Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Can we get a raise

 CCTV Financial Channel 7 evening broadcast of

2010   10 to 12 December meeting requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference, important part of tackling the reform.

Throughout the country in various industries, the income gap ratio between the highest and lowest widening year by year, the first quarter of 2009, published data show that the securities industry is the highest, 5.9 times the national average, the highest and lowest percentage extended to 11: 1. Uneven income distribution has become the source of many contradictions. From domestic demand, economic imbalances, high prices, inflationary pressures and other problems with China's income gap is too large can be found in the shadow. Gini index is used to express a national and regional distribution of wealth status, the lower the value, that wealth is distributed among members of society more uniform income distribution gap of 0.4 as the For the plan to double the national income, rising wages, rising welfare, a tax cut, how to let people get the real income growth?

heavy financial commentators Wong Foo, said: Should we should not raise it? In addition, the income gap is too large, the case of Beijing, the lowest services and other services for residents, the annual salary of 21,000 yuan, while the highest financial sector 174,000 yuan, a difference of 8 times, low-income people should not raise up?

The key solution is to raise labor and enhance the purchasing power of residents.

Guang-Yuan Mar
and Ph.D. in economics is that: The current salary is just a reflection of our own labor force status, reflecting the status of the industry, our workforce is itself a low-end labor, so only low wages. Also, do not simplify the income distribution reform to raise, in fact, housing, pension, medical care and so many mountains pressure in the head, to solve these problems more practical than a raise. In addition, he said: a raise only to reduce jobs, but also caused a large number of workers unemployed. Raise the impact on China's export economy, labor costs, reduced competitiveness, Vietnam, India told us looting, no benefit of China. SMEs with poor performance, had reduced jobs, loss of labor, social order instability.

for ordinary office workers, there are 230 million migrant workers are indeed the most difficult to raise them up. WU Qing State Council Development Research Center, said: labor shortage emerged early coastal phenomenon, driven by the market mechanism, enterprises are forced up wages. taxes low, and this part into wages, improve the treatment of employees, to attract more talented people to join, even if no mention of wages, may also increase jobs, reduce the initial distribution of income through the gap.

wage bar that some simple figures represent the purchasing power behind the overlay, which is hidden behind so we generated a sense of happiness. So in this process, the government, enterprises should be two-pronged approach, mutual understanding, and mutual efforts together to improve people's well-being, the same as employees can not put all their hopes on the wage increases on social groups, have a raise, but rises starting line, if you really want to be a winner to go beyond themselves.

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