoes. is this a casual word, they remember grandmother, and since the summer started to prepare materials. then listen to mom, when she was accidentally injured a finger, not fully healed in , has begun to do. (her fingers until now not yet recovered Flanagan) and adhere to the shoes well. imagine how he endured the pain of a needle of a needle is satisfied that the thick Melaleuca Na Xiedi ,,,,,, end at the same time she put her younger love poured into her first line in a while. When the mother brought the shoes, I shed tears for a year of Mao's old site the younger generation still has so touched by the love!
grandmother not only think of our well-being, but also love spread its tentacles into our next generation. In less than a year old when her daughter, lgzsharing, she made her two pairs of beautiful tiger-head shoes. so far and a pair of hanging in her room as decoration.
day by day grow old grandmother, saw her home for Spring Festival this year and found her back more bent than before,UGG boots clearance, Genghis, trembling like a little walk. especially the hard of hearing,Bailey UGG boots, and her communication needs across loud every time because there are too many words can not speak with her smooth and worry. but her good health, still one life. look at her poor and frugal life, we can do is home in time to bring some good food, and some money. may she always put the money up and not want to spend. until the next give her, she will be from the innermost layer of clothes, took out a handkerchief bundled package, one layer of the open, and showed a lot of money. End it! where you spend more,UGG bailey button, I am a person does not take so much. , each of us double-doubles. insole on the position is very simple, not so much to do before the complex patterns, but in her, already did the best. her dim old eyes can see I do not know how many.
grandmother to the younger generation's love of thin pins embedded in it, the fact that one fine uniform pinhole, is love, this pair of cotton-padded shoes footprints ,,,,,, I go to have collections.
Bumian pair of shoes - a pair of 82
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dreams come true Magic Kingdom Orlando Summer Iris

 Disneyland has always been to one of my dreams. Since I see the world in 1984, Pictorial knowledge (that I can really see the world open a window!) Which introduced the Disney theme park, laying on my young mind so a wish - one day I must go to Disneyland a lot of fun! did not think, when I realized his childhood desire,Discount UGG boots, I exposure to the world's largest Disney theme park - Disney World in Orlando.
our two days of play on the four theme parks Walt Disney World in Orlando, tired but happy. When we arrived the afternoon of the largest theme park Magic Kingdom (Magic Kingdom), the parade just fast start. While floating in the sky, light rain, the fall weather in Orlando or hot and humid, but the actors and the enthusiasm of the audience, but not at all affected.
front that read: everything from a mouse start
many people of my generation are looking at the old Don Mickey Mouse duck cartoon growing up,UGG boots cheap, Saturday evening or Sunday be sure to sit in front of the TV unshakeable Mickey Mouse playing the piano and then listen to say that an unforgettable words, huge movie kingdom, his goal is to build Disneyland, the happiest place in the world where people almost have forgotten where you are, seems to be a beautiful dream. So, Disney's slogan is come true > Aladdin's lamp there is a cute little pooh bear sitting in the back of the car is
Peter Pan
cute chipmunk appearance of Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse
the atmosphere to the procession climax
float along with a lot of people are walking, we are no exception. Look, white-haired old lady waving to them it also. They bring a happy childhood generations.
you see in the U.S. such a sea of people? It is not the season
can also find such a beautiful alley
quiet walk in the Walt Disney World, the need to do is a race against time to waste time playing a variety of projects to see a variety of performances, have become secondary to the meal. passing the time Sleeping Beauty Castle, just coming at six o'clock,cheap UGG boots, before the castle will release the musical Your Dreams Come True (dream come true) a.
of singing the old Mickey Mouse Tang ducks and large dog (forgot the name) played the.
in Disneyland innocence after all the big time, then we are on the way to Kennedy Space Center to see a man wearing a hat above the big dog in the car , the two ears in the wind also Hushanhushan, and felt extremely happy feeling of the.
Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and the Prince who have also played a beautiful Cinderella

musical joy Let us see Mubuxiagei
background is a fairy-tale Sleeping Beauty Castle
pirate captain has also appeared in Peter Pan playing the

court festivities
Devils suddenly < br> field of fairy tale characters burst of panic, everyone in the business find solutions to Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
unsuccessful negotiations with the Enchantress, Enchantress also frequently emit smoke bombs off fairy tale characters,
audience when Mickey Mouse in unison shouted magic (Magic Kingdom, Disney: The more wonderful the more nights), and finally the sound of merry music of a blossoming bloom of fireworks in a dream-like Sleeping Beauty Castle on top of everyone's face is happy smile. looking at the night sky bloom of fireworks I could not help but think of my childhood dreams really achieved, the end of the day felt so good. When we finally leave here, all reluctantly.
just believe and work, the dream may come true after all. May all your dreams come true!
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Friday, November 5, 2010

Click to buy points and with a jacket

 Lead: This year's big buying season has arrived! Style winter coat is the impression of a key decision, of course, the time of purchase can not be taken lightly! The following are carefully selected for you Xiaobian recommended several popular coat,UGG boots clearance, and tells you how to match Oh!
Optional elements: what quality of coat,cheap UGG boots, with colored belt
method: This method can be well represented with a lumbar curve, while with the boots, light shoes are a good choice mouth.
purchase points: fur
jacket decorated with a noble sense approach: the decorative fur collar at the more prominent sense of luxury, the other whether or loose waist can show a lush impression.
optional elements: thick sweaters,Bailey UGG boots, Long
with appropriate method: prevalence of sweater season, with a sweet,UGG bailey button, sexy dress or skirt, make you have a high popularity Oh!
optional elements: Short Jacket handsome free and easy
With Methods: With the pants for the general good, can be boot pants, leggings, but do not forget the belt is essential Oh!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A set of travel photos

 Long, long time no diary, and work diary'd already finished two. ...... Really busy recently there are other networks in addition to viral diseases, it is lazy. See you all right, can be more than lazy me.
to Nanjie investigated by the name of a new socialist countryside, the delegation of Henan round play at public expense, a lot of scenery is not what I imagined.
Kaifeng,UGG bailey button, Millennium City, in accordance with Emperors Yan and Huang
shore of the Yellow River, a veritable Inscription within a Shaolin Temple, there are subtleties, and you see what it do?
Tallinn Shaolin Temple, it reflects the level of
Luoyang Peony Garden, the Kao mm150 Shenzhou-year-old Peony Garden Peony Flower
very hot < br> on the White Horse Temple, the legend of a very long
Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, Lushena Buddha.
see many incomplete statues,UGG boots, heart pain.
Zhengzhou Erqi Plaza, next to the Hualian Supermarket spree Henan native, has a special delicious dates, but unfortunately only bought a pack,UGG shoes, who is going to help with that just fine,Discount UGG boots, Zhengzhou.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


 Birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.
Yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there.
Little world, a team of of the vagrants, leave your footprints in my words.
love the world against it, it Haohan eternal.
it smaller, and the small one song small as one kiss of the eternal.
the tears of the earth, to keep her smile in bloom.
no [yin] desert grass leaf enthusiastic pursuit of the love of her head and laughs and flies away.
If you miss the sun and tears, you also miss the stars.
sands dancing in your way beg for your song and your movement. you carry the lame foot
under both sediment and Why?
her eager face, such as the night rain, like, bother with my dreams.
Once we dreamed that we were strangers.
we wake up to find that we were dear to each other.
Concerned in my heart calm down, just as dusk fell in the silent trees.
some invisible hand , like an idle micro (breeze si1), are playing upon my heart
(chan3 yuan2) of the music.
the eternal question.
Yeah you love to.
mystery of creation, like the darkness of night - it is great. Delusions of knowledge, such as the fog of the morning
not because the cliff is high, it Let your love sitting on the cliffs.
morning I sat in front of the world like a passer-like, stay for a while, I nodded and walked to
these micro- thinking of leaves (su4 su4) The Sound of Yes; them joy in my heart whisper to
you can not see what you see is your shadow.
