Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Nothing in the world - so I have the responsibility of a school in Taiwan, students between the ages of 15-18, three thousand students each year, the school for violating school rules are fired two or three hundred people. School no workers, no security, no chef, all the necessary jobs done by the students themselves. School seniors to implement the system and third year students with first-year students. The school set just 3 minutes. Students see the teacher outside seven meters to salute. Students do not leave the Department of cold work, not a test into college. This is known in Taiwan for 30 years faithful to moral education-oriented high-level business schools. Advertisements in major newspapers in Taiwan, and often ? (audience voice: We not responsible. came back to the motherland specially organized moral lectures. (Applause.) responsibility; countries not strong, my responsibility ... ... everyone can take the initiative, the world is how can we avoid a prosperous country? How can parties not united? Therefore, every student should have the responsibility to pull themselves, and not pushed out. I schools in Taiwan is such that if the classroom was dirty, I asked, It is my responsibility is education, not released to the responsibility, but the football over. Maybe some people say that this is a disadvantage, I tell you, lose that advantage, this education should be sure to remember that each of us must remember the Chinese people! < br> schools should train students to this kind of dirty? dirty after everyone going to get clean, it will be dirty? you only expect a few workers to do the job, said: I have come to study, not discredited. leaking, you can not block it? Some will say: is to be fired! with replicability did not know, the first no water, there will be a second? Do you think there is no water coming? how people can do it without long and short term? as a cadre, as a man, every think of the consequences, the consequences farther you can see the people, the more successful person. a just present, regardless of who the future, not a good cadre, not a useful person. water does not pass, it came after the breakdown of water splashed over the pond to the stream, still to be concerned with: more than six thousand students in your school, save a pot of water each day, how much water a year Province? saving water is power, is to save national resources. patriotism may have two, one is positive patriotism, patriotic one is negative . actively create wealth for the country is patriotic, patriotism is the national savings negative wealth. State flesh and blood of people with so much to read for you, you waste of national wealth, your conscience? college you are so, how can we expect to students, pupils do? how can we expect in the general population? You are not patriotic intellectuals, how could people go to patriotism? start from their own side, our country can hope ─ ─ This is the responsibility But any little things are big. Set a small evil is evil, National Cheng Kung University, set a small improvement compared to the greater good. cultivate good morals, respect for teachers from the beginning, is very, very small things since the beginning. This moral is built up slowly, and not specifically to find major talent. This morning class, I and a Normal school principals out of the hall, there are a lot of waste paper. I said do not pick up, pick up the students themselves to wait for the afternoon ─ ─ students, Who left these scraps of paper that is not patriotic. world without a major event, please pick up the scraps of paper to his feet ─ ─ This is my textbook. Yes, the students picked up his paper at the foot, which patriotic start. Let me tell you two stories about the stains on paper.
first, the United States has a And his three or four individuals with the candidates of high academic qualifications than he currently faces several people interviewed, he felt no hope. But as they come, his last. He knocked on the door into the chairman's office, entered the office, he found the door on the ground a piece of paper, bent down to pick it up, that is a stain on paper, then shoving it into the wastebasket. Until then chairman of the desk, said: long, I think the first few better than I, how do you hired me? and see little things. your eyes can see small things, small things I think people can see the future, see the event of natural, one can only So, I hired you. occupy Ngau Tau, which is today, Everybody says this is not important paper important? See the little things people can see the event, but can only
stains on paper the story of the second, when the Asian Games in Hiroshima, Japan ended, six million people in the meeting room, now was not a piece of paper. Teng Wen newspapers around the world marveled: We look at the Tiananmen Square flag-raising shot Oct. 1, when the people dispersed, Montreal paper, scraping chaos everywhere! Foreigners would think to look, of course: you have to with Japan than China at this time, even close! Let us not always say: our country vast land, 137 gold medals ─ ─ It did not use up our moral standards have not even close! Paper we say that these important not important? So, I let everyone pick up a piece of paper, this is the beginning of patriotism. Everything from the little things. U.S. space 3, the moon is coming, and it can not go to the board no choice but to return to, and why? 30 dollars just because a small battery is broken, their space program this brewing for a long time been destroyed, several hundred million dollars scrapped! World, there are major events it? Behold the times we crash together wings and fall from the head? Is a pipe blocked, until a tire to fit crashed. A person's death, which is completely ulcerated dead body? Are bad liver, or heart trouble, and so a small organ is not normal to die! ─ ─ students, from now on, you have a dedicated concept. Our nine-year implementation of the aims of education in China is so, is to see how you get along with teachers, how to get along with friends, this is the purpose of education. From ancient times, China's education is the greatest education you put a Western education as the most advanced education, it would be wrong. U.S. Secretary of Education said in a speech three months ago: the great education! (Applause.) Confucius tells us: Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous. A student to continue to learn, continue to think, continue to do, this is real education, which is the essence of Chinese education.
