Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cancer self- monologue

 The emotional, too emotional, thus leading to emotional. emotional life, of course, there will
beautiful. But now, after all, society is built on the basis of rational thinking. Bread where time is not with tears, nose to solve the problem. Are more emotional harm. Is actually one of immaturity. In addition is also harm to others. (Of course, difficult to change nature, but develop logical thinking is very helpful)

2, lack the confidence to power is not enough, there is no decision-making power.
known hesitate not to say. Purely rational decision wavering because of the above defects of rational thinking, pure emotional decision-making is all the meat back of the hand palm of the hand, rational and emotional point of death even when there is a conflict. Without confidence, shy timid hesitation is caused by one of the reasons. Cancer conflict for fear of self-expression but also psychological. Of course, low-key benefit is modest. The personal life is good. I also like the humble person. But the work, it is easy for others to do the awake or the opportunity handed it over. Lawrence of many leaders of Cancer? How many gallant Cancer Aviva? Cancer I think people are more old cattle. Not to say that the style back into the air facing LOESS bad, but this waste of the number of noble character and a brilliant mind. Emotionally too passive are likely to cause life-long regret. Man does not have to win, but from the perspective of fairness, the courage to demonstrate their ability to more proactively doing things are more conducive to their development will also be able to reduce the chance of other speculators. From the larger social development that is very helpful. Of course, do not overkill becomes rhetoric.

3, wordy. (Say things can not reflect the streamlined, grasp the principal contradiction)
at me and said so much to know. Other edition of the post is lengthy voluminous. Dizziness need to always endless intermission. Comrades, the young also better, which is most annoying. When it comes to the old so much, we may have been disgusted by their children. Concise we should do it. Watermelon and sesame grabbed more highlights the logic of Cancer vulnerable - can not find the central idea of ​​thing.

4, ambiguous (not a weakness, but features)
not seen where there is such a vast scale of the discussion about the ambiguity. Cancer can only be summed up as the characteristics of the. In fact think about it, emotional, sensitive, timid, shy, kind, such as Cancer, not something ambiguous is no justice. I can be considered experts in this area. But see the first two, which can act, or directly to let go of yourself and others are good. Of course. I also said be impossible. In fact, just tried, painful months, do not know how much a waste of tears. But in the long run, or want. Otherwise also hurting myself.

personality improvement:
we discuss here are Sun sign. Of course, the sun's influence in your chart, is the heaviest. But your own analysis of other planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune Mercury will be easier or something deeper understanding of their own. Then, the measurement of profit and avoid loss. Of course, to exercise restraint and character weakness is almost impossible, but pay attention to their words and actions often take the initiative to remind self-suggestion will definitely help all aspects. In summary, the reason and we should take initiative to improve the place. Earth sign of the calm, logical and flexible wind and fire like energy, are the object of our reference. Eclectic is not easy, but if you want to be a good person, or to set all modestly long, g their own weaknesses. We encourage each Well.

Cancer is the most infatuated, in love with a person, they will give everything, they will put themselves at a very low position, as long as the other Haojiu Hang. They will always be patient. However, once their patience to the limit, they will unsympathetic, very unsympathetic. In fact, Cancer is also wrong, they should not have been patient and should not be so good for each other. But they are like that. But they do not want more, give them gentle and caring enough. Just a little bit. If you really love to Cancer, they are definitely a good choice. As long as you have a share of heart, there is some action on the line. If you do not love Cancer, do not want to give them care, do not provoke them, they will not retaliate, but you will never die in a person who loves you heart.
who died in the love of his heart is not the worst it? Do not hate just because they no longer love.
we are infatuated with Cancer, we are unsympathetic Cancer.

10.1 a visit

 Yesterday, my classmates and I went to the nest , and we got up early , and almost 8 when we went to the destination , where people can be really , ah, I saw Bird's Nest and Water Cube , we played very happy in my The impression that I have not been happier for a long time , and we have left in every spot of our footprint , and the air echoed with our laughter , she felt back to childhood , wonderful feeling real ah ! No power like the machine can not be a bad thing to enjoy ah , but the sense of loss is only temporary, I went to adjust his attitude , we went to Tiananmen Square, the next spot , straight off the most popular type place , ah, really show the spectacular sea of ​​people In my eyes , but also all over the floats , an array of see my eyes , visitors are to capture the beautiful landscape , we also visited with , ha ha floats can be really beautiful , and finally to the Tiananmen Square , there are Fountain is simply heaven on earth , ha ha people are busy with pictures , and I to be outdone , how to have to leave them to their own memories ah , I took the students went to Tiananmen Square that took two snapshots , according to end soon Washed out, was very happy ah ha ha , take pictures with a sense of accomplishment feels good , ah, maybe you would say no way in Tiananmen Square, I am a souvenir Zhensu happens is the most popular one ah ha ha had not the poor . Happy time is faster than a blink of an eye has come to the afternoon , I eat it in the back ah the company , though a bit reluctantly , but there is no way we should go back , ah! Anyway that day I have been very substantial, if given the opportunity I have to go out and play No. 5 , my dear friends, if you have time to Beijing to play I'll take you out Oh, I like to play , but most people ah.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Boa constrictor and a little girl 's love , 【 little girl to give the parents of a boa constrictor 】