O God My wishes are really stupid silly, they are mixed in your brother does the sound of noisy shouting.
Let me but listen.
I can not choose the best.
was that most good choice I have.
the light on his back that people put into their own before the shadow.
my existence, to me is a perpetual surprise which is life.
; we rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the wind and rain. who are you, so silent? jian3) to the eyes.
is a born child, his power is the power of growth.
God expects him to reciprocate, that he gave us flowers, not for the sun and the earth.
bright as a naked child and enjoy himself among the green leaves, it does not know who will deceive
ah Beauty, in love, find yourself, do not to your mirror (chan3 yu2)
to find.
my heart waves in the world, her impulse was on the shore to tears at the top of her inscription reads:
dumb yearning voice of the earth.
morning God Himself, in his own new surprises.
assets of the world, life, love to make it worth.
dry river bed, not thanks for its past.
bird wishes it were a cloud.
wishes it were a bird.
waterfall sing: tell why this heart languishes in silence.
is for it never asks, or knows or remembers needs.
woman, when your household, your limbs sing like a mountain stream singing in
When the sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving him facing the east end of the salute.
not because you have no appetite, to blame your food.
trees, like the desire that the earth-like, (dian4) kicker to peep at the heaven.
You smiled and talked to me say it. and I think that, in order to this, I had been waiting a long time.
fish in the water is silent, the land is noisy, the bird in the air is singing.
but man has both the silence of the sea noise of the earth and the music of the air.
lingering heart of the world ran the strings, play the music of sadness.
he put his weapons his gods.
when he The weapons win he is defeated himself.
God finds himself by creating.
Shadow, with her veil, secretly, meekly, with her silent steps of love, with the > The mind,UGGs, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point, but does not.
Your idol is shattered in the dust, the dust to prove that God is great er than you.
can not, in his history to show himself, he struggles in history reveal Tau Kok.
glass (Wang from) light because of the earthen lamp cousin call it blame watt lamp. the moon rises , glass (Wang from)
lamp, with a gentle smile, called the moon come near. seagulls fly, the waves roll flow
away and we were out.
My day is done, and I am like a boat moored on the beach, (Yan Emperor) listening to the night
tide dance music.
is given to us, we can only give my life to get life.
when we are great in humility when we come nearest to the great time.
sparrow is the burden of its peacock (that feather) tail, crispness concerns.
Never be afraid of the moments - thus sings the voice of the everlasting.
hurricane seeks the shortest path and suddenly, Teng wine jump foam when the.
you, love you therefore punish.
flame for light, but do not forget that the lamp holder, he is standing in the darkness it perseverance.
grass, your steps are small But the land you have your first step.
infant flower (bei4) bud opened, he cried: aversion, but never hate those little flowers.
error can not afford to fail, but the truth is not afraid to fail.
waterfall sings: very happy to give my whole water in the Ministry
throws up these flowers in endless ecstasy that while the effort, which is the fountain
in it?
(Wood tar) husband's ax, and asked the tree to the handle.
tree gave him.
this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain, I was in my solitude of heart, feel the sigh.
Chastity is a wealth of love from out of the wealth.
mist, like love, plays upon the heart in the hills, birth of beauty.
we see the world wrong, and say that it deceives us.
poet - (biao1) wind is out of the sea and the forest to seek his own voice.
Every child comes with the message saying: God is and not discouraged.
grass seeks her in the earth.
tree seeks his solitude of the sky.
people barricades himself.
my friend, wanders in My heart, like the sea of low-chirping around (liao2)
in the light the manifold.
this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars, in the end what is it?
to Shengruxiahua flowers and death like autumn leaves.
that wants to do good knocks at the door; he who loves finds the gate open.
in death many becomes one; in life when one becomes many.
when God is dead, will be one religion.
artist is the lover, therefore he is a slave, hermaster.
but not seen in person the day.
dew on the lake, said; sharp knife sheath protecting it himself satisfied with its dull.
in the dark, listening to the manifold.
earth makes, showing her own hospitality.
life and death of leaves abrupt rotation of the cyclone but its wider circle of rotation is among the stars in the sky move slowly rotating
power on the world said: The.
still, my heart, these trees are prayers.
instantaneous moment with the noise, laugh at the eternal music.