another one, we want to eat Chinese food, speak Chinese, over the festival and the revitalization of Chinese apparel to wear the national culture and moral education. Even a Chinese do not eat Chinese food, and can be called Chinese? The first representative of Chinese food to eat is to use chopsticks. Chopsticks Chinese culture was originally a civilized behavior. I went to the United States, they occasionally eat Western food, they are one on the Western I said: symbol, and your knife * is barbaric signs, so I do not. Chopsticks can be cut, can *, can be cut, can clip, can poke, omnipotent, and your knife * extremely heavy, like the murder weapon. (Applause.) students want to eat chicken, I said yes, if he says to eat, You can eat the bunker, but can not eat This is China's national spirit education! Foreign just machine guns than we do with China than to eat it? Eat something just kind of strange alien mentality, despicable ah!
our school English teaching is the best in Taiwan. I invited two teachers from the United States, specializing in teaching my students speak a foreign language. I have a class in America, they must be studied in the U.S.. But they learned materials are printed on the first page my words: not to go to the U.S. washing dishes toilet brush to CI Hou foreigners disgrace ancestor eight generations to do something! If an English teacher for a class said: it! So I always tell the teachers: to teach my students well, do not for foreign propaganda, into a To tell the students to avenge and strengthen the country, defeated powers, it is the hope of the Chinese people (applause)!
you here do not have the English teacher? After the foreign students do not have to teach English? Class before the students you want to learn English patriotic education, do not blow up on behalf of a foreign, you will not think: just pass the English preacher of the Road, the English granted the industry, and want to spread the patriotic way, granting of business English . Well, the students learned these principles, the next step we will know that we have today education is a failure. Because we are taught from an early age wrong. Therefore, we should be studying for the state and ask for the social division of labor while learning skills for others, and ABBA's moral education. We should first think about why reading, reading whom? You need to rethink it. Some people might say, to find a job while studying for their own! This is such a mean and small, how boring and pathetic! You should never find a single bowl for the living! Eating too easy to find a job! Take a knife, poke a casual look, and definitely life with food, but also CI Hou, there are people you cook, there are people sleeping guard you, as you missed something! That is not to resolve to eat it? Why not do it? Because I told you, to learn survival skills, to understand the meaning and value of life, there is not a place where the creation of human values! Therefore, we need to know reading is not to own, reading is asked to state the school, so we have to tell the children to study, you have to determine a direction: do first you should be doing, do they like to do. A lot of people interested in the study, outrageous! Have little interest in reading? The real objective should not be interested, but of duty, interest in the responsibility to find them, but you can not replace the responsibility of interest. The more light in the dark to do more things, which is moral education.
we read to state. Students, do you think of your childhood by what? Especially rural children, is how your father and mother taught you? They tell you: you have to study hard! You do not study hard and will not succeed, you must work hard to study hard, you have a future, reading is for your happiness, reading is for your future! Reading all for you! You are brought up in this kind of education, which is the most wrong education, which is the worst education! So children grow up to know, ah, reading is to me Yeah, with any irrelevant, for my future, for my future, for my hope, you see this country there hope? It has nothing to do with the country!
