Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Eat tofu all kinds of tricks

 Kung Pao Tofu: Ingredients: Lao Doufu 350 grams, 60 grams of peanuts, 80 g lettuce, carrots 80 grams, 50 grams of mushrooms; spices: ginger, garlic, onions, Pixian bean paste, chicken powder, sugar, soy sauce, the amount of wet starch; practices:
1. from the pan, add peanuts, stir fry, after a small fire to scoop out, let cool until after the twist to the red, set aside;
2. Laodou Fu cut into about 0.5 cm square D; lettuce peeled cut into small, mushrooms and carrots cut into small after wash; ginger and garlic chopped, minced bean paste Pixian, Cut green onions;
3. pot into the right amount of oil until hot oil till the Bacheng following the tofu into the small, yellow and deep fry the tofu, remove and drain the oil and set aside;
4. pot to stay a little oil, garlic and ginger into the next Pixian bean paste, Chao Chu marked;
5. down into carrots, lettuce, mushrooms, stir well;
6. Add the fried bean curd stir well, add about 50 milliliters of water;
7. put the right amount of salt, chicken powder and a little sugar, stir well, cook about 2 minutes later;
8. down into the green onion and soy sauce, stir well, then add fried peanuts, stir into the wet starch can be.

quail egg bean curd: Ingredients: 250 grams of soft tofu, quail eggs, 12, 80 grams of pork; ingredients : Pixian bean paste, ginger, garlic, onions, cooking wine, dry starch, the wet starch, soy sauce, chicken powder, the amount; practices:
1. the quail egg wash, into the pot by adding an appropriate amount of cold water in the open fire cook for 3 minutes, remove and soak into the cold water to cool after the peel aside;
2. the lean meat chopped into a fine powder, add a little dry starch grasp uniform; tofu cut into 1.5 cm square pieces; Pixian minced bean paste, chopped ginger and garlic, onions cut flowers;
3. pot by adding the right amount of water to boil, add a little salt, add tofu and cook for 2 minutes, remove and drain stand;
4. wok put the oil, fry minced meat into the next color;
5. down into the bean paste and ginger garlic Pixian, Chao Chu marked sprinkle into two tsp cooking wine, stir well;
6. adding the right amount of water, and then down into the tofu and quail eggs, cover and cook for 5 minutes;
7. adding the right amount of salt, even with the spatula to push;
8. then add the right amount of chicken powder, soy sauce, green onion, push evenly;
9. pour a little wet starch, can push even hook thin gravy.

tomato bean curd: Ingredients: 400 grams of soft tofu, tomatoes, a, broccoli, 200 grams; Ingredients: Pepper, ginger, garlic, green onion, sugar, soy sauce, chicken powder, wet starch (dry starch, add a little water into) the amount; practices:
1. broccoli cut into small pieces after the wash; tofu cut into one centimeter square pieces; tomatoes into boiling water, skin torn off after a little bit hot, cut into Ding; Peel the garlic at the end, ginger mince, Cut green onions;
2. tofu into the boiling water, add a little salt and cook for two minutes, remove and drain;
3. wok put the oil down into the ginger garlic until fragrant and a little lower into the diced tomatoes Pepper, stir well;
4. Add a little water (about 50 ml), add a little sugar, cook about two minutes;
5. down into the tofu and cook until tasty;
6. adding the right amount of salt and a little chicken powder, add chopped green onion and a little soy sauce, push evenly;
7. pour a little wet starch can be pushed even hook thin qian;
8. also the right amount of water from the saucepan, add a little salt and oil, cook half a minute later to spend the next Ruxi Lan remove border around the plate, the fried bean curd can scoop into the middle.