 Python - touching love story fantasy familiar stranger
West Side Village, poor, life hard. Some people will snake their livelihoods.
This is a dangerous job. Requires courage, but also need luck. If bitten, do not mind, the consequences would be disastrous. Gave the snake to bite someone in the village, the result of a finger amputated. But the snake is very
selling price. Get the restaurant, often sell a few dozen dollars a pound. So, some people are willing to take risks. Early spring is over, there are several village piedmont mountain man to find traces of the snake, and sometimes tend to go one day.
rumors, village by the river's wild south, there are only constrictor. The guy did a village walk to the place, but still not seen.
villagers like the old section of the river under the river cut the article build the dam, huh the fish ponds. In order to prevent people from stealing fish, like the couple take turns guarding the old fish ponds.
night, like the old for the old wife likes to fish ponds, through the wild weeds edge, saw a small black object lying on the road. Like the old wife on a foot up. She thought it was the root wood. However, there is the foot of the texture of the meat Hu Hu, like the old wife surprise, the objects that creep up. She quickly jumped out scared. Rapidly penetrate into the grass thing, blink of an eye missing. Like the old wife scared into a cold sweat, then carefully side awakening memories of a constrictor that is.
man named Fang Fang village girl, who looks very pretty, scrub, Shui Ling Shui Ling's. Because my family was poor, they drop out of high school read. Spring is over, at home no job, his parents ordered her to go to the river cattle.
bank a few bamboo clump, Fang Fang used to sit inside to hide the sun. Bamboo forest is very cool, very comfortable. One day, she is sitting behind a stock suddenly felt chilly chill, come look, a black boy was crouched behind her, watching her laugh. She was shocked, stood up and ran a few steps. The boy did not chase, she sat down at the end. The boy looked for a steal a glance, that he looks especially handsome, not here with like human figures, he suspected he was a ghost, and my heart suddenly extreme fear. The moment to get up to escape, did not realize that boys are first left. cattle grazing in the river after the Fang Fang
always see him sitting in a bamboo forest, only to Mimi for her smiling, without the slightest malice. Over time, Fang Fang is not afraid. Her boys take the initiative to come later in a word, both men talked more the more speculative. Fang Fang asked him what the village. He pointed over the hill. He said his parents live in the village, living mountains. Fang Fang did not feel strange. Several foreign land who had contracted the hill, planting large trees, the village people are aware of this.
the sun to be downhill, and the two went so far as to talk enough, a little Nanfennanshe. The boy said, my name is Scotia cloudy, as long as I came down to see you all right. OK? Fang Fang pleased nodded.
next day, Fang Fang led the cattle to the river, he has been sitting there waiting for her. They also said that for a while, then. Fang Fang said not to eat, the hungry. He turned to drill into the depths of bamboo. One will come out, carrying a hare. Hare is dead. He deftly unplug the Rabbit, they began to eat roast rabbit.
Since then, homes cloudy almost every day she get some game. Sometimes chicken, sometimes the hare. More often, he would lower the river fishing in troubled waters. Good fat fish in the river, not knowing what he was another way, each will come up empty-handed. Over time, the two had a love for each other.
Fang Fang looks very beautiful because the village had several young guy overtly or covertly expressed their love to her. A man named Second Skin boys have returned from the outside at night to drink the wine back, Fang Fang met, they played a color center, cover your mouth and hold her to the dark tarnished.
Fang Fang cried and told mother. Fang Fang's dad put a knife to a second skin home. Second skin that gave eighty-year-old mother, Fang Fang's father knees. Second skin Niangshuo, that I did not teach his son, Blame me. Second Paper no father at home with his mother to his two. Fang Fang's father
skin or the second beat half to death. Later, Fang Fang Second Skin home dad to six dollars a thousand Cypriots want to compounding. Fang Fang's father started or not, insisted that the second skin to get in prison. That time, the girl's virginity in the country see how important it is. Fang Fang Fang Fang Dieyue just like your mother, breaking the body broke, do not try making things everyone knows how to look after the people Fanfan? Fang Fang's father
or not. Second skin Niang see opportunities to make up a few, two skins are you hit into the case. He then went to catch the prison, Fang Fang is not yet the outside. Fang Fang's brother in high school next to it, before you took this much money to use.
Fang Fang's father thought, he agreed. However, spoke again to the second skin to a thousand.
two thousand five, put a girl's virginity to a Fang Fang this a serious illness. Lying in the house for four days and three nights, without food or drink. The fifth day of climbing up, not a kind of thin people. She thought of the homes cloudy.