his country's milk drinking, with the state taxpayer money, get out of flesh and blood culture is a selfish child, teacher training a group of selfish, you think: will the future of this country it? You are reading the wrong direction, not for their own reading, reading is to our country, the country needs people, countries need to cadres, the founding pillars of the country needs. Why develop your country? State is owed to you? You can eat for nothing country meal? Quarters here in vain and restaurants to enjoy, and simply enjoy the teacher imparting knowledge to you it? What makes you think? What is your contribution to the country? What is your contribution to society? What sacrifice? You all are not, you're just a machine-made manure only. You eat every day, doing nothing, what is your contribution to the country? States look forward to your contribution, looking forward to your future, because one day you grow up, one day you will learn, you'll have to do things for the country, so countries can invest in you so that you are rescued for the country . Because the national education and moral education must be based on the premise, so today we should love our country. Normal exactly you are reading, and you three or four years to foster cross-century successors, your major responsibility than anyone else. If you do not have the concept of state, you are not patriotic, how do you ask your students to love his country?
So today is the most important teacher. This is what I ran for the normal students the reason for instilling patriotism! You love the country, students naturally patriotic! If you do not love the country, complaining every day, every day, want to change careers every day like the sea, what hope is there that the next generation? Especially in learning English, and always want a good school in the future to which the company after which the boss, which chairman when the translator, and more shame! No more personality, more no tolerance! (Applause.) I am here to stress in particular the concept of state. I often give my students to tell a story: one day we go on a trip of a sudden storm came. We have no place to shelter from the rain, the children ran forward to look in front of a thatched shed, everyone, Hello, everybody happy, the. But the house is suddenly in the rain to fall, the students have tried every means to In this situation, I am feeling, students, and you say we need a house, or whether the house needs us? (Applause.) I see is that we need the house.
house is our country, and then broke again bad is our home, no matter how poor again, which is not our home, we love her! (Applause.) how can you be the envy of foreigners? Our country as well as others, we recognize that, but we are determined, we will gradually improve it, but we must sacrifice ourselves, the concept of a love of country. All countries in the cut, eating country, to take state, how will this country well? Everyone corruption, corrupt, this country will you? Foreign countries have a Canada! China has a (Applause.) I go, absolutely refused to entertain. I go to eat their own, with their own, take your car to the car money, you live your hotel hotels money, eat your meal to meal, definitely do not stick a dime countries. I just want to be a show you! (Applause.) What is patriotism, is something we have to order the money to the state, is called patriotism, something you always go home to our state to take, What kind of patriotism? Some people steal state, take the country, also took great interest, paid too overreaching, paid too shameless cents, how got? (Applause.)
someone said: teacher, you make me love the country, I can love the country, however, the state where? I could not find! When the teacher, the state is in front of you students. Your one stop to the podium, below the student is your country too easy to find countries. Today, I Wang Zheer stop, here is my country 1500, i have to due diligence, should have educate, influence, you are my country, I love you, that I love my country, to spread my thoughts to you, that is patriotic! (Applause.) You go after a stop in front of your students, it is your country. You can not waste his time, his life, so you must train the next generation for the country, you can give him that patriotism, you are a patriot, not to him, you are not patriotic, you are (Applause.) students, the future, you also have the opportunity to study, you have to be careful not to lose yourself in the face of the Chinese people. Do not go do not come back, it lost the Chinese people's face it! Foreigners will not think highly of you. They would say: You see, these students have little concept of the State did not, these small conquered! How people will think highly of you?