Xiaochao Xianggan: Ingredients: Spiced Dry Bean 200 grams of dry, red Pickle 4, 2 garlic, ginger, raw sauce, bean paste, the amount; practices:
1. Xianggan dry cleaned the surface of the water, cut into slices about 2 mm thick; Pickle cut into rings, garlic cut into segments; ginger strips;
2. from the pan, add pickled with ginger, stir out of their spicy;
3. into the mouth watering and authentic, carefully stir fry about a minute or so into the amount of bean paste, Chao Chu marked;
4. then add garlic, a little salt and soy sauce, fry garlic broken health can be.

burn trotters fried bean curd: Ingredients: Pig A (weighing about 500 grams), fried bean curd 120 grams; ingredients : star anise 3, 2 small pieces of cinnamon, bay leaves 2, 4 slices of ginger, 2 cloves garlic, chili 3, 5 sugar, two teaspoons of cooking wine, soy sauce 3 tsp, onion appropriate; practices:
1. the trotters and clean up, fried bean curd wash; ginger slices, garlic, pine shoot peeled, cut into two parts dry cleaned after the seeded pepper, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves washed, cut onions; < / p>
2. the trotters into the boiling water and cook for 2 minutes, remove with water rushed Xue Mo, drain set aside;
3. from the pan, add star anise cinnamon until fragrant;
4. down into the pig's trotters, stir fry 2 minutes add two tsp cooking wine, stir well;
5. down into the bay leaves, dried chili, ginger, garlic, sugar, soy sauce, stir well to trotters color;
6. add enough water (about 3 cm Pig flooded), then add the right amount of salt, cover and boil the fire heat and simmer for 50 minutes;
7. Add fried bean curd stir well, cover and simmer for 10 minutes;
8. opened the lid, turn heat to bring the sauce is thick;
9. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and stir well to.

preserved eggs, tofu: Materials: 2 preserved eggs, water, 300 grams of tofu; spices: salt, vinegar, sesame oil, chili oil , soy sauce, ginger, garlic, onion, the amount; practices:
1. first tofu diced, preserved eggs, peeled cut after, mince ginger and garlic, onions cut flowers;
2. pot into the amount of water, boiled tofu into small, then add a little salt and cook for 2 minutes, remove and let cool and drain stand;
3. adjust the sauce: garlic, ginger, green onion in a bowl, add the right amount of salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, pepper oil, mix well tune into the sauce;
4. will be preserved eggs Ding Ding and Liang Liang's tofu into the bowl, pour the sauce a good tune, preserved about 10 minutes.

Dry bacon fried December child: the use of materials: Hunan bacon 250 grams, 60 grams of dry sub wax, dried pepper, ginger, garlic, onions, chicken powder, the amount; practices:
1. bacon washed into the pot by adding an appropriate amount of boiled for about 20 minutes;
2. the cooked bacon cut into pieces about 0.2 cm thick, dry sub-wax after cleaning cut about 0.2 cm thick slices, washed seeded and chop chili, shredded ginger, garlic Dice onion cut flowers;
3. wok add some oil (compared bacon fat if you do not need oil drain), stir fry until the meat down into the oil;
4. down into the wax dry sub, chili, ginger, garlic, Stir spicy;
5. adding the right amount of water, cover and cook for 5 minutes;
6. add chopped green onion and a little chicken powder and stir well to.

Fried pork with carrots Hong : Ingredients: 120 grams pork, carrots 100 grams, 80 grams Xianggan, green peppers 50 g; spices: ginger, garlic, onions, chicken powder, soy sauce, starch, the amount; practices:
1. lean meat, cut into pieces, adding a little starch grasp uniform; carrot and Xianggan slices, green pepper, seeded and after wash stalks sliced; ginger strips, peeled garlic, pine shoot Dice onions clean cut;
2. wok put the oil down into the meat fry color stand out after the scoop;
3. pot and the remaining oil, stir fry 2 minutes down into the carrot;
4. and then down into the mouth watering and authentic and green pepper, fry for 2 minutes;
5. and then down into the previously fried meat, stir well;
6. adding the right amount of salt, stir well, then add chicken powder, green onion, soy sauce and stir well to.