she came to the river in a bamboo forest, where homes sit long cloudy. House Flanders saw her, asked her how she was surprised. She did not speak. Homes cloudy look of anxiety, that I wait for you here every day. You do not come, I almost could not help but go to the village to find you. Fang Fang could not help but cry. From Flanders took her house, on the legs, careful to comfort her, asked her what happened. Fang Fang said put the matter lay it out. House shivering with rage listening cloudy. In fact, the second skin nature
not bad. Second, it is in the skin of a table look dignified, very filial to his aging mother at home. Fang Fang crush he has had a long night of excessive drinking had enjoyed strong, made a foolish thing, the second skin is very ashamed. Although this conceal a tight grip, but the second skin always feel ashamed to stay in the village. Job done during the day, go out into the neighboring villages such as channeling Tianyi dusk.
at night very well. Put the bowl of a second skin to go out. Over the entrance to the village, head of the weeds around the Qi, wide winding dirt road in the moonlight, pulling out a gray to. Second Paper walked, suddenly I saw the front of the road with a black central disc thing, the road on both sides have a full accounting. Second Skin surprised a moment, this is Shaa? He slowed his pace, going on close to some, ah, a big snake! A thick body, such as kegs serpent! Second leg suddenly soft leather.
the snake found two skin, head high to spring up, waving his head, and then stretched forth, made a sudden opened his mouth, poured blood on the present front of mouth, the skin from the second five meters away.
second skin lying on the floor not moving. He knew, as long as he got up and ran away, the snake will be rushed to. He carefully move little by little to the side of the road body, and then a roll homeopathy, turned into the grass, scratching and scrambling to run back to the village.
he did not go straight home, but into the Tang Ping. Tang Ping is the village snake experts. After listening to two skin trembling finish, the parade will go through a shotgun. Tang Ping's wife came to stop him, said that such a big fear of snakes is as fine, and we still do not be left alone. Tang Ping to some hesitation. He thought the skin of two, said several people came to say hello. Some more good deal.
second skin called the five man, all this business done snake. Knife's also knives, guns gun, rushed to a pedestrian street, but could not see the snake. Tang Ping said, his second skin, you vertigo, right? Just then, suddenly heard the roadside bushes, Everyone looked up and saw the snake is disk in there, high above his head upturned, vomit faith son. Black scales gleaming in the moonlight.
exclaimed Ping Tang is python miles. They were all inhaled air, the moment did not dare move. This python head shaking a bit, until the skin side Leng Leng direction towards the second straighten the head. Second Paper shocked, and quickly hid behind the Tang Ping said, Ah, how do I feel it staring at me ah. Laotang, fast shot.
to surmise from the shotgun Tang Ping, python hesitant fired a shot that step. Until the wind stops, the python actually disappeared in all eyelids. Everyone knows the dark is not good, this is not an ordinary python python offended it I do not know what the consequences.
turned back to the village that night, Tang Ping fell ill. This disease has a very tough battle to toss Ping Tang, carried to the hospital, doctors can not find the cause. This two weeks after consumption, amazing that good alone. Second skin is fine. Some people have guessed that night that is not the python, for fear of the dragon miles. For a time, the village uproar, everyone would regard this as an investment, talking excitedly.
Fang Fang also heard of the matter, but not the slightest interest to inquire. Because ever since that date, there have been homes it since cloudy. Fang Fang is sadly, she thought, Does cloudy hold anything against me?
winter arrived. Fang Fang was introduced to the marriage. Five objects are the king of the village code. Wangma opened a lumber mill, a lot of money, is the Five small building was built in the village the first man. Fang Fang's father and mother of the king code is very satisfactory, but Fanfan not allow it. Fang Fang's Mother says, you're a Shangougou in the girl, still expect? Wangma home conditions so well, do not want to marry the girl home less than a mile are married. In fact, I am the king codes, Fang Fang have seen, it can not hate. Keeping Thinking about homes, but still cloudy mind Fang Fang.
an entire winter, homes did not appear cloudy. Fang Fang sat in a bamboo forest, careful to remember that homes cloudy white clover and gentle face, and my heart felt a pang sad. She thought maybe she will not seek another round of Flanders.
early spring after the cows as usual Fang Fang led to a river. All the way saw a person standing in the riverside. A black dress, stood tall and straight potential, not homes Flanders Who else? Fang Fang ecstasy, called out, cloudy.
homes cloudy with a smile, took her and ran on, turn it down in a circle. They laugh happily ever after, Fang Fang suddenly feel wronged, to brush the tears to flow down. She sobbed and said, I thought you do not want me.
homes Flanders said that a fool would Luanxiang. What happened I do not think about how ah?
Fang Fang froze a moment, quickly asked, you do not what happened, right?
homes cloudy smiled and said nothing. But something can not come. But every day I want you. Looking forward to the winter past, only faster, better come to you.
Fang Fang a bit angry, and said, Why wait over the winter to come to me?
homes cloudy a little embarrassed, Zhiwu and said, I, I am more afraid of the cold. See Fang Fang looked confused and looked at him, right again to add that I was sick. Fang Fang
some distressed, holding his face looked ruddy, no signs of illness, this assured. They play in the river for a while, then sat back down in a bamboo forest to speak.
Fang Fang pointed rolling Hills, asked, cloudy mountain fun?
homes Flanders said, fun ah.
Fang Fang said a few days to the weekend, so my brother cattle. You take me to play you?
homes Flanders said, good. I'd be happy where you want to take you.
Just then, like the old Fang Fang wife drove home the cattle came. She cried all the way to, Fang Fang, ah, Why do not bullish, I have come to the dam.
Fang Fang discovered that the original seeking only to speak, cattle so far away do not know. The wife saw the old house like cloudy, eyes suddenly light up, a good one handsome guy! Fang Fang stand with him for a walk, just like a pair of jade. See also the two men holding hands. So I asked, yo, what the village boys, a quick look at look unfamiliar it? Fang Fang
cloudy then hastened to get rid of the hand homes. Homes cloudy with a smile, very politely replied that I live in the mountains. So my aunt had not seen.
old wife could not help but like to see more of his eyes. Know they are in love, stay for the moment I'm sorry, told Fang Fang Niu optimistic note after they go back and watch her ponds had.