I think of floating in life and love and death the sigh of the many other times, and these were left
forgotten era, and I feel the freedom of passing away.
melancholy of my soul is her bride's veil.
this waits to be lifted in the night.
stamp gives value to the coin, it can be used to buy that life is truly precious.
cloud stood humbly in the corner.
The morning crowned it.
dust by the insult to her flowers.
just walk, do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, because the flowers will keep the way open.
root are the branches.
branches are roots in the air.
far away summer of music, flutters around the Autumn seeking its former nest.
not from your own pocket Hoon results lend your friend, it is insult him.
days nameless feeling, climbing in my heart like the green moss (xian3), climbing
edge of the whole body in the old tree.
echo mocks her origin to prove she is the original.
when the rich and boasts that he received special favor of God, God is ashamed.
I cast my own shadow upon my way, because I have a lamp that has not been lighted.
into noisy crowed of people, in order to drown the cries of his own silence.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Human friends

 Time: March 6, 2008
Location: Nanning, Round Lake Bird and Flower Market
master a new film on the machine to test machine almost that day, but I make do with a digital.
First time This flower market,Bailey UGG boots, I feel pretty fresh, although the flora is very common.
prefer the those dogs,UGG shoes, two Tibetan mastiffs Intervet see the wind,cheap UGG boots, I wonder if there is no chance after Yang Yang.
shoot animals do not have much experience, not sure good to practice it.
see those dogs in a cage, not the taste was a little.
1. empty bird cage,bailey UGG boots, do not know when full
2. cute dog
3. sleepy 4. do not know it to see what
5. This is a good move a few dogs, the owner is very enthusiastic to help us to attract them to look into the camera
6. but they still do not see 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Housing prices in fierce battle field Tianjin

 February 4, CITIC Group, Tianjin South China 946 million company to the high price of competing green block west.   Early March news came as China's Generation Investment Holding Group investors, will invest 1.5 billion yuan in Tianjin to build the first the dust when the property market in Tianjin, the news undoubtedly show a hint of gradually the property market in Tianjin and gradually loud it sounded!  as the national economic development pole, as a new economic center of northern orientation and international port city, Tianjin, just started, how could the property market? the so-called There, the answer lies in the hearts of the audience!
foreign housing prices staged in Tianjin, Center filled to capacity.  As soon as the crisp sound of the hammer, 946 million deal!  CITIC Real Estate Co., Ltd. President Lee Kang-smile, and ultimately Tianjin South China CITIC Group, to 946 million of high prices, competition may block West Green.  Actually, this is only the field the most common housing prices into the scene of Tianjin. Last year the situation has continued, even in the tight regulation of the wind today, foreign developers in Tianjin campaign enthusiasm remains unabated. temporary downturn in the property market is still no match for wind and water . 2008 battle field housing prices in Tianjin  strategy of investment priorities. geographic center of the Tianjin Bohai Sea, has important strategic significance. Now, real estate investment project in Tianjin is only a few small test chopper, the next phase will also carry out comprehensive expansion.  Hopson Development Holdings also said that the future will strive to development and construction in the Tianjin area in the high-end residential, hotel, tourism, real estate and related projects. According to the property market is understood Hopson strong land bank, including: overall planning of Beijing and Tianjin Metro project 2200 acres, currently only about a quarter of the development, as well as Tianjin North Onkyo block Wei Jin Road, Tianjin block.  After the establishment of the new positioning, Tianjin has become a large real estate developers scramble for the goal. all the facilities fist, staking their claims.  In early 2008, Eagle and the two companies were in China CITIC Ming, West Green to get to.  the end of 2007, Poly Real Estate to take place in Wuqing District.  October 2007, Beijing, the total real estate development company to stay around competition to obtain the new home of 3.54 billion yuan of three plots; China Resources Land (Beijing) to 780.1 million yuan a new home in Hong Kong competing double block.  