Chicken leek mix: Ingredients: Spiced Chicken 300 grams, 100 grams of leek, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, oil pepper, vinegar, soy sauce, chicken powder, the amount; practices:
1. chives optional, cleaned drain; vegetarian chicken washed, cut into slices, ginger and garlic chopped;
2. the ginger garlic into small bowl, add the right amount of salt, chicken powder, vinegar, soy sauce, chili oil, sesame oil and mix well stand;
3. pot into the right amount of water to a boil, cook Chicken cut into two minutes, remove and let cool and drain;
4. pot and then boil the right amount of water, pour a few drops of oil down into the leeks, slightly blanched quickly remove, let cool and then cut into about 5 cm long segment;
5. to Liang Liang's Chicken and leek in a bowl, pour sauce and mix well to previous Banhao.

minced meat fried tofu foam: Ingredients: 120 grams tofu foam, 100 grams of pork, bean paste Pixian, ginger, garlic, onions, cooking wine, the amount of starch; practices:
1. Wash the minced meat into the end, add a little starch grasp uniform; chopped ginger and garlic, onions cut; Pixian bean paste, minced;
2. wok put the oil, fry minced meat into the next color;
3. Pixian bean paste into the minced garlic and ginger, Stir marked tsp cooking wine and stir well after adding the two;
4. adding the right amount of water, soak the bean curd with a spatula to slightly press about inhaling water, cover and cook for about 5 minutes;
5. into the amount of salt, green onion, soy sauce and stir well to

celery pork fried one thousand: Ingredients: 250 grams of celery, 100 grams of lean meat, one thousand (tofu skin) a ; spices: Pepper, ginger, garlic, onions, soy sauce, cornstarch, a little different; practices:
1. celery roots and leaves to go after the optional wash, and cut about 2 cm long segment, tofu thinly thick wire, a little raw meat cut into Si Houjia into powder, salt grasping uniform, shredded ginger, garlic, pine shoot Peel after the grain, onion cut into flower;
2. wok put oil, ginger and garlic and down into the meat and pour it into wire, quickly fry the pork a little color;
3. Add celery and tofu skin, the fire stir about two minutes into the right amount of salt and chopped hot pepper and stir well;
4. add chopped green onion and a little soy sauce, stir well then.

tofu seaweed soup spine: the use of materials: pig spinal 350 grams, 200 grams of kelp knot, a piece of soft tofu (weight about 150 grams), ginger, green onions, the amount; practices:
1. backbones washed into the boiling water, blanch for two minutes, remove and wash away with water Xue Mo; tofu cut into small squares, blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes, remove and drain to be use; kelp Results washed, cut a large ginger, green onions cut flowers;
2. will be a good spine and processing of ginger into the pot in the sand, into the amount of water (about 1300 ml), cover and boil over medium heat to turn a small fire to burn after 40 minutes;
3. into the kelp knot, then boil for 20 minutes;
4. down into the tofu and cook for about 10 minutes into the amount of salt and chopped green onion can be.

homemade version of Mapo Tofu: Ingredients: 400 grams of soft tofu, beef, 200 grams; ingredients: ginger, onion, coriander Pixian bean paste, sesame oil, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, dry starch, the wet starch (dry add a little water into starch), the amount of pepper; practices:
1. Wash the minced beef into the end, add a little dry starch grasp uniform, then add a little cooking wine, sesame oil, soy sauce, pepper and mix well preserved for 15 minutes; tofu cut into small squares; cut ginger and garlic into the end of the cut onion, parsley and cut into sections;
2. the tofu into the boiling water, blanch for two minutes, remove and drain stand;
3. from the pan, add ginger garlic until fragrant, then down into the ground beef, the amount of water into the dry Pixian fried bean paste and stir well;
4. Add a little wine, stir well, then add a bowl of water (about 250 ml) boiling;
5. down into the tofu, cover and cook for 5 minutes;
6. add some salt, some pepper, a few drops of sesame oil, green onion, a little soy sauce and stir well; 7. into the scoop, after the wet starch, starch into the dish, thrown into a little pepper and parsley.