Few days later, homes cloudy really put to the mountains to the Fang Fang . Many of mountain rocks, homes cloudy carefully holding her little hand, and sometimes simply picked her up. They climbed a hill. Variety of wild flowers in bloom the mountain, the rocks wrapped in a red one, yellow one, as she threw a flower dress, so bright. Fang Fang pointed to a big rock on top of that, look, that some flowers so beautiful ah! Homes cloudy immediately said, I come to you pick. Fang Fang ranging response to lightly pounced on a patch of rocks. Stone is very steep, Fang Fang heart hung up.
distance voice, closer and closer. Three men came out carrying a hoe. Estimated the orchards on the hill to another Zuohuo workers. Fang Fang
saw three men, the eyes are straight. These men, as the winking, a slightly older rather abruptly dropped from the back of pick up hoes laugh Fang Fang. Fang Fang screamed aloud.
homes cloudy turned around, Nu Sheng cried, you do?
three men discovered that the stone out there. Perhaps see if he looks like without a dozen handsome, but also relied on their own in number, they are not even intended to retire. Said that older, play with Well. Fang Fang said the file under the hand out.
homes cloudy to jump off from the rocks. He stormed his way through the task over to the man and forced toss and called the man threw the child a few meters away. Heavy man dropped to the ground, hit on the back of stones, hum to cry, and then two trembling of the hands go on, act recklessly.
Fang Fang scared. House Flanders drew her behind. A look at the other two injured companions, eyes are red. One of the holding wood cutting knife play over the evil Henhendezhao homes cloudy. Fang Fang no time to scream, I just feel eyes of a flower, it has been rounded machete cloudy in the two fingers firmly pinch.
grabbed a machete homeopathic cloudy homes, forced curved hands, and that the iron abruptly actually broken into two parts. The two men scared silly, and shouted,
Fang Fang bile scared, they recovered a long while before that, cloudy, you strength to big ah.
homes Flanders said, what the count. As long as I was, mad I have to protect you thoroughly.
Fang Fang pointed injured man whispered, cloudy, and he is not dead?
homes cloudy laughed. Said, that would be so easy to die. These rogue, wait a minute to be carried away is called the Master's.
west of the sun.
homes cloudy knit circle wearing a flower head to Fang Fang, Station looked a few steps, said Fang Fang, you're beautiful. The sun suddenly looked up and said, Fang Fang, I carry you down the right.
Fang Fang said, no, ah, I'm afraid of wrestling.
homes cloudy squat down and said, Come on up. Not wrestling.
Fang Fang still not willing to, hesitated and said, no, ah, I'm afraid you tired of.
homes cloudy anxious, saying, I'm tired, then you are down right? Hurry up, the sun sets the mountains on the dark you will be scared. Fang Fang
let him back out.
Fang Fang homes Flanders whispered back, cloudy, as long as with you, where I am not afraid.And then made enough strength to rush down the hill. Fang Fang only hear the wind whistling ringing ears, around to the behind the scene quickly snatched. Tightly hugged her neck cloudy homes, afraid to speak.
homes back Dao Cunkou Flanders has only to stop her. Fang Fang jumped, and some incredible to say, cloudy, how can you run so fast? Homes cloudy scratched his head and said, it still was quick?
Just then, two skin heads bowed out from the village. House Flanders saw him smile once it up. Both hands into fists, knuckles in the Second, they saw the skin, but also stunned for a moment. Fang Fang homes cloudy gently pulled the hand, and said, do not fight. Homes cloudy fist on the loose. He suppression beginning, flashed under the neck, raised his head had a high degree, it is arrogant to stare at the second skin. Second skin is very embarrassing.
Fang Fang left, put one foot homes cloudy suddenly came up two leather hides down. Second skin lying on the floor, some of the reactions, however. Akira cloudy the next round the neck, ranging from two leather get up and tried to kick again. And then blatantly left. Xiang Maren second skin, but in the end did not dare to scold exports. He felt very familiar with the boy's eyes, especially Akira neck movements, it seems that you saw. Mother Fang Fang soon
like my wife's mouth from the old Fang Fang know love to do. Fang Fang is not concealment, openly told the mother, and said resolutely, as long as the homes cloudy Kenqu her, and she married him he will not. Fang Fang Fang Fang's father just like your mother to discuss the next, decided to Fanfan to bring home for homes over cloudy eyes.
into the West Side Village homes cloudy day, the same village as the pot exploded, utter confusion. Dog howling for no reason, pigs to scurry in circles irritability, chickens and ducks went anywhere. Villagers wondered, but do not know why.
Fang Fang to their own homes cloudy into the yard, Fang Fang family piece Tugou to Backyard chickens chaotic, thump thump to fly out to the yard flapping, but no dogs that can do, then circle around to turning, came up with a lot of dust Feifei Yangyang.
Fang Fang's Mother said, the chickens in the evil it? Fang Fang's father saw this, my heart sank secretly. Fang Fang's grandfather had lived through geomancy fortune for a living. Fang Fang's father, along with access to more than a small, naturally have a sensitivity in that regard. He quietly, politely side of the house Come home to Flanders, he has also wary look on his face, would like to see some clues from. Cloudy face is handsome homes, the expression is gentle; speak gentle decent and act openly. No flaws! Aunt Aunt
neighbors from time to time he went to Fang Fang family, either by needle or through a barrel. Some simply sit and do not go. They want to look old like my wife mentioned this big, handsome boy in the end to what extent. Fang Fang said after watching so lucky. Some of the hardier girl actually outside the hospital from the Fang Fang probe into the head. Fang Fang's Mother exceedingly proud. She was optimistic about the original king of code, but did not think it actually makes such a favorite homes cloudy. Fang Fang default with the current homes for correspondence cloudy.
Fang Fang's father had never stand. Fang Fang at night when your mother can not help asking what he meant. Fang Fang's father said, this house has shares Yaoqi cloudy. Fang Fang Mother Road on the spit, do not put the set of your father, Yao Qi Yao Qi at every turn. I see you have as a goblin. Fang Fang Dieshui, you do not see that he entered the house, dog ran away. Our family dog ​​has always had a very fierce. There are chicken. Fang Fang's Mother does not speak. Fang Fang's father went on to say, Five in the mountain village of artillery work. He never even said that the son of the orchard owner. Fang Fang's Mother once said that he did not say he is the son of the orchard owner. His family is hunting. Fang Fang's father sighed and said, I'm looking for Tang Ping asked before. Tang Ping them prowling the mountain often, that if such a barren remote places of the individual home, they will not know? The child is unknown miles.
Fang Fang's Mother stunned. Long while before that, her father, and this is big, Freeze said, hurt her daughter's heart miles. Fang Fang Dieshui, you do not tell Fang Fang said, ah. I look at.