August 2007, to 2.26 billion payment to get in Tianjin of 33 million square meters of land, and hit nearly 7,000 yuan / square meters of floor price. The floor price has exceeded the price was around a few hundred dollars in the sale of the project, a some of the land market in Tianjin in 2007, 15,876,000 square meters, an annual transfer volume growth in 2006 to make double.  listed room rate funds based on their absolute advantage to flex its muscles at the same time in the land market, land prices, house prices to rise. Tianjin Land Center City Housing Authority released the second quarter of 2007, land price index shows the level of residential land in Tianjin was 1480 yuan / sq m, the chain growth rate of 2.38% year on year growth rate of 5.15%.  after the introduction of national control policies frequently, Housing prices, however the field , the total turnover in Tianjin highest in history and the largest double transaction business consensus.  Poly (Tianjin) Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Yao Lirui marketing planning manager, said in an interview: The promising market outlook is expected, there have been developers into the Tianjin investment.  some of the real estate market has long been stationed in the field of Tianjin Housing prices, on the basis of the original and started a new round of enclosure, R & F, COSCO, the sun 100 has a new land reserves. R & F introduced in 2005 following the Tianjin R & F City project, launched in 2007 and R & F R & F Bay project in Taoyuan, but also in the fourth quarter of the 4.27 million square meters waters of Lake Lake project in Tianjin King tape. There are no public appearances, but has been quietly taking place in Tianjin are also many foreign developers both inside and outside . property jointly create a new pattern of Tianjin  < > Housing prices in many foreign influx of Tianjin will be how to develop, how strong to build on their own? According to well-known brands.  At present, foreign developers have occupied half of the real estate market in Tianjin .2007, according to DTZ Debenham Tie Leung statistics, 1 July the field and the development of foreign investment enterprises in Tianjin, the real estate market more than 70% investment ratio, which foreign developers into the market share of four, foreign developers have over a third.  a result, by the impact of foreign developers, Jin-chun, a local real estate company competition, survival decreases. Meanwhile, the foreign developers Jin Jin eager to help, stable development in Tianjin, based on this, foreign enterprises and joint development of local housing prices have become a matter of course.  a few years ago, foreign Keppel Group of Singapore Red Wing Tai Group, a joint venture together , general plate in the world a few acres of the county to play cause being hot, the attention to detail new villa project known Bel Air.  This year, just take the blue block, CITIC Group, the West is with local companies co-operation have been completed successfully established goals. According to the relevant staff groups, as well competing in the plot, and ultimately determine the development of medium and large residential projects and have experience with the performance of Tianjin Xiangda group cooperation.  a result, With the field of real estate developers in Tianjin, foreign developers to join the cooperation, the Real Estate Industry into the brand, international cooperation mode pad for foreign companies based . gradually ; Many foreign enterprises to enter a new city be required to hold lessons.  In recent years, after a long period of time, a considerable part of the foreign enterprises have successively entered the real estate in Tianjin, Tianjin, and some have been in development for many years, while retaining the on the basis of their original style has been fully integrated into the local property market, and won a good reputation, more notably Vanke, R & F, the new golden land. they are rooted in Tianjin, and the future development of Tianjin as a business strategy important deployment.  Housing prices in the field divided into two types: one is the foreign developers from other countries, such as Yanlord, Keppel; one is from the rest of the country, such as Hong Kong and Huang, Wanke, gold, etc. . In these rooms there is a considerable number of enterprises in the Tianjin Development has 10 years, based on the integration of local, long been accepted by the public in Tianjin, is difficult to distinguish from the consciousness of foreign or local housing prices housing prices. < > to Vanke, for example, has long been the core of the city of Tianjin as one of five strategic, and its access to Tianjin in 1992, has been 16 years, through 16 years of development, has largely become a local enterprise that Vanke, Crystal City, Vanke Dongli Lake City, holiday scenery, Golden homes and other projects not only by people well known, has become a benchmark for projects in Tianjin.  At the same time, there are a lot of room rate has been localized to Wantong real estate, for example, in March 2004 to introduce strategic investors Vantone Real Estate TEDA Group, expanded to 1.108 billion yuan of capital. the company's total assets reached 3.072 billion yuan, Tianjin has developed into the upper reaches of the international and Tianjin Tianjin Wantong Metro International and Wantong high-end residential projects, it is clear that in Tianjin Binhai New Area has become the benchmark .< br> 4 major points of analysis into the subsidized housing prices