Xianggan salad: Ingredients: 200 grams Xianggan, 1 green pepper, red pepper one, ginger, garlic, onions, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, chili oil (if not also be afraid of spicy), a little different; practices:
1. Xianggan slices into boiling water and cook for 2 minutes and then remove and drain off water after the stand;
2. green and red peppers dry cleaned, making flat knife, cut out to pepper seeds;
3. to put the fire pan, put a little oil, will be shot into the flat of the green and red peppers, a hot pepper skin side down; open a small fire, use spatula to pepper the pressure on to make it more Good contacts with the pot, stir into a tiger when the chili is like to scoop out when Liang Liang; (this process is a bit choked Oh, but can be spicy food is very enjoyable for those who drop!)
4. Then put pepper to tear skin and slice; the ginger, garlic and chopped into rice, onion cut flowers;
5. will cut pepper, ginger, garlic, green onion into the bowl along with mouth watering and authentic pieces, add the right amount of salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, chili oil to mix well;

eat a thing of two: rice balls & fried rice tofu tofu patties: Ingredients: 300 g soft tofu, 250 grams of lean meat, rice 100 grams, 50 grams of carrots; Ingredients: egg, ginger, onion, cornstarch, soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, sesame oil, the amount; die one (can not); practices: * Preparation :
1. first into the sticky rice cooked rice (cooked glutinous rice cooking water when slightly less than usual number), cooked, scoop out the stand;
2. lean washed chopped into minced meat, add a little cornstarch grasping absorbed, then add the right amount of salt, a little sesame oil, pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine, knock into an egg, stirring in one direction will pull its weight of its cis Cover with plastic wrap marinated for half an hour;
3. carrots cut into the end of the mince ginger, green onions cut flowers, cut tofu chunks;
4. the tofu and carrots separately in boiling water blanch for two minutes, remove and drain;
5. blanch bean curd with a knife and then back pressure into the mud;
6. the tofu paste, carrots, ginger, green onion, cooked sticky rice, some salt into the marinated minced meat, the wear disposable gloves to mix well; this time, preliminary preparation work to do it!
* steamed dumplings:
7. steamer into the amount of water, knead the meat will be marinated meatball plate after steaming, and steam for fifteen minutes, Cephalostachyum creamy tofu rice balls can pan Rights ! * fried tofu, rice cakes:
8. pan put a little oil into the mold, the amount of meat with a spoon ladle into the mold; (If you do not die, you can rub the meat first round and then into a small round cake. I started round the two dies fried, then lazy too lazy to die one by one with the fried, lightly rubbed the rest of the filling into the pan of a pan fry all out, save time na! anyway own food, a difference of point of sale do not care about you, but the taste definitely better!)
9. Spoon the meat in the mold clamping real, open a small fire, fry patties until stereotypes and carefully remove the mold;
10. cover the pot, a small fire after its fried yellow flip side, the last fry until golden on both sides to the middle of cooked, outside the focus in the tender, fragrant mouthful, people can not stop eating the mouth of a Tofu fried rice patties to Come!

Xianggan salt fried meat: Ingredients: Spiced Dry Bean Dry 150 grams, 250 grams of pork; Ingredients: 1 garlic, ginger , spicy bean paste, soy sauce, cooking wine, the amount; practices:
1. Spiced Dry Bean Dry cut into Ding, washed and cut garlic, ginger, shredded; Wash and drain pork cut into thin slices;
2. wok put the oil down into the pork slices stir-fry oil;
3. into the Wu Xiangdou dry, stir fry a minute or so;
4. Add a little wine and ginger, stir fry after a few into the hot bean paste, stir-fry until oil is red;
5. adding the right amount of salt, garlic and a little down into the soy sauce, the garlic fry broken health, clean wok transfer to a plate.

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