This is embarrassing, very embarrassing thing. Countries is very important to us, you see abroad do not know Without a country, a potential weak country who is so pathetic! So sad! Therefore, today's Chinese people to self-improvement, self-love, we love our country to know. Countries do not grow, your personal money and then what's the use? Standing what's the use again? You never respected ah!
told me today what is patriotism, where is the patriotism, patriotism is everywhere! Any behavior can be patriotic. We all know that Israel and the Arab war. Arab-Israeli war play is exciting, the world is holding a beauty contest, that just elected to the Israeli group Many of the film industry who are around her: eat it! Israel is a good nation, so I run. I want people to know: the earth of Israel in this country, so I have to stand for election. Today, I was chosen, to complete my task, I also tell the world: Israel is a good nation, because I am the most beautiful woman in the world, but also to tell the world: Israel, the country is hard work, hope the people of the world sympathy us, support us! Support for the independence of our country!
now my country is at war, what with the money? Israel two thousand years we have perished, because our culture does not die, so we can state. Today I want to go back to the motherland to fight for money why is it? ─ ─ End's remarks she delivered the next day to fly back home. (Applause.)
the news was released, people around the world with admiration for Israel! Wow, the Israelis really great! Thus, the Israeli army, the military boosted, they like crazy, the Arab armies play clean! This is the greatest war in seven days! Once on shore, seven days! This is because a girl's words! So, students, and patriotism are often in a tiny place.
We are highly educated, we shoulder the country's honor ah, people see what we hope to see the country. Students, the country's future is looking back, is look to the future of personal future. As a teacher recalled in China after two decades of know what it was like to see three years later, students will know what the Chinese phenomenon. If his good moral character, moral, patriotic, national, there is hope after two decades. If you see this child very patriotic, very polite, very ethical, then three years after the great Chinese people are Chinese. Otherwise, he looked lazy, selfish, arrogant, rude, there is no standard, I know three years later, China was that way.
revenge and strengthen the country we are today, and strive to do better. Do not lose fathers face, do not lose our Han Tang Xianlie face.
patriotism is very specific. My school entrance has a slogan: left school a step, shoulder faithful honor. The push and large, left the door step, responsible for the national honor. A clot of phlegm spit in China is small, a clot of phlegm spit in a foreign country, you lose the face of China's 1.2 billion compatriots, because you represent the 1.2 billion Chinese people, not you personally, you do not think, So each student should pay attention to a word in one fell swoop. High teacher back home, see the dislike to talk to criticize, to recommend to criticize, but I left the mainland back to Taiwan, do not speak a word against the mainland. They asked: Mainland please? I said, very, very good! Too, great.
to the United States say that the great Chinese people very, very, absolutely not However, the return address must be real, sincerely recommendations. Some people just the opposite, in the country he did not dare put a piece of shit, pretend to be so gentle, so lovely, a great place to leave the rude word in China, the Chinese yelled worthless, and this is the standard Han * son of a bitch! (Applause.)
study which is to own it? To social division of labor. You learn to repair shoes, I am learning to drive a car, learn any skills not for myself. Fellow students think, is to learn to take a surgeon's scalpel, he would say it? I must learn, I would be very convenient for your surgery, do not cut wrong. Is that true? Dear students, do you think about it, what things are for themselves? I have a good time Teachers in the future to educate themselves, not to teach your children? What book are you reading to children, for middle school students, to students. One other word talk, no knowledge of the teachers do not know how many children to be destroyed! So, reading is not for themselves, to the next many, many young lives. Ah you work for them! You're not a first test for yourself, but for your students homework ah, this is your goal now reading! Medical students, you doze off in class, do not make good reading, even the fallopian tube, ureter are hard to tell, how can you graduate Medical Yeah. Harm such a person does not harm you? Reading is for yourself? Reading is for the safety of others. The higher medical knowledge, patient more secure, the more secure his life ah!
good students, I tell us that moral education New Year's concept of cultural rejuvenation. Sixth, ask for the country to study, learn skills for the social division of labor and altruism, Liqun concept. This is a six point program of moral education.

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