  gold, investment, Forte R & F, Vanke, the new, first ... ... of foreign real estate speculators have vied for the property market in Tianjin. Liaoyuanzhishi foreign real estate brand has been formed. external developers on what impact the property market in Tianjin? let the market play the kind of change? press room contact and induction of foreign enterprises in foreign listed companies has become a leader in housing prices.  Housing prices in 31 cases of this paper is its representative. Golden Group, China Merchants Property Development, China Vanke, the new group, Financial Street ,UGG shoes, Shouchuang, etc., a large public shining star. They a lot of money with their own hands, and the advantage of years of accumulated experience, for the market, the performance of a strong impact on power.  from these Wailai amount of money on the room rate point of view, listed companies have adequate capital, which they have become the land market gold to 2.26 billion, floor price 7,000 yuan / square meters, won the south east area Jintang Road Bridge No. block, the highest priced land in the region of Tianjin's history, and this record just one day apart, but also by the Shenzhen Zhenye to 1.06 billion yuan, 8,800 yuan / square meters of floor price, the net again to refresh the auction price in Tianjin area the most.  land prices rise, housing prices have driven. After the two finished second, three days immediately surrounding the project and raised in the sale price, or between several hundred to 1,500 yuan. . in the the industry, a wide range of contention.  external housing prices increase regional value  With a strong experience in financial strength and advantages, foreign housing prices generally performed maneuvers in the market, leading the market trend to focus more attention. Many enterprise projects have become a benchmark in your area or Tianjin.  such as Shenzhen Zhenye, close to 8,800 yuan / square meters of new floor price competition was open land, becoming the Earth King. lead the industry, the attention of regional and regional projects directly reminders prices rose.  Tianjin Ocean Land in progress, select the east it is generally not very optimistic about the development of the project area mountains. The fact proved that their vision, the current east District has evident potential for development has been wide recognition, the project has become a region east of the new business center focus of planning, with the high-speed railway and urban railway through, a new outbreak of the region, the value will be high tide. Ocean Plaza not only become a benchmark for projects east of the river, triggering a regional concern and detonated regional value, projects prices to rise to the million or more, and in short supply. are willing to buy their projects the Beijing citizens. , the listed companies in foreign relations with the region, with China Vanke Dongli Lake should be able to describe the problem. According to report, before the Vanke, Tianjin is Few people know that and are concerned about Dongli District, as Vanke Dongli Lake project promotion, Dongli District, began to be widely known. even to the present, many people even brought Dongli District, the same as Vanke Dongli Dongli Lake Lake project. sufficient to explain the impact on regional development projects of the very.  listed room prices lead there are many examples of regional development, through the analysis of 31 foreign housing prices, easy to see that the land has become increasingly central city of Tianjin scarce in the central city in the high-end projects as it is less and less land, has undoubtedly become the Old City area of foreign developers, Start at least 12 plots .2004 August, started the Old City area tender to sell that caught worldwide attention. Hong Kong in the new Group (Holdings) Ltd. and Beijing New Song Investment Group, after a fierce bidding, due to comprehensive To defeat the optimal level of local developers in one fell swoop Championship in Tianjin, 50.2 billion,bailey UGG boots, also set a bid price, when the history of Tianjin, the highest land tender.  