after some days, homes were broken and wounded in the mountains cloudy machete things gradually spread to the village. But they do not know cloudy and Fang Fang homes, this would have to pass some of God, that is what the mountains are on the golden couple. It reached the ears of Fang Fang father and mother, both to guess the homes will be cloudy with Fang Fang. So I called Fang Fang questioning. Fang Fang parents face a very serious look, not to hide, fifteen ten been said. They listened to like getting scared of.
Fang Fang Fang Fang Dieshuo with your mother secretly, this Flanders is not afraid of children of ordinary people. Fang Fang Dieshui, do publicity, let me think.
Ever since your mother's acquiescence Fang Fang, the homes with a more intimate between cloudy. They often play in the river laughing, jealous of girls and boys in the village.
day, as usual, to the cattle Fang Fang, Fang Fang Shou Lise Mother had a water bottle to her and said, the heat, to the point of filling your herbal tea. Let Flanders also drink ah. Fang Fang happily took over. She did not see a scene: her mother back to the back of the house of her Dieshui, her father will not be any death, right? She Dieshui, be assured, as long as ordinary people drank fine ... ...
Fang Fang cloudy homes give this tea drink. Homes look cloudy Khan, took to Fang Fang, carrying to the mouth of the spout. Homes cloudy suddenly was shocked, and stopped her, and hastily said, do not drink, this water is not clean. And then squat to do like vomiting. Fang Fang in the side and gently patted his back, Ji Zhaowen, how do you? How are you?
cloudy retching a few homes, but spit a thing. Fang Fang asked the rise, this tea where they come from? Fang Fang to see him turn pale, scared gonna cry. She hugged he said, is your mother cooked tea. Homes to panic a bit cloudy, did not speak. He lay down on the arms of Fang Fang, who has become very weak. Fang Fang said, cloudy, how do you? Is it poisoned?
homes cloudy barely smiled and said, okay, do not worry. I'm just a little dizzy.
Fang Fang is very anxious, saying, or I carry you home Jiaodie look.
homes cloudy raised his hand and gently pulled her face, said softly, stupid, how can you have to move me back. Is your father, your brother together, it fixed my back. Some homes have become blurred cloudy eyes, and later will simply close your eyes. He said weakly, Fang Fang, ask you something?
Fang Fang said, what happened? You say.
homes Flanders said, please do not marry someone else. I'll be back. Certainly will.
Fang Fang nodded energetically.
homes will be like in the back of Flanders says himself, he muttered, with you, I'm willing to give up anything. I lived many years in the mountains, and has never been able to hold my ... ...
Fang Fang listen to him getting more and more confused, not knowing what to do, but clinging to him. Homes cloudy slips opened his eyes, face very painful, he said with difficulty, Fang Fang, you, you go home soon.
Fang Fang shocked, how could she leave this time round go cloudy? She also forced to hold him. Homes cloudy with a sigh, and said, you walk away a few steps right? Do not look back. Promise me, no matter what voice heard, do not look back. Fang Fang is very confused. Homes cloudy almost cried, and said, how fast, Fang Fang. Come on!
Fang Fang had did. She walked a short distance. Homes cloudy called out, not allowed to look ah. Will not have any sound. Fang Fang, etc. for a while, behind the She could not resist, cried, cloudy, I looked back. Attached is called a few times, did not hear the homes cloudy response. She turned and went.
cloudy shadow of which there are homes? Ground black cloudy homes scattered clothes, Fang Fang past them to pick it up. Bamboo depths came Fang Fang will recover in the past. But she came one step too late, she can only see half of the exposed grass snake tail is slowly wearing pilgrimage over there.
Fang Fang was shocked! Could it be cloudy for the serpent to eat? She froze.
she refused to take many, far to chase tail all the way down the snake. The snake crawled slowly. Probably found behind someone, they stop rotating slightly over your head, and a move. Fang Fang not close, shaking from snake bile looked. Common sense, if the snake swallowed a large living, because not immediately digest, swallow objects will hold up high a snake. But see the snake black and smooth, not raised part. She just a little On the heart, he feels fear.
the snake after a pause, ignored her, and then move on, go.
Fang Fang tear the name of my voice shouting cloudy homes, have searched the river, or not found. Home to tell father and mother, Fang Fang's Mother some panic. Fang Fang's father was a look of calm. Fang Fang Dieshui, he was not comfortable and left. Okay, two days will be back.
result, Fang Fang to the river every day and so on, regardless of wind and rain. This time, however, never have never been in homes cloudy. Fang Fang crying, sick too, went to the mountain alone have been seeking, or without any trace. More than two years passed thus. Fang Fang's father and mother was a hard grind in the soft foam, the Fang Fang Wang married yards.
wedding day is very exciting. To a lot of people say that very beautiful bride. Wangma very beautiful. But the wedding night, we found that Fanfan was not a virgin, very disappointed. King Code is a very traditional and conservative and ignorant men, they ignored it on the Fang Fang. Fang Fang did not mind. King of her heart is not in the body code. The day so she can go on flat land. But a wine on the table Wangma mouth accidentally heard from others Fang Fang cloudy with homes in the past, sometimes jealousy Dunsheng, go back and goes as far as Fang Fang shot. Since then, Fang Fang living nightmare began. Wang began just drink it hands-on code, later becoming bolder big upset swing a slap in the face at any time in the past. Fang Fang's daughter Mother of view, a delicate pale of the Fang Fang see past the nose actually becomes green find fault completely, then burst into tears, saying, If I had known this is, let you go just like piece of python forget. Fang Fang a, hurriedly asked, your mother say? Python? Fang Fang's Mother is not taboo, all said. Fang Fang listened blankly, his mind flashed piece to the shadow of the serpent.
night, she's in the past with the cloudy house slowly in retrospect, she believed that Mother did not lie to her. She's left the cloudy homes took out the black dress, that she has a secret hidden in the suitcase. She ran behind the house secretly holding clothes Ganchangcunduan cry. Black behind the house, where the front of a mountain.
corruption Wangma rage swore in the house, you the gossips, what is howling howling. The black clothes and rub it into the arms of Fang Fang Wang took her pull back yards over the house. Yard dog suddenly ran into the house in panic and hid under the bed, how would not it. Wangma drive a stick side cursing. Fang Fang is only amused, and stood watching the door, suddenly feel that there is a black shadow on the Pazaichuangkou edge. Looked up, and is the serpent's head. Fang Fang's heart
she rushed out the door. There is no shadow of constrictor. Her heart suddenly very disappointed. For several days she would wonder about it, she thought it was his illusion.
Wangma opened a lumber mill of his own mountain hundred saplings were planted. Wangma it every few weeks to see. This day is a sunny day, the king code to bring a machete to the hill. Long saplings has slowly opened, sized as thick. Wangma turning around, I feel very satisfied. At this time, the wind suddenly, the trees to the sound of flapping in the wind. Wangma some could not open eyes, only to hear there are objects in the bush next to a dark almost certain.
Wangma scared to death. U-turn was going to run away, channeling out of a python. This python were holding its head high up, Wangma was shaking his right hand grip on the machete. Python is rapidly reached over his head and pecked the back of the hand Wangma live, abruptly to take good walking piece of meat. Wangma scream from the hills roll down. He has started half a black arm, and swollen Lao Gao. Wangma a look, then actually follow the slide down the machete, he imagined, grasping put the right arm cut off.
dragged all the way to the bloody king of code back to the village, the people Zaidao out. The villagers rushed him to the hospital. Fang Fang did not follow them. She disappeared.
village was to see her dressed in black, and ran to the side of the mountain. Wangma after discharge with a few men go, Piedmont mountain turned over, the shadow never noticed.
few months later, the king code to some other place a newly married cousin saw her time in the country fair. Very beautiful, such as the immortal in general, is caught in the crowd wake up in the eye, the king's cousin, can recognize code here. Asked her, she just smiled, did not answer. Wangma cousin called to the two men followed her all the way to go, followed all the way, with the wild outside. A very handsome boy came just hold the hand of Fang Fang, Fang Fang to go back to the cousin said, go back and tell my parents, only if not angry with me better. I'm doing great, do not come to me. Having followed the young man went away.
cousin can not do anything, called the two men grab back. Men did not dare. Said the boy lived mountains, public pool go again.
code later to find the king, but the Church Wangma brother did not let him up the hill. Church brother said, that are deep in the mountains no one would dare go so far. Maze miles.
brought the boy, Tong brother can not tell, saying only that some people have seen this year, no one would dare provoke.
do not remember seeing the the waiter