At present, the regional start-up projects include the new mansion on the city, in the Park on the city and real estate development from Tianjin, Guangzhou R & F R & F City, Jiangsu Jinsheng from Jinsheng Plaza real estate development. These projects, with lots of traffic advantages, and to protect the quality of high-end residential and some have not yet opened the Project appointment rate of 90% or more, selling situation arising after the opening, and the prices are more than million. luxury villa projects in the region has reached an average price of 16,000 yuan / square meter, and most have been sold. visible will gradually improve as the Old City Planning, will become the new representative of Tianjin high-end residential.  Meanwhile, outside the central urban area of North West Green Town is China Vanke, the Kinmen-Xiamen, music and many other health force developers sought after area, not only accelerated the development of the region, and regional house prices are rising leading developer of new homes outside . upgrade   external developers holding gold weight , the rich and powerful, and because more of its products, the experience of the city and pay more attention to product detail design, more attention to human, comfort and so on. foreign brands more Qingxiang Yu develop high-end items and differentiation and development, so often lead the regional and even upgrades of the market.  before the R & F into Tianjin, Tianjin property market has not the so-called fine home decoration products, and now, with the decoration of the new house because in line with modern Kuaijie fashion philosophy of life, has become a trend. In the , Fuli Taoyuan fine decoration purely residential high-end projects have accounted for a large proportion of the project. from the market situation, also had good results, generally recognized by the public.  Also, as foreign developers into Tianjin, Tianjin, the architectural style of the housing market have been greatly enriched, ecological Marxism, the concept of new urbanism and other new emerging; garden houses, air courtyard, fine decoration and other techniques for the use of the residential market in Tianjin has injected fresh blood.  Tianjin Tower 'projects. . its type, including landscaping, houses, house air, crystal blocks, workshops, ants and villas, is composed of a diverse residential, comprehensive high-end sound mature community. As a result, buyers demand for housing from a simple increase in quality requirements .  In addition, some foreign developers outside of their local development philosophy and style as is transplanted to Tianjin, the Tianjin housing in the form of ideas have been enhanced. to Indus apartment, for example, that series of projects have been recognized by the public in Hangzhou, through repeated reflection and argument, Xintang real estate in Tianjin, the final decision to select the Art Deco style, and have been successful.  will certainly be accepted by the market. bring new ideas, new models and new products, and each time the innovation, not only means of subversion and amendments, more important is a great time to promote the progress of the property market.   increase the proportion of commercial real estate  of the 31 projects, by the statistics: One of only 5 net residential projects, including the Golden Group garden house, the first Butchart Garden is, Vanke Crystal City, Xintang Indus apartments, and foreign development of the new Bel Air Keppel; Comprehensive 19 projects, including Jinkangjinde Park, City Landscape Yiyuan, Yanlord Riverside Plaza and other projects; purely commercial projects 7, including Forte Tianjin Centre, Kangyo Lights International Furniture Exhibition Center.  not difficult to find, present and early Wanke,UGG bailey button, R & F, the first purely residential project and other enterprises to different modes of development, significantly increased the integrated class project development and commercial real estate project development. Tianjin has become external developers, the development of residential, also developed hotels, apartments, office buildings and other forms of property co-exist, diversification of the situation.  commercial real estate is sought after by many developers, the data shows, the end of 2007, Tianjin, an effective retail market rent for 357.75 yuan / square meter / month, up 25% over last year .2007, new projects have been completed so that the pattern of the retail market in Tianjin change. , or those under construction commercial projects have been developed, a considerable part of the key projects in Tianjin, for example, near the Hong Kong Hang Lung Development in the Peace Plaza, 13 square meters of commercial; and Hutchison Whampoa in the subway station of Yingkou development of a set of office buildings, shopping center one of the major commercial body and so on. we can see that Tianjin is planning to increase from the commercial real estate and pay more attention to the development and construction .