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Read , the little detour to go 3-5 years

 Do not be afraid shame, the pursuit of shame is a successful attempt, as do people laugh at you, you can send them from your list of future opponents to exclude life, you have to sing for every stage of people clapping .
2. you have enough reason to admire people who get up early every day, do not believe, you do it. Do a lot of people will admire you find it.
3.Nothing is impossible. Just select a target, do not think too far down to earth every day, trials and hardships. Life, there is more than fighting.
4. you and your friends will be together in the future to create a potentially brilliant career. Good to hear it? Remember, you should strive.
5. a lot of things when you then find out that nothing will be recalled. So, no matter how angry when you do not have to tell yourself that you will find it is really not.
6. No matter how people say college is a place to improve the comprehensive ability and so on, if you fail to learn, you are nothing - not rule out the unexpected, life skills and outstanding ability to successfully get people over there, but you consider the good it? You will be the accident? ?
7. Do not say bad words, a random word or words will make you someone else's image greatly reduced, avoid making a fuss all day shouting
8. take advantage of the opportunity to speak in public to exercise their own.
9. Do not for yourself and others to a conclusion, what you see may only hear one side.
10. If the people around you jealous, then you can push him from the list of your competitors eliminated.
11. a lot of things other people notice you, to say thank you, did not inform you, not to blame, because those things you should really find out yourself.
12. in the persistent process, it is tired, when used to read, take a look, but also the power struggle will continue. Remember, choose their own way Zaikuzailei must not give up, not to cry. Only graduates of victory when the tears to stay.
13. so that their dignity large enough to withstand force, society is a favorite place shattered human dignity, in addition to yourself, no one will keep it for you, stay where you are a university, so you have space to bear defeat.
14. When you're on a high grade, to make their own image of an adult, freshman children see you, let them feel you are their seniors. you are very mature.
15. case to another major difficulty, do not panic, be sure to learn to calm; Do not ask others to think of the past have family to help you, you now need a person to face challenges, from despair to find hope, life will become splendid.
16. Learn to say thank you, thank you not casually but perfunctory, is the recognition and rewards of helping others; but also to learn to say sorry, but sorry is not an excuse, is the fault of their own make up and guilt.
17. If you have been a person to eat or go to the cafeteria for study hall, do not worry, the university is normal for a person, you feel lonely? Your friend is afraid you think you do not have free space, so do not think you have no friends.
18. Do not complain about the differences and the reality of the school is not fair, not fair for you in terms of it is fair to others, they depend on you to change the unsatisfactory environment for fair and reasonable.
19. whether man or woman, if the university also looks as the important things and too much attention to it, may not suffer, but sooner or later will suffer. may be, it is possible.
20. holiday time, or stay home and spend more time with their parents, to help them do something, you can fly far away as before, by their side every day, time is running out; or more to experience life in society, Because you not only know how to live, but also learn how to live.
21. distracted or bored when idle, and more to the library to the bubbles, the book has a rare pure reality clearly and quiet; more reading, life will gradually be less confused and more pursuit.
22. Never look down on students from poor families, they are relatively poor condition and you do the same results, have shown they are much better than you. Every life should be equal, as you can to help them.
23. you can lose to anyone, but you can not lose yourself.
24. often to call home, even if his mouth did not want to say to each other, in fact, the situation has long been fixed in the mind; with female (male) friends, can not forget the father and mother.
25. and more laughs, will gradually make themselves really happy.
26. make good use of public exercise, display themselves, even if only one classroom to speak, not be afraid of embarrassment, shame more do not be afraid, do not joke the people in public disgrace.
27. University is a new environment, all of your past is a blank page for them, this is your best time to re-shape their own image, get rid of the previous shortcomings, to a new image appears .
28. student cadre, if you respect them, and tell myself it is because they are your fellow students and not because they are your superiors, we are just students only.
29. do not ever want to be offended no one who was opposed to some support and then make their own decisions in life is wonderful.
30. No matter what level you are student leaders, even if a student council, but also respect for the ordinary student, we are all students, they should be friends.
31. I would not spiritual emotions. regret a greater loss than the loss bigger mistake than the mistake. so do not regret it.
32. you really scheming to learn, but remember, always remember that in society the only way to win is always just one, that is strength, never have to question.
33. unfair things, do not complain, you may just be unfair to other people's fair. So, you might as well go to the fight, fight for your best fair.
34. vicissitudes of life, do not bear the sight of something new angry, does not matter.
35. we do live hard, to be under various external pressures, but also to face their own perplexities. Struggling, if someone gives you an understanding look, you will feel the warmth of life, perhaps a mere glance is enough to make you moved and inspired, so we have to learn to appreciate.
36. cool, something big, they can and can quickly find a way to quiet people, very powerful.
37. society is full of competition, universities are also in competition, winning the competition relied on their own strength.
38. a kind of work and study the impact and endurance will let you have a special charm and personal strength
39. like a man to brave to tell him or her, I said in the horizon University is the place to learn, but I understand the power of love. Pursuit of the person you truly love, as long as they think is worth, it is worth it.
40. Do not front on the generosity of the girls, just like a paragraph brother, even if you do a lot of money. You know, seeing your current money, the woman, after all, would one day betray you because of money.
41. Do not imagine that he became the darling of the job fair, when you can understand more than seventy percent of the students in the University, you should understand that people do not go to worship the majority of a group, the unit needs is the work of man, not an official person.
42. You can choose to adhere to, you can also choose to give up. No right or wrong. I say love it, but the important thing is stick to your choice.
43. If you always pondering who you hate and who you like-minded, then you are badly mistaken, to think how to make people accept you, not you accept what kind of person.
44. of strangers, or to each other as a piece of white paper, or to the other party when your friends, in short, not as enemies, even if you hear more about him (her) a bad rumor.
45. love you, whether you refuse, you should thank each other, this is their respect.
46. insist on good word to say that someone in the back, do not worry about good things does not reach the ears of the party, someone in front of you saying bad things about someone, you just smile.
47. take the time out to exercise.
48. your future, now more confused, more confused, do not forget to set a goal. A person past or present situation is not important achievements of the future want to get what is most important. Unless you have an ideal future, what else can not do great things.
49. Do not people know the whole thing of the past, respect people who do not like you.
50. into a major event in many ways, do not accept you could not understand the method. express their point of view of interaction (0 publication)
No one published opinion, you do not do the first one?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fate of the doomed space (network game of life complex)

 About the first semester of high exposure to online games, when hot, is legendary, and enchanted by it many a day after ..... feel that their all, and there are a lot of classmates and friends who will never know The fighting continued on the inside, Sisha, Need to find equipment and upgraded by the kind of pleasure, a lot of days and the good times also in the fantasy of living in that ...... I have been fortunate to spend some When things happen to me, I used a very extreme way to deal with it can be said of blind impulse, but also a rebellious, but the consequences are so it dawned on me, I was fascinated from a piece of virtual and started my new life and even learning to own today .... in the university, to see so many people around online games, and endless fascination with the new game once .... remember those days , after reading some books, I wrote in a notebook these words.
online game seems to be for our generation born! our generation, I think it was born after 1980 ...
online games for a generation born alone, lonely people move about the meantime, the shuttle ancient and modern, free world of life and death game too ...... temptation to empty the game is too unreal, in fact, everything in the fate of the doomed space ......< br> We are happy, because raising the level of national life, we rarely consider the problems of living at home need help!
us early, because the television, the media unprecedented prosperity! constant contact us all kinds of information, let us know early in a lot of things! However, we are doomed to a generation of lonely!
little brothers and sisters in this world, few people have the same with their own blood, in the care of elders , in the elders were a lot of bad people on the outside of intimidation, we also learned the loneliness! also learned to protect themselves! we are rebellious, we have our own ideas, we like to do things their own way, we do not that dogmatic obedience school management, parents are not subject to the pressure under the sticks and care!
so that we are lonely, rebellious, and proud to grow!
online games is a very wonderful world in here. people and people from the close to close the distance, standing in the screen close to the same point! same time, this can be very far away and very far away to every corner of the world! body words which we, as long as they do not said that no one can know who I am, it is entirely by their own master, you need to know how much the other side, the other side can only know how many!
because nothing can make us so close to this generation, and nothing could make so freely of our generation to do their own thing, which we upgrade, exercising, killing ...... there is no reason!!!
two names, one is our parents picked and chose only to write name on the account of this, one is supposed to represent their own personal game name!
two roles, one to learn, to finish the job, another may be tough persistent sharp sword fighters, may be a continuous read the spell of the Master, may also be a life-saving priest!
two of the world! out of the door, the streets busy, noisy city with lively as usual, get into the game, medieval knights, castles, ancient Orc, dinosaurs, the same fantasy realm ....... the excitement! just go with the reality is so great!
two kinds of feelings, not late, can not leave early, not puppy love, not curse, can not fight, can not ...... In short, not too much! to the game, however, these have become the server can mm 24 hours for us, no tardiness, said it has accurate to say it can be happy! for any PK, as long as you want the person to die! then you can up the sword mm Although the results may be their own hang!
is such a world, let us indulge this generation Among them, laughing as online games, crying for online games, gradually lost their ......< br> has been a long time without playing online games, high school, I had indulged in the game is to make me crazy, I lost my game, that is my memorable moments, with joy, sorrow and grief ...... have been addicted!
I do not regret that period of time addicted! that most worthy of nostalgia for my time!! there will no longer have that kind of time!!
as a commemoration of my returning to the.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Countries in the world to see what game players are like

 The famous game magazine Each national and regional players of the game have a preference on the relatively large difference. Of course, we can see why some game called boundaries, most of the players is widely accepted around the world hh
Let us take a look at other countries which host the game and the game players have more love:
Iraq: XBOX, PS2, PSP, Clibur (Soul Calibur?)
Evolution Soccer
Japan: NDS, Live 07 FIFA 07
Mexico: TVGame platform, Germany
Singapore: PC platform, video game player, more like the host PC platform
PC platform
masterpiece after another transplant in Thailand: Final Fantasy

Antarctica: FC, PC, After reading the above results, we will find sports game in the country will be welcomed by the players.
If this survey, including China, I believe the title game consoles and games will certainly be the answer to appear more diverse, the reason is very simple, because the special market environment we are the domestic players can easily play to the United States, Japan, Europe and other mainstream market, the launch of most of the game, and sometimes even the mainstream market than the earlier players to experience a game. from the game itself is concerned, it can be said that the domestic game players a very Time to change? discussions on these topics is not one or two days, and these problems will probably some time later can not find the answer.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Competitive commercial vehicle market has been transferred to private

 Commercial vehicle market competition has been transferred to special purpose vehicles
A, private car market in China has great potential and broad prospects for
According to the author information currently available: the next three years, participants will also have about ten trucks, agricultural vehicles , engine and non-automotive manufacturers will enter the heavy-duty trucks, light trucks and light buses and other areas, the future will be more fierce competition in the market! from the traditional mainstream in recent years, heavy truck, light truck, light-off enterprises have moved to open up the market development trend of private car Look, first, bypassing the main competitors in the truck, tractor, passenger and other similar products on the positive confrontation; the second is to avoid the cottage version of the edge of the new entrants; third is to strive to private cars and modified car market to snatch opportunities, sub-maximum share. All this we can from the mainstream in recent years, heavy truck, light truck production and sales prices of the two types of chassis development trend of increasing year by year glance.
special purpose vehicles in China in 2010 expected market size will reached nearly 200 million vehicles, private car market in 2015 will reach 2 million or higher. special vehicle industry has entered a golden age of rapid development is expected in the next 5-10 years, demand will continue to remain high.
Private cars and production lines of production tools, the development of solidarity and the national economy, and directly involved in all aspects of national economic construction in the past. and a range of services in all areas of the national economy, such as road transport, construction, oil, mining , electricity, telecommunications, postal, financial, medical, sanitation, agriculture, public security, fire and building of national defense and so on. At the same time, it requires for the industry characteristics, industry-specific functionality to meet the special vehicle. Thus, whether road transport, or construction work, etc., are inseparable from the participation of private cars.
in the infrastructure. particularly in recent years, the state continued to expand domestic demand in recent years, the rapid transport of goods to promote prosperity and van transportation needs of special vehicle classes quickly warming to speed up the flow of supplies. expressway with special vehicles, special vehicles of municipal, Private car service class life prospects of products and other markets, the car prices is also accelerating the development of own brand-specific car parts, foster independent innovation capacity, with the core technology, together with the synchronized development of the national economy.
Thus, economic construction and development of the private car driven by a significant role, and special purpose vehicles and provide a vast market space. especially after the global financial crisis, the state 4 trillion of investment projects to increase investment in infrastructure construction, engineering and construction-specific car and truck production and sales of models such as the gradual growth, achieving extraordinary development. In addition, the rapid transport of goods to promote prosperity and van transportation needs of special vehicle class fast warming. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of China's economic construction, hazardous chemicals products production, storage, increasing the number of transit transport, the transport of dangerous chemicals around the vehicles are increasing exponentially, the demand for tank vehicles is growing.
early July of this year, the state also decided to add in the next 10 years Great Western development efforts, especially in infrastructure construction, it is invested heavily. in which western development this year, started 23 new key projects, total investment scale of 682.2 billion yuan, covering projects of railways, highways, airports construction and electricity, water, coal and other aspects, this is undoubtedly the Special Purpose Vehicle for the development of market segments provides a golden opportunity.
this year, Brilliance Auto is working with Mercedes-Benz authorized a private car company in Austria to set up a Private car joint venture, the two sides will focus on high-end private car product development. FAW has also released the latest independent research and development this year, the city main battle fire, successfully filled the gaps in the relevant market. all parts of the country in recent years, the rise of the same Construction of special vehicle production base in an industrial park and the boom, of which Shandong, Hubei, Anhui, Liaoning, Jiangsu and other provinces as the most typical, are trying to win a share of this market segment dedicated vehicles. all over the country in various sectors special needs and updates of new vehicles in great demand, growth is vast, and whether it is from the recent or long-term perspective, the development of private car market trend has not changed, which reflected from the side of our special vehicle market great potential for development. < br> In addition, the commercial private car exports in recent years has become a highlight. According to Mr. Zhong Dong founder of the Long and Foton to export to a large number of private cars. Again this year, July 28, Anhui JAC Automotive Co., Ltd. will export 7,000 Ukrainian medical special vehicle. China Exim Bank will provide loans for the project, Ukraine's government will provide state guarantees for the project.
B, our present status of Special Purpose Vehicle
1, level of technology behind the product structural imbalance, the current uneven development, domestic private car from a technical point of view, was going through the Ten years of hard skills and temper temper, constantly learn from foreign technology and has made great progress, but compared with foreign brands, there are still large gaps still remain in the imitation stage of basic (mainly tops), development design similar phenomenon is widespread, the species is also less specific car, but a very serious problem of product homogeneity. reflected in the lack of core technology, heavy, medium, light, high, medium, general, special, new serious imbalance, the majority of medium-sized enterprises can only produce ordinary private vehicles, other types of special vehicle production is still small and simple function. high-tech, high value-added and high reliability are not enough domestic private vehicles, chassis business and private car companies seriously out of line, These have seriously affected our special vehicle industry restructuring and industrial upgrading.
2, production of key components can not be independent until now, made special vehicle chassis is also very scarce. the production of special purpose vehicles in China is still mostly by wind, liberation, Steyr, Iveco and other general cargo (passenger) vehicle chassis, wheelbase adjusted for minor changes to the modified, not to mention special vehicles special chassis technical reserves; produce most of the special car is still basically a low-tech, labor-intensive and low price of the ordinary private cars, such as low tonnage, dump truck, tractor trailer, tanker, postal vehicles. Even if the domestic manufacturers to produce more advanced Steyr Series vehicle chassis, the technology has become very international backward, in the international competition in a very passive position.
C, foreign private car product development trend of
foreign private car market today, and products shown below development trend, which is the special vehicle of tomorrow must also need to take the road.
1, the trend of heavy special vehicles to heavy majority of foreign special purpose vehicle, heavy special vehicles and heavy trucks good economic power, strength There, the small advantages of private cars can not be replaced.
2, a tendency of vehicles to increase use of private cars adaptability to meet the special needs of the private car features a single chassis to the multi-functional with dedicated professional development trends, changes in model mix more. With the changes in the pattern of rail transport, the future development of general-purpose van more room
3, new materials, new technologies and trends in foreign microcomputer applications special vehicle manufacturers of new materials, new technology applications in the private car, such as the use of glass fiber reinforced plastic GRP 〔) instead of metal in the body refrigerated compartment, high strength, light weight, long life and other advantages, the increasingly widespread application. microcomputer has widely used in engine control, automatic transmission, power transmission special equipment, electrical fault diagnosis and so on. the special value of gradually expanding the use of vehicles, technical performance has improved significantly. In addition, the upload system integration technology, GPS positioning, television monitor and Semitrailer Application design trends;
4, lightweight design trends requires optimization of simplified, aluminum alloy, high strength steel and other materials will be widely used; Second, organizational structure
modular, modular business processes, br> 5, application of standardized design trends in standardization of product structure, to as little as possible into the appropriate combination of internal changes in the diversification of product or product portfolio diversification and reduce procurement costs, streamline production processes, improve product quality, reduce production costs.
6, in function, structure, appearance, personality and human-oriented design in recent years, special vehicles products on foreign markets, technological content and added value of the increasingly high demand, some high-tech private cars began to be widely used, Some special features to meet the requirements of the special vehicle chassis was developed. whether the hydraulic lifting device, discharging device discharge, measuring measuring devices, machine operations, equipment, or refrigeration storage units, security devices, automatic control device, operating surveillance device; both types of tanks, pumps, valves, meters and other assembly, or a variety of boxes, tanks and other body structures, both in the private car has been widely applied, to a certain extent to meet the new situation, the user the diverse needs of special vehicles products. in private vehicles in the function, structure, appearance, scientific and reasonable design, individuality and human design.
this car for the special manuscript Sohu, Sohu car without authorization is forbidden to allow ! If reproduced, please indicate the source and the author's name

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

TO Changsha chestnuts

 Changsha, chestnuts and Gentlemen, Good. I received your DVD video, read a very touching, thank you.
Think really long time did not go to Changsha, and since the hoof after hoof injury was a bit for me in Changsha can not tell the feeling, in that city, I experienced a major turning point in life. stood on the stage of desire to win with flowers and applause; the same time, sickness, rumors sky, walks with difficulty. Finally, after going through all finally end of the game, but the ordeal seems to only just begun, again in here, I experienced one of life's most painful injuries. video where you say a naughty boy of Changsha, Changsha, but in my eyes should be a strict teacher, right He told me that success is not luck, it was probably very lucky, smooth, meteoric rise. but I grew up no such luck, so this time I survived the same can not be lucky, or maybe this catastrophe, let me dig the deeper heartfelt emotion. thanks suffering, let me grow.
thanks Changsha chestnuts, hope one day bye:)
PS: SINA blog is always not open I do not know problem with your PC or Web page in question should be the place recently shared with you all right:)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kaka in my eyes

 Proved to have a better life on the road ahead is certainly the largest human driving force, but it is not the only driving force, the source of human motivation to make progress, but in order to achieve the final analysis, self-worth.
Card can do I am the best example of this view.
who play in Brazil, he is absolutely heterogeneous. because those who dream of playing something else, he was born there.
the white children did not understand him The national team teammates as miserable childhood, not starving children without a mortgage do not boil you must be counting his money to buy back the story of bread. On the pressures of life, and Ronaldo Ronaldinho Carlos   Dini, who compared what he did not experienced. To know the slums of Brazil, but talented teenagers from generation to generation the greatest power forward.
his story, in fact, more like a fairy tale, a prince living in the castle and purity, done The experience is so high above the average person is difficult to close.
to this fairy tale of the prince is not to secure pleasure, do not want nothing, and his inner heart, the same proof of germinating impulse of self-worth. and numerous like Football's children, he was involved in football to attract the initial reason, is a sincere love of the sport, is running on the pitch sincere desire is to break the other goal heartfelt joy, get involved in the movement wonderful feeling, but after that, he does not need the same consideration as other children to bring football to change their own lives, for him, love is enough.
so his love is more pure love, the most representative of the true meaning of football. We recall that in football there is no such commercial era, happiness is not the sport to flourish the only driving force? Our happiness comes from conquering a player's sense of honor to Since the victory after the conquest of a sense of self, but also to achieve self-worth from the moment of satisfaction, our love is such a natural process where the participation to be released, and then we can not leave attractive.
Kaka Football is football swore business color, even if surrounded by his strong commercial atmosphere of color, I would also believe that the purity of his heart, because the reason is simple, he does not need football to improve his life. He dedicated self-purpose is not to gain fame and fortune, but to achieve self-worth. For Kaka, it prove better than others, kicked out of football more beautiful is a manifestation of self-worth. How can each of us who like football who do not want to use their feet to achieve self-value? nothing but you and I have the fetters of this or that life can not be so simple we love nothing more.
think of countless children in the slums of Brazil is to improve the themselves and their family life and work to play, think of the wealthy class in Brazil, few are willing to play the reality of their own children, we could not help but do not sigh: Kaka is the best gift given to us the times.
he Maybe God's gift, in order to awaken us, chasing the football world faster and more power higher, not U.S. dollars, bikinis or individual worship, but only your first germinated in my life.